
chapter 1

Daniel worked the late night shifts at his father's pub it was another night of work Daniel was cleaning the tables waiting for customers to flood the pub when suddenly screams pierced through the air shocked he hide behind a shelf and took a peak outside he saw skeletons that wasn't all the skeletons were attcaking the people near the pub he watched as a skeleton the size of a dog jump on the back of an old woman he bit the woman she screamed as her body startered age very quickly and soon she was also a skeleton the process was very quick but some weren't so lucky some people had their organs pulled out by the skeletons while some decided to take their life glued to the floor daniel felt intense fear he has never been so scared in his life was it the end of the world? He wondered suddenly a large sound came from the entrance it took Daniel a second to realize that someone had broken in to the pub or was it something he reached out to the closest thing he had to a weapon at the moment it was a long bottle of liquor as he waited for the skeleton to approach he could hear the sound of his own heart beat and when it came close enough he struck he used the bottle like a hamer and strikef for it shoulder the skeleton hand was swung away enragwd it tried to attack daniel but daniel kicked his rib cage it flew backwards Daniel felt his legs become numb as he knelt down on the floor panting he did not notice that the skeleton was coming back together it stood up shakily as he made his way towards daniel felt a chill going down his spin then a loud smash he turned around to see the broken bones of the zombie on the floor his eyes went wild with his mouth agape he looked up to get a better glance at the person who saved his life but then he heard a cough he never expected that of all people that could have saved his life it just had to be him