
After Joining That Server

The God of Truck and Isekai Reincarnation has sent him into the anime world. He has no cheat or anything, but it's fine because the world is at peace. Thanks the godly truck that this is a slice-of-life world. But everything changed when he joined that server. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, events are fictional. I do not own anything. Cover is Selena Lady Vengeance and a property of Moonton. ---

Fragment_of_Truth · Video Games
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15 Chs

Seed of Suspicion

Chapter 14: Seed of Suspicion

~Selena POV~

I watched my subordinates plowing the hard soil of Shadow Abyss with a slight smile. Two days have passed since I joined that server thing. And there's only me, Rosetta, and Lyssandra the latest member in it. After some introduction and stuff, I know that Lyssandra is a high elf living in Teleria. It was a different world from where we come from as expected.

The floating panel which I decided to name it the Server has something called Daily Sign-in. It will grant something after checking in and it will reset every day. I got 300 System Points on day 1, 10 Magic Dust on the second day, and chocolate on the third day. Not that fond of sweet stuff, but I always appreciate free food.

Aside from that, I asked a favor to the service member if they have some durable plant seed that could adapt to harsh environments. Of course after explaining my situation and the curse that has infested my domain.

To my surprise, they both agreed to give me some ..., without expecting compensation. But Rosetta said that she might need some soil samples and the general description of the terrain, about its precipitation, water source, and stuff. I intended sending my men to gather those, but most of them were dumb brains who only know how to fight and fuck and so I had to do it myself. It took me a day before I can gather it and send it all using the server.

And now, I received their seed pack. Rosetta sent a 'Cloudnight Rose Stalk' and Lyssandra with 'Bluff Mushroom Colony'. The rose was magically altered by Rosetta to be able to survive the Shadow Abyss land. As for the mushroom, Lyssandra said that she only have that available which could survive the ever night land like this.

Another problem comes after that, I know no shit about gardening. Or ..., what's the name again, agriculture or whatnot. We the demon didn't have that in our culture. It's not that we never tried, but with the constant failure when trying to cultivate the land ..., nobody did it anymore. And so, I asked the group about gardening for dummies. As I find it will be a lot of muscle work, I told my buffy orcs to do it for me. They're ever-reliable, immediately on the work without asking back.

'But really, this place is barren as it is so why did you corrupt it with your Abyss energy even more? Why don't you open the crack in other places, like for example in Azrya Woodlands? Or the Northern Vale. I bet the soil won't be this bad after that.'

(No comment, it's you people of this land who opened the crack. The abyssal creatures can't decide where the crack will be. And Selena ..., why did you suddenly take interest in soil and crap like agriculture?) said Abby telepathically.

'Hmm ..., good question, but didn't I explain it already? This place lacks resource, there are not even normal living plants in it. I want to bring back color in these barren lands, and that's also why I tried to get that Twilight Orb.'

(So funny, you did realize that a part of you want to plunge this world into eternal darkness ...)

I ignored Abby and turned to my maid. "Lorne, I'll let you supervise them."

"Yes, Your Highness."

I walked back inside my palace and sat down on the obsidian throne. Leaning my chin on my hand, I crossed my leg and asked.

'I've tried to suppress it for a long time. But I know that this craving comes from you. Did you actually want to plunge this world into eternal darkness?'

(What do you mean from me? It's the will of the abyss, I'm never part of this mess.)

'Oh come on, Abby ..., I'd be so dumb if I can't realize what your true identity is. You are the manifestation of the Shadow Abyss, the Will of the Abyss, did you really think I never noticed it?'

Abby went silent for some time before she answered in a solemn tone.

(No one can deny their true nature, even if someone tried to hide them it's still there. I'm just one of those that act true to my inherent nature. It's a shame that I share bodies with you, a girl who's loved by both the light and darkness.)

'So you're saying that you didn't go on a rampage and killing spree because I'm your host? '

(Yeah, that's the sole reason.)

'Hey, I've been meaning to ask this since a long time ago. When you take control of my body, why do I crave blood and destruction? Why do you try to influence my mind?'

(I might have unconsciously done that. But that's because Abyss will affect the mind, soul, and obviously your body. Although, most of the time the effect is minimal and you can neglect that feeling because of your unique constitution.)

'Unique constitution? Wait, so you mean that the bloodthirsty and warmongering characteristics of the demon races are because of you?'

(Because of the Abyss, yes. Some may retain the voice of reason, but most of them have been corrupted so much that they can only be attributed as mindless savages.)

So that's why when I took this realm some of them dared to fight against me. Even refusing any negotiation. So they weren't that different from some unintelligent monsters.

But coming into the next topic, 'Why I'm still retaining my sanity? If you really are the will of the Abyss, I think I'll be the first and foremost to be corrupted and turned into a savage.'

(As I've said, it's all thanks to your body. Your body constitution mutated into something that's very unique. Blessed by me and that Moon God and yet, still alive and kicking. I'd say you're the perfect balance of Abyss darkness and Lunar light. My abyss can't affect you that much with the Lunar power inside you. But that's fine because if I entered your system too often, you'll meet your demise sooner than you think. Abyss is corrosive and it will destroy your body from the inside, but with the blessing of the Moon God, you're regenerating the wounds faster than the corrosion. It's pretty hard to find a vessel like you, in fact, you're the longest individual that bound unto me since ancient times.)

I contemplated silently before asking another question. Even though I've been using her power for years, this might be the first time I tried to dig out the truth from Abby.

"And what about my subordinates? They've been quite docile under my rule, unlike how they were before joining my banner."

(It's also because they look up to you, and under your rule, they've been slightly influenced by the two power residing within your body. Especially your peaceful side as a Moon God's blessed child. Hmmm ...?)

"So that's why ..."

(Selena, get your ass up and go outside! Something wrong is happening ...)


I did as she told me and headed outside. I saw a magical fluctuation coming from the garden, there was a streak of mana flying above the sky. It happens every time the low-leveled demon grunts planted a stalk of rose that I got from Rosetta. Those demons won't notice it, but there's no way I couldn't. Even my second-in-command already notice it and flew to my side.

"My Queen, what was that magical flow?"

You asked me, but who should I ask? I know nothing about sh- ..., oh right, I still have Abby.

'Do you know what was that?'

(I'm not sure, but my guess ..., that mana might be some kind of signal.)

'Signal? What for? Who's the receiver?'

(..., the one who gave you those things.)

'To Rosetta? But why? And if she really is in another world, the distance would be immeasurable. Is that even possible?'

(I don't know either. I thought the magic trace on them is because she modified the plant to be more resilient, but to think that it's sending a signal back to her world. Let's not take unnecessary risks. Pause your agriculture project, let me research those stalks a bit more.)

"Tell everyone to stop working and bring me all the stalk and seeds. I need to examine it."

"As you wish, My Queen."

(At least, this confirms that Skyblue ..., or whatever it's called, is located in outer space. Meaning that we're really not in the same world.) Abby commented. (However, it is still questionable why she did that?)

'Well, maybe she's trying to confirm that we're really from another world with her own way.'

(Anyhow, regardless of what's her objective ..., she won't be able to bother us anytime soon.)

--- -_- ---

A week has passed since the day I joined the server, and the fourth member joined in. Her name is Jona with the username [Revolver Convict]. She came from a place called Rediesel, and after knowing that we're from a different world she asked whether we are some kind of grey-skinned alien.

A strange gal, I say. She demanded to give her some booze. I gift her one bottle of Redblood, a special brew from the Blood Clan. And in return, she sends me a bottle of liquor from her world. I definitely won't drink it, I'm something to be feared of when I got drunk.

Lately, Abby spent most of her time inside the pocket dimension. Studying the enchantment in Rosetta's black rose stalks. Talking about that curious flower plant, surprisingly, the rose has tremendous growth in the barren land corrupted with Abyss miasma. It was as if they sucked out the miasma as a nutrient and absorb the darkness instead of light as energy.

It was a calm night, I looked up and gaze at the full moon that illuminate the dark night. The moon feels the warmest at this phase, and it was a great time for moon gazing.

[System]: A wild |Lucky Bastard| has appeared!

At that moment, the fifth member of the mysterious server joined the chat. I pulled out the keyboard and leisurely write a reply. After a week of practice, I become pretty used to the Server and how it worked. I also tried some of its features such as photo and video shoots.

[Abyssal Witch]: Oh, here comes the fifth member!




The new member didn't send any reply even after Jona spam-tagged him. I had to use my admin authority to temporarily block her from the chat because I didn't fond of useless spam.

Nothing interesting happened after that, after chatting with others for a few hours I went back to my chamber and put an end to the day. Lying down atop the simple bed, I closed my eyes and prepared to sleep. I had trouble sleeping this past few years, and only by having shut down my mind with help of magic, I could rest with ease.

--- -_- ---

The next morning after the fifth member joined in, he did something called Video Conference. I never use those as I didn't know how to make a virtual conference room, and I was so happy seeing the members through this feature.

There's a system notification and it was about the compulsory Quest.

(As expected, there's no such thing as free lunch in this world. This Server has more than it seems. So in return for having a means of communication and trade between different worlds, the user must complete quests? I see, so this is how you 'serve' them.)

'Come on, they also give some reward upon completing, these server is quite generous after all.'

(If you have no problem being a slave, then sure, go ahead.)

'I think it's wrong to call it slavery, Abby. Don't be negative, this is a good opportunity to explore a new realm of existence besides this plane. Who knows..., perhaps these Elder Scrolls is an artifact on par with Twilight Orb.'

(Suit yourself then, this is your body anyway ..., I can only follow wherever you go.)

The newest and the only male member of the Server explained the ins and outs of the world where we were going. I asked Abby absentmindedly. 'Anyway, how's your research been going? Found anything yet?'

(About the rose stalk? Yeah, you should be careful with that lass. She's stronger than she looks. She has a high level of mastery of plant magic. Capable of directly changing a living plant with her magic, I don't know if she can do the same with other organisms but be wary.)

It might be Abby has some misplaced prejudice, but very well.

'..., alright, let's just keep an eye on her.'

The rose flower plant that sent out magic signals to outer space screamed that she was suspicious, and even more when those plants keep sending signals within a constant interval. But I can still tolerate it because Rosetta might just be curious and want to know where our world is located. I still don't know if she has some ulterior motive with those.

After all, based on what I know, Rosetta's world still hasn't found the mean for space or interdimensional travel. So there's nothing to worry about even if she found out the location of this world.




[System]: You have successfully entered Nirn.

After that notification, I noticed that the time and place that was located on the bottom left corner also changed. Instead of my own calendar system, it changed into this world system.

~Skyrim, Sundas, 1st day of Morning Star, 4E 201~

(This is great, the mana here is quite dense ... and ohh, it can adapt with my Abyss.)

I didn't respond to Abby's remark as I looked at the other four curiously. The five of us who came from different worlds officially meet each other in this world of Nirn. Even if we see each other through the virtual conference, that and this is different. Me, Rosetta, Lyssandra, Jona, and Hazuki. With Hazuki as the first one, we re-introduced ourselves.

I was for a little bit bothered with how the boy gazed me up and down as if sizing me up. But as I didn't see the hidden lustful desire behind it and only sheer appreciation and adoration, I'll let this one slide. Besides he's quite a cutie for a boy his age ..., so that's that.

Though, for some reason, I'm incredibly pissed off when he sized up the big sack of fat on Rosetta and Jona's chest. I'm not that flat, but I feel like losing the competition as they were like pair of mountains while mine is only hills.

Huh, who cares about the size of my breasts ..., I had the perfect shape out of them all. It's not like everything is concluded by having the biggest of them, right?

Me, Lyssandra, and Jona, we three separated from Rosetta and Hazuki as they headed to the fortified town Helgen to start the opening scene of the game. Right, I'm still unable to accept the fact that this world is based on a combat simulation game in Hazuki's world. It's just unthinkable.




"Hey! Here, here!" I waved my hand to the two newcomers hiding the sudden irritation in my heart. What's wrong with me, really, why do I feel unpleasant seeing Rosetta hugging his arm closely. This is indeed very weird.

'Eh, she seems weaker now. Did she suffer some injury when fighting that dragon? Abby, go check on her and see if she suffer some injury!'

I can feel that Rosetta is a lot weaker compared to before. I don't know what's happening, but Abby as reliable as ever answered. She scanned the change inside Rosetta's body and remarked inside my head.

(That girl ..., her mana reserve is reduc-, no sealed?)


Lyssandra also noticed the change and asked what happened. However, based on Rosetta's version of explanation, she seems to have a backlash on being too far from her own home turf. Something about she can't sense her own source which is in Skyblue World and stuff.

'Is that even possible?'

(She herself is the source of the said mana, and unable to regenerate mana because of incompatibility? Don't buy her lie, even it can adapt to my Abyssal element. As you know, the Abyss is one of the most stubborn elements in the universe. If the Magicka is capable of adapting with the Abyss, then what of some plant-based element? By the degree of complexness, Abyss is way more superior compared to plant life. And if my guess is correct, then it was all her who sealed her mana pathway.)

'So, she's bullshitting right through our face? Setting aside Jona who's not a mage, and Hazuki who's still a low-leveled. Lyssandra seems to believe it though?'

(I admit the elf girl is a natural mana sensor, but I don't think she can see the seal inside the rose woman. It's well hidden inside her body with some concealment enchantment. Even I might have missed it if I didn't carefully look for those. Thankfully. I always keep an eye on her.)

Oh well not only Lyssandra, but I also didn't realize the seal inside her body if Abby didn't point it out previously. But this is definitely suspicious, why would she seal her own mana reserve? And explained something different to us.

'What will we do? Expose her?'

(Don't. Let her be for now. We'll wait and see what's her plan.)

'Alright, then ..., let's wait and see.'

--- -_- ---

The first night in the world of Nirn, we ended up renting one big room for five after painstakingly forcing the only male in the group to share a room. I mean, we're fine with it so why do you seem so reluctant about the prospect of sleeping in the same room as us? It stings my pride as a bishoujo.

I pretend to fall asleep while keeping my attention in the room. The innkeeper looks like she has experience in combat, but even a vampire managed to enter this place and almost killed some humans. I felt bad for letting my guard down and thus I decided that I'll be keeping guard while everyone is sleeping. Well, another reason is that I can't fall asleep easily anyway.

Hazuki is still reading a book using something called 'phone' as illumination. And not long after, he finished and lay down on his designated bedding.

But then, not long after that, I noticed something interesting. It was Lyssandra who was sleeping with Hazuki on the floor using a fur blanket as a mattress. The time was midnight, she woke up and did something disturbing even for my standard.

"Affinities, check. Face, check. Body ..., bearable, still check. Personality, I don't know for sure, but I can still mold it later, check. But the most important is ..." I overheard her muttering.

I don't know what she's been doing at first and why she said all of that, but soon I could guess what happens. Sometime later she continues the muttering.

"Oh my, this is quite bigger than I expected. Xixixi, and this is not your true form yet. Let me taste it."

I can hear the sloppy sound 'schlup, schlup' right after that.

What in the world are you doing, Lyssandra? Did ..., did you just? Do that with your mouth? I wanted to open my eyes but stopped myself because it would be too awkward if she saw me. But I'm still a four hundre--, I mean even if I'm still sixteen years old virgin dark elf, I know some adult stuff. Thanks to big sis Alice's smut novel collection which polluted me from my previous pristine self.

"Mpfhh ..., ahh, schlup, schlorp ... slurp." the lewd and sloppy sounds continued. I somehow started imagining her face when swallowing Hazuki's phallus turned into an indecent face. "Oh goodness, it's so big ..., what a big spear you have it won't fit my jaw. But this is just perfect."

Is ..., is it that big? I mean how big it can be? I read in some novels that the man has a size ranging from 10 to 30 centi long. I-if Hazuki has it big down there it won't fit Lyss' jaw ..., then does it reach the 20 centi range or maybe longer?

Thinking about his big member, while still enduring the lewd sound effect from Lyssandra's secret blow on Hazuki's object. I can feel that my crotch starting to wet itself.

Good grief, this will be a long night. I thought as I take a peek at Lyssandra who was busy swallowing Hazuki's penis. And why did Lyssandra do that? Isn't assaulting a non-consensual person for a sexual act is basically a r*pe? Am I witnessing a ra*e now? Should I stop her?