
After Joining That Server

The God of Truck and Isekai Reincarnation has sent him into the anime world. He has no cheat or anything, but it's fine because the world is at peace. Thanks the godly truck that this is a slice-of-life world. But everything changed when he joined that server. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, events are fictional. I do not own anything. Cover is Selena Lady Vengeance and a property of Moonton. ---

Fragment_of_Truth · Video Games
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15 Chs

I Joined That Server and Lost My Virginity

Chapter 2: I Joined That Server and Lost My Virginity

But I clicked it, the link ..., despite knowing it's a spam and a potential source of malware or computer virus. I clicked it.

Why? No reason. Maybe because the content is somewhat dumb and I just want to know where this will lead me. You know, it's when you sure that it's a clickbait but you just click it, while fully knowing it's a clickbait. That doesn't make sense, but that's how it is.

The link led me to a website with ashen black background. There's a kinetic loading circle at the center, and the link address was indecipherable loads of nonsense. I mean, the hell with that random consonant without vocal letter. It's also very long, like there's forty or something letters in it.

The circle transformed into a check icon with two words appeared at the bottom.

[Identity Confirmed]

What identity confirmed? I don't remember ever inputting my identity. There's no form or anything, and it confirmed my identity. Was it taken from the synched mail in this browser? Huh, you can't do that ... not without my permission!

Sigh, I think I've exhausted most of my braincell after what happened this noon. Better take some early rest. Turning off my PC after saving and closing everything, I lied on my bed and closed my eyes.

--- -_- ---

Unknown to Hazuki, the link that he clicked out of curiosity is actually true. He was invited into this Void Project Dimensional Chat Group. When he entered the chat server, the other four member were notified.

[System] : A wild |Lucky Bastard| has appeared!

[Abyssal Witch] : Oh, here comes the fifth member!

[Guardian of the Skyblue] : New member-san please introduce yourself to everyone

[Revolver Convict] : What's with this nickname? Lucky Bastard, bwahahah, that sound sus. Anyway, read this carefully newcomer. We have a special rule here, every time a new member joined they must offer a tribute to their senpais. I like alcohol, so for starter sent me the best liquor you have.

[Goddess of Speed] : Jona, stop messing around with the new member. @Lucky Bastard don't listen to her, she's lying. There's no such thing like that.

[Guardian of the Skyblue] : I think it will be alright @Goddess of Speed ..., let us just celebrate the new member. I also want to drink, you know, for celebration.

[Goddess of Speed] : Not you too, Rosetta!

[Abyssal Witch] : Guys, why don't we let the newcomer say something. Hello, new member would you like to introduce yourself?


[Goddess of Speed] : He's not replying, is he?

[Revolver Convict] : Yep, what a bastard ..., ghosting us already when he's just joining.

[Guardian of the Skyblue] : Well, don't mind it everyone. I think our new member-san is just shy. How about we introduce ourselves first.

[Abyssal Witch] : Oh, yeah! We can do that! I'm Selena, a dark elf from the Shadow Abyss. And coincidentally, I'm the first member and somehow become the group administrator.

[Guardian of the Skyblue] : I am the second member to join, it is Rosetta. My hobby is gardening, I like attractive people, and I am not fond of machine.

[Revolver Convict] : I never heard about that before, Rose. Why you dislike machine? They're convenient you know. I can't imagine living without having them around.

[Guardian of the Skyblue] : Because they are destroying nature? In fact, I do not really know, it is like an instinctive. And besides, do you need a reason to dislike something?

[Revolver Convict] : Fair enough. It's like how I hate Eclipsites or how I don't like having my hand uncuffed.

[Goddess of Speed] : Alright, let's continue the member introduction. I'm the third, my name is Lyssandra. I'm the Queen of High Elf Faction in Teleria. And please don't ask about my nickname, I even wondered why the chat group named me as such. Even though I'm long-lived, I'm not a goddess at all.

[Revolver Convict] : I'm the last to join before you. I'm Jona, a member of Radiesel Wrench and an expert sharpshooter. I like alcohol and my Revolver.




[Revolver Convict] : Damn it, if you don't reply in five minutes then I will spam summon you!

[Abyssal Witch] : Jona don't do it. The message logs will be buried. and I don't like it.

[Revolver Convict] : But this damn @Lucky Bastard is ignoring us!

[Revolver Convict] : @Lucky Bastard

[Revolver Convict] : @Lucky Bastard

[Revolver Convict] : @Lucky Bastard

[Abyssal Witch] : Please stop Jona ..., or I will temporarily ban you from the group.

[Revolver Convict] : @Lucky Bastard come out you damn

[System] : With the Administrator authority, |Abyssal Witch| has banned |Revolver Convict| from sending chat in the group for 30 minutes.

[Abyssal Witch] : Let's just wait him. Maybe in his world and timezone, it's already in the night and he's sleeping already.

[Goddess of Speed] : Right, it's past midnight in my place. So I will be off, good night everyone.

--- -_- ---

I woke up to find my violet-haired maid Risa beside me.

"Good morning, Hazuki-sama." she greeted with an upbeat tone. Like she found something interesting.

"Morning ... yawn." I sat on my bed and yawned, and knew what amuse her.

Damn with teenager body on the peak of puberty. I have a morning wood when Risa is here waking me up. It's not like this is the first time, I almost had this phenomenon once a week. But this is the first time Risa caught me having it.

I glanced at the sexy woman next to me and she looked at the tall tent on my crotch. She had a creepy but strangely sexy smile and the crazed eyes of a hunter. Our eyes met, and her mouth curved even further. She leaned close to mine and asked.

"Hazuki-sama, do you need some help ..., you know, I can help you ..., ~release it~" she put her face to my ears and whispered sweetly on her last word. I shivered because of her breath and what she just said.

But rationality took a hard kick and I somehow know that she's just teasing me. Like what she always did. I sighed and looked at her with a helpless expression.

"Stop teasing me, Ms. Risa. I might unable to control myself and push you down."

Risa frowned hearing it, she put the most serious expression I've seen on her since the day I transmigrated and said.

"Hazuki-sama, I'm always serious about this."

"..., let's end this talk. And please, don't bring this up again in the future. I might really do it you know."

But instead of backing off, she pulled the blanket from me. She widened her eyes as she saw how my pants are unable to fully cover my morning wood.

"Oh my ..." she 'ara-ara'ed, placing her hand on my stiff rod. While there's still my loose pajama in between, I could feel her soft hand on my most sensitive organ. She said, "Rest assured, Hazuki-sama. Because relieving her master is also a maid duty."

"Ms. Risa ..." I tried to stop her, but it was too late.

Risa pulled down my pants and my big member was for her to see. She put her hands on the tip before stroking the shaft gently. All while staring at me with a bemused face. I jerked some precum liquid as this is the first time experiencing woman's hand on my brother.

She hugged me from behind, pushing her soft melons on my back. With her both of her hands stroking my brother, she whispered near my left ear.

"Master, does my hands feel good? I always wanted to do this you know. It makes me sad that Master seems disinterested with it."

She continued with what she did and changed how she addressed me. Damn, I know this is so wrong. But I don't think I can't stop now. Not like this, I just ..., want to release what I've been holding up.

"But I see that my Master is just too shy about it ..., fufufu, how cute." she chuckled. "And it's still growing bigger."

"Ms. Risa," I turned my head while she's so focused playing my member with her hand. She usually teases me and looks like having an experience, but she looks very newbie with her hand. I thought she would at least take the next step and help me with her mouth. But it seems impossible for now.

"Yes, what is it Master?" she answered, awoken from her stupor.

"Can I ..., kiss you?"

I could feel her body shivering. Her face flushed red and there's that predatory glint on her eyes. Her breathing also becomes unstable.

Her plump lips that always featured my fantasy ever since I reincarnated here met my own. She devoured my tongue while I played her inside.

I never had something like this in my past life, I was a virgin, remember. Even if I did convince some girls to be my girlfriend, the furthest progress that we did is just an innocent peck on the lips. Not this passionate kiss with a handjob.

"kiss smooch ..., ha ... ha ..., Master ..., Hazuki-sama ... you're so cute. Ahh, I can't believe you can be this cute," she said before continue invading my mouth with her tongue.

I am enjoying this opportunity to the fullest. My hand originally wanted to have a touch with her big boobs, but with our position, it's a bit difficult to reach. So I redirected it to her panties, when it found the wet fabric I pulled it slightly so my finger could play with her cave entrance.

"Ahh ..., ahhh, Master ..., no ... nhhnn ... not that spot." she moaned when I pinched the hard bean-like protrusion near her bottom lips.

There's a strange urge inside of me to held this pleasure from erupting. But still, my member down there has endured it long enough that it started leaking.

"Ah, Master ..., there's so much precum coming out from the head of your big penis. Oh, it's so hot ..."

Her hand also become slightly faster, as more and more sticky and slimy cowper fluid spewed out from my rod.

"Ms. Risa ..., I'm, I can't hold it anymore. I ..."

"Yes, Master ..., let it out. Just let out your big load, there's no need to hold back."

"I'm ..., I'm about to ..., cum!"

"Let it out master, hurry up and release your sperm!"

"Aghhh ...."

With a long groan, I let out everything I've bottled up with a force greater than anything I've seen in my fapping history. It was a literal cum spray, some of it even reach the cabinet five meters away from my bed.

"Ahhh ..., haah hahhhnnn ..., it's so thick, Master." Risa said, looking at the sticky liquid remaining in her hand. She licked her finger while I lean on her soft breast, relishing the aftertaste.

Damn, the pleasure was too much for me.

"Master ..., you're still hard."

"Yeah, and who's fault is that?" I glared at my naughty maid.


I pushed her down on my bed and opened the button of her maid dress. She didn't resist and just accepted my advance with an anticipating look. I was frustrated and getting impatient, so I just pulled it and ripped her dress. The laced black bra that covered her big bosom was revealed.

"Ms. Risa, you've been pretty naughty lately, so I need to discipline you." I said while looking down at her.

I fondled her chest before pulling down the bra. The erect nipple on her pink areole was like taunting me to take a bite. I dived into this big chest and enjoyed her soft breast with my mouth. This cushiony feeling is pretty addicting.

"Hnnghh ..., Master, hyahhh ..." Risa moaned and her hand found its way on my stiff rod once again.

After I am somewhat satisfied playing with her breast ..., I lifted up her skirt and pulled her wet panties. I observed her shaved genital, and feel a rising lust inside of me. I can't hold the urge to put my member into that gaping hole. And with how wet it was, she's more ready to go.

"I want it, Ms. Risa. Can I put it in yours?"

"Yes, please Master! My pussy is already sopping wet. Shove your big thing inside whenever you're ready!"

"Alright, here I go ..., Ms. Risa, don't blame me for this. It's you who seduced your master, what a bad maid." I said as I pushed with all my into her vagina.

It was so damn tight and I felt some kind of resistance. And I noticed some red stream from the part where we are connected. But before I pull it out, Risa hugged me and her leg locked my back, pushing my member to enter deeper into her inside.

Her cave swallowed my big member in its entirety. It enveloped everything that I was overwhelmed by the sensation. I could only groan and try to endure this suffocatingly pleasant sensation. But who am I to go against the natural flow of things. I immediately cummed my second load inside of hers. I think it's impossible to hold it back despite my solo training as a left-hand warrior.

"Hngghhhh!! My Master, Hazuki-sama is ..., ahhnnn ..., so big, the big thing entered this maid slutty's pussy all the way into my womb! Ahh, Hazuki-sama ..., my first time, Master has graced me by taking my virginity and nakadashi! I'm so happy." she said between the tears and moan.

"Haaghhnn ..., it's so damn tight. Ms. Risa, your inside is squeezing my dick. It feels so good." I said my honest opinion. "Just wait a minute, I think I'm able to make it hard again in a moment."

"Yes, Master ..., I'm yours to command, please use my hole as you see fit," she said with loving devotion.

I chuckled at that and kissed her lips and she reciprocated it. We kissed for a moment until my dick started charging another load.

"Ms. Risa, I'll be moving now ..."

The mating instinct inside of me was awakened and I just thrust my waist back and forth. My dick could hold the sensation even better now, the previous cum desensitized it to a certain degree. I tried various positions that I really wanted to try before like doggy style, lotus petal, and woman-on-top. And thankfully, Risa was like a little obedient maid who was too passionate to answer my wish. We're back on the good old missionary, but I pulled both of her hands to her crotch to accentuate her shaking breasts.

"Ms. Risa ..., I'm, I can't hold it anymore. I'm, I'm cumming." but I'm still a hopeless virgin who just got rid of his virginity by the end of the day.

"Yessh, ..., ahhnnn, Master, pour it inside! Let ... hgnnnhhh let it out inside of me, Master!?!" she screamed and her face that usually looks so sly and sexy morphed to be much more beautiful.

I let go of her hand and kissed her lips while rocking my waist with everything I got. She hugged and leg-locked me tightly that her sharp nails dugs on my back. It's hurt, to be honest, but when I'm experiencing this much stimulation, even pain becomes a pleasure.

"Receive it all, Risa!" I called out her name and let it out my biggest load of the day.

"Hazuki-sama!?! Master's cumming with so much force! It filled me up! Ahnnn ..." with a long shout, she screamed my name and had an ahegao face full of bliss.

Okay, adding that long list of links in paragraph comments is a bad idea. So here you go.

Resource Manager:

Selena: https://mobile-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Selena

Rosetta: https://gbf.wiki/Rosetta

Lyssandra: https://raidshadowlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Lyssandra

Jona: https://alchemystars.fandom.com/wiki/Jona#Initial

Risa & Alicia: 126290

Fragment_of_Truthcreators' thoughts