
After Joining That Server

The God of Truck and Isekai Reincarnation has sent him into the anime world. He has no cheat or anything, but it's fine because the world is at peace. Thanks the godly truck that this is a slice-of-life world. But everything changed when he joined that server. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, events are fictional. I do not own anything. Cover is Selena Lady Vengeance and a property of Moonton. ---

Fragment_of_Truth · Video Games
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15 Chs

I Got Captured by the Imperial Legion

Chapter 4: I Got Captured by the Imperial Legion

[Quest: The Dragonborn]


1. Collect three Elder Scrolls (0/3)

2. Defeat Alduin

3. Defeat Harkon

4. Defeat Miraak

5. Invite an individual from Skyrim to the Chat Group]

[Participants: All members, one will assume the identity of Dragonborn]

[Reward: 10.000 System Points, one random reward, unlock the System Shop.]

[System Note: The flow of time in the participants' original world will be stopped when doing the quest.]

I read the quest details and couldn't stop myself from cussing out.

"Shit ..., of all RPG, why this one? And it's the main questline with Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC."

Forget about the difficulty, but I was a bit appalled with how much time would it take to finish all of that long questline.

"Hazuki-kun, you seem to know about this quest," asked Rosetta.

"Yeah, this quest ..., it's from one of the games that I've played before."

"Game? Like sport or archery game?" it was Lyssandra turn to ask. Seemingly puzzled by the term I used.

"A video game, urgh ..., how to explain this, oh, how about I'll show you instead. Wait, I'll activate the share screen."

I demonstrated a video game to them by playing. The 4 other members, aside from Jona, come from different eras and civilizations. There are no such things as a computer or video game in their world.

"Seems fun, Hazuki can you send me one of these games?"

"Okay, Ms. Selena after we've done this quest I will send it to you."

"Send me that too, there's nothing like that in Radiesel. Seems decent to kill some times."

"Sure, Ms. Jona ..., alright, now here's the thing, everyone. This quest is based on the main questline of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's a story about a man with a dragon soul, the Dragonborn, with the mission of stopping the end of the world by fighting against dragons. The final boss is Alduin, the soul-devouring dragon, world-destroyer eyrie. And then, the next objective is to defeat the psychopathic vampire lord Harkon before he messed up with the celestial body and turn the day into an eternal night. Lastly, we need to defeat Miraak the pawn of the evil god of tentacles and gruesome eyeball."

"Are they strong?"

"Very strong. In their world, they are unmatched. The Alduin is also called the Firstborn of Akatosh, and this Akatosh is the Chief Deity of that world. Harkon is one of the oldest Vampire Lords in that world. And Miraak ..., he's the very first Dragonborn and servant of the evil god for thousands of years."

"Can any of us defeat it?" asked Lyssandra. I remembered that in her world, even the lite version of the dragon, the wyvern is kinda tricky raid boss. So fighting against a bunch of dragons probably is not a good idea for her.

"No, I mean, in theory, yes ... you can, that is if you are the Dragonborn and careful enough. But I think it's impossible because the prerequisite to permanently kill a dragon is to be a Dragonborn ..., or beg the divines until they heard your plea. But I don't think you could defeat them without having Dragonborn privilege."

"Tell me about this Dragonborn, Hazuki-kun. What is so special about that?"

I nodded at Rosetta's question and started to remember what I know about the Dragonborn.

"Dragonborn refers to a person, born as a mortal with a dragon soul. In Nirn, the world where Elder Scroll takes place, the highest form of magic is reality manipulation through voice. And dragon race, are one of the users of that magic. They could use Thu'um, or Shout to bend reality with just ... a shout. Being a Dragonborn lets you have the mastery of Thu'um just like a dragon. A Dragonborn could also absorb the soul of the dragon that they killed, enhancing the dragon soul inside of him/her."

"..., and what are these Elder Scrolls? You said before, that the game is called The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. And the first quest is to collect three elder scrolls. Is it something like a powerful artifact?"

"Elder Scroll is ..., I'm sorry, the Elder Scrolls are artifacts of unknown origin and quantity, being simultaneously archives of historic, past, and future events. They often tell of events that require a Hero to resolve them, although the Scrolls themselves do not select such individuals."

I said something that was straight from the wiki, don't know why I remembered the exact paragraph. I then proceed with the Q&A session as Selena, her Lele, Rosetta, and Lyssandra were curious about the world. Jona was silent as if she's out of place because there's systematic alchemy in her world, and it was nothing like the mystical magic of Nirn.

"Okay, I got the gist of it, anything to watch out in that world? Aside from dragons, vampires, and evil god cultists?"

"The dragon and vampire lord is troublesome so be careful, but other than that you're fine. And I guess you guys are strong enough to handle common rabble."

"So ..., who's gonna be this Dragonborn stuff?"

"I'm not sure adding a dragon soul when I have Abby inside me."

"Me too, it sounds like a hassle."

"If I was found out having the soul of dragon ..., I bet everyone in Teleria will hunt me down."

I looked at them, speechless with their reason. I sighed and said.

"Alright, seems like I have no other choice. I will do it."

We discussed what and what not to bring on our mission and then stopped the video conference to prepare ourselves. After I finished packing some stuff, it was time to visit Tamriel.

I clicked the ready button and waited for the other four. My vision goes blur and it goes pitch black. At the next moment, I feel a nauseating feeling and puked out my breakfast. Is this the side effect of spatial teleportation?

"Are you okay, Hazuki-kun?" Rosetta asked worriedly. She patted my neck and a warm stream of energy entered my body from her hand, it helps my gastrointestinal system to calm down.

After I finished letting out my breakfast, she offered a water skin to wash my mouth.

"I'm sorry for my unsightly behavior, everyone." I bowed while saying sorry, after all, seeing others like that would be disgusting.

"Don't mind, I did feel nauseous but I can hold it ..." Selena patted my lowered head.

I stood up straight and looked at them. And just like I thought, they were all the exact or perhaps better than what I have in mind.

Selena who looks like a little succubus, and that Lele floating around her which in fact looks menacing. Rosetta exuded natural charm and always with her unique smile. Lyssandra surprisingly had a speckle on her face. And Jona ..., with her handcuff.

"Well, first of all ..., I want to say that it's nice to see you guys in person. I'm Amamiya Hazuki, and I hope for good cooperation."

"Oh, another introduction! Alright then, I'm Selena and this is Abby, the Abyss Devil."

"It is Rosetta. Once again nice to meet you all."

"Lyssandra ..., great to see you."

"I'm Jona, best regard." she stared at me up and down and said, "You're shorter than I thought. How old are you, kid?"

I answered while looking at her cuffed hands. "I'm 15 years old but ..., I never expect for you to have quite the unique fetish. "

"Heh, whatever you say ..."

"So what now?" Lyssandra asked.

"I will follow the original plot ..., but I think it's best if we go on our separate way first."


"Hmmm ..., first of all, the opening scene of this game is when Alduin resurrected and scorched a small town called Helgen. I need to be there when Helgen was attacked by the dragon. I can survive that, but I'm worried about your Revolver, Jona."

"My Revolver here is durable, don't sweat about it."

"Yes, I know your Revolver won't break that easily. But it will cause too much attraction, and that will be a problem. What if they confiscate your Revolver?"

"No one can take Revolver from me, that's plain stupid. I'll kill 'em before they could.'"

"I know ..., I know, but I need both Ulfric and General Tullius in Helgen. While you can kill both of them pretty easily with this, but if that happens then I don't know if Alduin will descend or not." I was afraid that with too many unknown factors in one place, then Alduin won't show up. So I need to do the opening scene by minimizing the unknown factors, which means five of us.

"Jona-san, let just listen to Hazuki-kun. He knows this world more than any of us."

"..., fine. Shit, and here I thought I can try to shoot down the damn dragon."

"But Hazuki-kun, I will not let you go there by yourself. Even if you assumed the identity of Dragonborn, you are too weak," said Rosetta with a serious face.

I know that. When I couldn't hold my stomach and puke my breakfast, all of you must have enough mana reserve to alleviate the pressure. I know I'm still level one by this world standard, but I have Amamiya's magic spell. Even if I can't overpower the Legions or Stormcloaks, I can escape with that magic.

But honestly, bringing you guys with me will only spell trouble.

First, there's Jona with her never seen before alchemical gears. That's a freaking revolver minigun she got there. She's the literal walking cheat, having a modern firearm in a medieval fantasy world?

Then there's a red-haired high elf ..., in this land where the local people bore deep hatred toward the elves, bringing Lyssandra will only cause a deep hatred. Both coming from the death row Stormcloak, and the Nord Imperial Soldier. And perhaps even Thalmor, why Thalmor? Because they're only best buds with other high-elven supremacists. And seeing Lyssandra who was accompanying the inferior human race like me and Rosetta, that will be a big no.

Selena will be more conspicuous with the floating devil spawn Lele around here. And it becomes worse if she transformed into her Abyss mode. If someone saw her in that mode, they might think she's a Daedra. Though, without the floating Lele, then she looks like a pretty dark elf of Tamriel ..., with two horns.

"Alright ..., then please come with me, Ms. Rosetta."

"Ara? I just give some advice, never I said will come with you."

"But no one is more suitable than you. Ms. Jona's Revolver and Ms. Selena's Lele both are too eye-catching. The local people here generally hate high elf so, Ms. Lyssandra is also out of option."

"Hmmm ..., fine, I will accompany you in Helgen. Lyssandra-san, please take care of them until we reunite."

Lyssandra is the most sensible in the group after Rosetta, Selena is too playful and childish and Jona is an oddball with a brusque speech that easily caused misunderstanding. I can see why Rosetta leaves them to her care.

"Sigh, alright ..." the elf queen stared at me and asked, "Where will we meet up?"

I looked at my surroundings and recalled the map of Skyrim in my mind.

"If my guess is correct, then this is near the border of Skyrim and Cyrodiil. Or maybe we're already in Falkreath Holds. Okay, north of this place there is a lake. Follow the road to the east heading to Whiterun, on the way you will find a monument called the Guardian Stone. It's a three ancient standing stone. You won't miss it if you followed the correct path. I will meet you there when we're done with Helgen. Wait, let me draw you some map."

I took the sketchbook and draw the location based on my memories.

"We'll be meeting at Guardian Stone then."

"Right, another thing Ms. Selena ..., could you conceal your Lele. You know, even in this world people still perceive dark magic as something sinister. So ..."

"Lele? What's my Lele?"

"Ahh ..., so sorry, Lele is your Abyss Devil."

"Boy, who are you to give me some dumb nickname. I'm pissed off this girl called me Abby, and now you give me another name?"

Nope, I didn't name you. It's the player base who started calling you that. Blame them.

"Ok, Abby can do that. Abby, please ..."

"Tch ..."

Her Lele entered the ground after tsking his tongue, he dived underground just like a fish enter the water. I can't see the black blob of monstrosity after that.

"Alright, so the plan is to let the Imperial Soldiers capture me and Ms. Rosetta ..., while you three will be waiting at the Guardian Stone before regrouping. Any question?"

"Yeah, me, me ..." Jona raised both of her hands. I nodded at her and she asked, "How long do we have to wait?"

"I can't say for sure ..., it might be done in an hour, or maybe a few hours."

"I see, we will build a camp nearby if you're still not done when it gets dark."

"I'll try to make it quick so you won't have to do that."

"See you next time, Mr. Amamiya."

"Hazuki is fine, don't be too distant. Ms. Lyssandra."

"Alright, Hazuki ..."

After that, they parted way while I and Rosetta left here waiting. We chatted for a bit and asked something about her. I can't remember exactly the plot of the game as I never played one, but I remember that their male protagonist is called Gran. But when I asked her about that, she didn't know anything about him. So maybe it's the female avatar, Djeeta who becomes the main protagonist.

She was very hyped up whenever she talked about Djeeta. I remembered that Rosetta's character is easy to falls in love with an attractive person, regardless of gender. So maybe, just like how it is in the game ..., Djeeta is her target?

Not that I care about her personal relationship, but if only I could make her interested in me, that would be god's blessing. After all, a mature lady who goes ara-ara is lethal. And she's an ancient primal ..., like way beyond mature.

When I was preoccupied with my wishful thought, Rosetta suddenly tensed and her whole demeanor changed.

"They are coming ..." she said.

"Okay, just like the plan. We surrender and let them capture us."

She nodded briefly and then I heard some desperate scream and war cry. Then, a horde of tall Nord people wearing cuirass with blue cloaks ran toward our direction. Behind them was an army of Imperial Legion.

"This is your last chance! Surrender now Stormcloak rebels!" shouted General Tullius on top of his horse.

"For Talos for Skyrim!"

"Hurraahhh ... death or Sovngarde!"

"Hazuki-kun, watch out!"

I was knocked out of consciousness right after that. Don't know what hit me, but it was damn hurt.

--- -_- ---

"Hey, you ..., you're finally awake."

I woke up from my sweet dream and heard Ralof's annoying voice. But I was lying on the bench, occupying almost half of the wagon. I looked behind and saw the ever-smiling Rosetta. So that ultra-soft pillow is her lap, no wonder.

I looked around and saw that on the other side were three guys. Ralof, Lokir, and Ulfric Stormcloak. He was and not sitting beside me, just like how it was in the game. Probably it's all Rosetta's doing.

"-same as us, and that thief over there." Ralof finished his scripted monologue. Funny that he still had that somewhat dumb and honest tone with him. I like this guy, though he's probably the contender of Skyrim's biggest idiots. But he's not some frustratingly hateful idiot guy like this Jarl of some frozen city.

"Damn you Stormcloaks, Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. They hadn't looking for you, stolen that horse and halfway to Hammerfell. You there, we shouldn't be here ..., it's the Stormcloaks the Empire wants." Lokir with his awesome rhetoric.

But really, if you're a horse thief ..., shouldn't you be more conscious of your own crime. Even if you're not Stormcloaks, the Imperial Legion got every reason to capture and judged you for what you did.

"We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief."

"Shut up back there!"

"And what's wrong with him, huh?" Lokir asked as he looked at the Jarl Ulfric beside him.

This damned big bear was always leering at Rosetta who sat across him. This bastard, you think I don't notice where you put your eyes? I swear I'll gouge those eyes out!

Currently, the Chat Group is sending the member into a game world. That would be natural because the members are some parts of a game world, MC is just a lucky coincidence that his world is a mix of anime and game.

And Skyrim Arc will be a long one as it not only stops with just Alduin, but also Harkon and Miraak. But it's not too long that it will be 100 or so chapters. MC has thought of some quick way of beating the hell out of Skyrim's bosses using the power of (spoiler) ..., whops, can't spoil the fun.

Stay tuned for the next chap, ciao ...

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