
After I Transmigrated I Decided To Kill Myself Thousand Times

Ren Yan gets to choose which body he will transmigrated but he needs to be lucky because it is randomize every time he died and there are over hundred billions of population in every continent so I think he will take a very long time to get his ideal trasmigrated body. Leave your suggestions on the comment section. I will consider your ideas. My English is not good so please bear with me. I will try to improve myself as the story goes on.

HandsomeIsOnlyMe · Eastern
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Confuse asf

[Name: Ren Yan (Wu Long)]

[Age: 66]

[Race: Mortal]

[Occupation: None]

[Cultivation: None]

[Faction: None]

[System: High Grade Talent! But too old]

Sigh. I already killed myself 999 times but when I got a high grade talent the body is too old. Then Ren Yan killed himself again.

As Ren Yan woke up he was greeted by a different interface.

[Congratulation for dying thousand times. There will be an upgrade for the system]

[Name: Ren Yan (Xiao Yan)]

[Age: 8]

[Race: Mortal]

[Physique: Flame God Body]

[Occupation: None]

[Cultivation: 6th Grade Body Tempering]

[Faction: None]

[System: Legendary Grade Talent! But Host is not recommended to sync the body because there will be copyright issues]

[Host cannot kill yourself because this has a Legendary Grade talent. There will be an option to skip if the talent is too high]

"Xiao Yan who has a Flame God Body is this cultivation world of Battle Through The Heavens" Ren Yan then shook his head. "But the continents here is different from BTTH" Ren Yan choose to skip. Then he continue to kill himself again.

Suicide Count: 1,438

Ren Yan now felt immune on dying after killing himself countless of times. He can now be considered a top tier talent on how many memories he have. There is a Saint Grade Alchemist, Saint Grade Formation Master, Saint Grade Blacksmith, Saint Grade Beast Tamer, Master Painter, Master Tea Maker, Master Teacher, Combat Master, Master Seer and so on.

Ren Yan did not know that he has cause major confusion and fears to Heaven Immortal World as countless of people are commiting suicide and even Saint Grade Occupation are suiciding.

[Name: Ren Yan (Shi TianHao)]

[Age: 3]

[Race: Mortal]

[Physique: Sovereign Roots(Damage)]

[Occupation: None]

[Cultivation: 2nd Grade Body Tempering true cultivation 1st Stage Foundation]

[Faction: None]

[System: Legendary Grade Talent! But Host is not recommended to sync the body because there will be copyright issues]

"What! I am confuse right now, first it was Xiao Yan now this is Shi TianHao!? am I in an alternate cultivation world" Ren Yan though.

He continue to skip.

Suicide Count: 1,538

[Name: Ren Yan (Roronoa Zoro)]

[Age: 21]

[Race: Mortal]

[Physique: Sword Bone of Myriad Sword]

[Occupation: None]

[Cultivation: 6th Stage Foundation(Sealed true cultivation 6th Stage Core Formation) ]

[Faction: None]

[System: Legendary Grade Talent! But Host is not recommended to sync the body because there will be copyright issues]

"What the fuck is Zoro doing in a cultivation world is he lost again??" Ren Yan is now more confused in this world. "I will just skip my target is atleast a Legendary Talent that do not have copyrigth issues". Then Ren Yan continued in killing himself.

[Name: Ren Yan (Yun Che)]

[Age: 12]

[Race: Mortal]

[Physique: None]

[Occupation: None]

[Cultivation: None]

[Faction: None]

[System: Legendary Grade Talent! But Host is not recommended to sync the body because there will be copyright issues]

"Hmm. A Legendary Grade but it does not have any physique" Ren Yan frowned. "This is Yun Che from ATG I think because of what will happen in the future where he will get the Gods Veins" Ren Yan got the answer. The he continued.

Suicide Count: 1,977

"So from my memories there are 7 Continents. There are Azure Continent, Phoenix Continent, Beast Contnent, Nether Continent, Dragon Continent, Starlight Continent. The cultivation levels are Body Tempering, Foundation Building, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Emperor, Saints, Sovereign, God. Each level is divided into 9 ranks. Azure Continent is the weakest even in their sacred land the highest being is only in Nascent Soul they have Emperor Level but they are dead while on other continents they have a living Emperors and Saints but in Starlight Empire the strongest continent who house the strongest family which rule the whole continent they have a Sovereign Level" Ren Yan said to himself.

"Sadly, There are hundred billions of people here on the continent the chances that I get transmigrated in their heir body is small. Half of the population on Heaven Immortal World will be killed if I plan to get that body" Ren Yan said. Then he kills himself.

Suicide Count: 2,022

When Ren Yan open his eyes his face was in disbelief. He tried to rub his eyes and slap himself to make sure he isn't dreaming.

[Name: Ren Yan (Ren Yan)]

[Age: 21]

[Race: Primordial Star]

[Physique: Primordial God Body]

[Occupation: *]

[Cultivation: None]

[Faction: Starlight Royal Family]

[System: God Grade Talent! Host hit the JACKPOT!]

Xiao Yan is from BTTH

Shi Tianhao from Perfect World

Zoro from One Piece

Yun Che from ATG

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