
After I Took Off My Tiara

"H3K! We need all your presence here!" It was only like that. A life of an spy, uncertain of what might happen every second of her life. It was as if being alive isn't given to her. A work she doesn't even know why did she take? However, as if fated, her superior who died with a gun was a maze. Without any clear evidence, pure guesses and intellect was all she could rely on. She knew that her life was in danger every minute, but... She didn't know that her life would be upside down in order to know who was the killer of Lino An aka Luyang An. A forced marriage with the Third Prince of the country. What can she expect? She promised that she wouldn't ever fall in love, but why does he kept swaying her heart? "I like you, Istel." The Third Prince has come to like her. But can they be together when she's a spy? A spy that might get killed in an instant. And being the Third Princess even made her life swirling around in pure unknown and hurdles. 'No, in the end you'll know that this marriage isn't for us.' She tried to push him away, but can she? === AUTHOR'S NOTE: Check out my other two books here! MASKS TO UNVEIL! - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · Urban
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190 Chs

Chapter 13.2

They hurriedly started the engine. Jason was the driver, and the rest was doing their best to know more about the thief.

"Ok, there's a man in the airport with the Jade Bracelet, right?" JinJin asked.

Istel hummed in reply. "He's in investigation room now."

"Hmm... was the Jade Bracelet true?" JinJin again asked.

"Not sure about that. The police is still scanning it. Let's scan it with our materials." Istel said rummaging the bag full of technology devices.

"Better." William pointed out.

When they got in the investigation room, the man was in a cap, it was design like stripes and wearing a reading glass.

Jason asked the police to give him the Bracelet and when it was scanned, it was fake. The man shouted annoyingly.

"He said this bracelet was true!! Arrrghh!!" He yelled madly. The polices was speechless. He was just scammed for the worth of million dollars, that's a lot.

The four watched him as he throw his tantrum when a voice again said, ["We were tricked!! Go to the Spy Airline now! I detected one man was holding the same bracelet as that man in front of you!"] Jason looked to the man.

"Don't let him go." He whispered to the police.

The four speedily obeyed the instructor of the mission.

["Prepare for the mission."] The voice said as the sounds of the keyboards could be heard.

Istel looked at the man earlier, and the man inside the airplane. "This two people was different ha. Their faces was probably 40-50 years old. They were both wearing a cap." She said massaging her temples.

The people involved in the case was kinda a lot. The owner of the An's shop, the fake owner of the An's shop, the man earlier who has fake bracelet and this last man.

["The man was going to Paris. We'll take you there by a helicopter."] The voice said then muted herself.

The three didn't said anything as they were busy pointing the loopholes of the case.

Jason breathed out immediately driving their way.


The finally arrived at the scene. They were escorted by the Spy officers and quickly went as planned.

"So, this is the man we're currently chasing. Don't let him go away this time. Look at the passengers there, William." Istel demanded looking at William's laptop.

William went to other app, then typed something involving numbers, all if it were numbers. He was the hacker of the group, JinJin was one of the fighter, Istel was the acting leader and a fighter, while Jason has it all.

Jason can hack anything just like William, although, he doesn't like hacking because it takes a lot of time. He was one of the best Spies out there.

JinJin can mostly do an acting one. She was in-charge of luring their enemy in their trap by her unique plan and charisma.

William raised his index finger, "It's suspicious. Most of the passengers were wearing cap. There were children, adults and even teenagers." He said propping his hand against his chin.

"Oh... was that their theme of the passengers? How lame. Look at the pattern of their seats." Istel continue to say.

William hummed then start typing again.

JinJin was tidying the gun that wasn't dirty, it was just her habbit to do so. "Alright... here the guns. Make sure it is well hidden, guys." She said placing the guns in front of them.

"You really are the skilful whenever gun is out." Jason added as he checked the area.

JinJin just clicked her tounge.

William scrolled up and down. "Thanks to the CCTV, all credits to them. Alright, their seats weren't in a pattern style. Yet, the most intriguing was... they were going to restroom from time to time."

"How did you found out?" JinJin said as she leaned her right hand to his shoulder.

"Because, I am just good at watching and observing." He said with a bit of boasting.

"Ahh.. I almost forgot you are the watch man." JinJin spat playing with his hair.

Istel glanced at JinJin then looked at Wiliam. "The one we're chasing was on the seat 154. We need to keep an eye to him." She then drink the water lying on the table. "Oh and see who's the last men to go in the restroom. We'll capture them as soon they went out of the airplane." She continued.

William without looking at her nodded. Jason looked at William and his girlfriend. Oh look at that. JinJin playing with his hair, as he was busy typing something, he sure wasn't uncomfortable by JinJin playing with his hair??

He shook his head doesn't want to look at them, he began on missing his boss if he would stare any longer.


In Felix part, they were toasting as different businessman thanked them for having benevolence. They just smiled as they drink their wine.

"Second Princess and Third Prince, it was really a bliss of seeing you two. It's just sad that we didn't get to see the Third Princess." One businessman lifted his cup of wine.

Third Prince nodded at him. "Yes, my wife was so sick." He said.

The party was so grand and has good harmony.


They went out the helicopter then went to their positions. Jason was on the east side, William on the west side, JinJin on the south side and Istel on the north side.

They keenly observed the surrounding as the passenger went out. This time they were in their mission because they were disguised as polices of the Airline.

They were holding the scanning device.

However, no man has the bracelet. It was so puzzled. Who has the bracelet?! It was own by the palace, and if they can't find it.. they'll be dead, moreover, the man who stole might be in prison for lifetime.

So to avoid those unavoidable circumstances, they need to find the man as soon as possible. It may not be as soon but at least, two days would be enough for them and their consideration for the man.

JinJin saw the last man who went to the restroom thus stopped him. "I am a bodyguard here, let me check your bag for your safety." The man was baffled then carefully put it down. JinJin was suspicious about his actions, yet she didn't said anything then silently scanned the bag.

"You may go now. Thank you for the cooperation." She said. The man bowed then hurriedly went to some hidden place.

He turn on his mic, "They are here. Careful out there." He said as quiet as possible, so no one would be able to hear it.

["Who am I? I am the hidden robber out there. No worries, I know how to handle this. Thanks for the the reminder."] The man said on the other line.

JinJin looked around then mar with the other three.

"Have you seen them?" Istel asked.

"No." JinJin replied.

"Me either." Jason said. William just raised his index hand.

Jason bit his lips then brushed his hair. "The thief might be still watching us, be careful. Look around again." He said then fled away to his position.

William nodded then without saying anything, he went to his position again.

He saw one of the man, "Please stop. We're one of the Bodyguards here, please cooperate with us. Open your bag, Sir."

The man looked at him with a raise of his brow. "Why?"

William bowed before him, "We're very sorry but we need to scan your bag for confirming something."

"What is that you need to confirm?" The man asked as he crossed his arms.

"There was something that's missing between the Bodyguards here. It wan an important thing, so please, let me check your bag."

"What is that something, then?" The man continued to ask.

William held his breath then sighed, "That... is a private thing that between bodyguards should know."

The man nodded, "Ok. Here." He confidently placed down his bag.

William didn't saw anything too. "Thank you for your cooperation, we affirmed that you didn't stole it. Please go on your way."

The man didn't bow then left him.