
After I Entered the Game, I Unexpectedly Obtained a Harem [BL]

When a game suddenly became a reality, it is expected that changes followed suit. In this era, earning money is easy as long as you become a player of the Orcus. It is a virtual reality game that can produce several gold coins that can turn into actual money. In addition, being part of a powerful and famous guild can give you recognition and double the number of privileges in certain areas. Through luck, Si Fan won the human-sized capsule for the game from a lottery. As soon as he entered the game, he learned three things. People with good looks were troublesome. People with high status were troublesome. People who kept looking for trouble were troublesome. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental.

rotten_duchess · LGBT+
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3 Chs

The Orcus

The Orcus's existence was a mystery.

It was an enigma that many experts could not figure out. Various researches were conducted, yet none of them could justify its origins. Theories were discussed, suggesting that it might be the lightning's volts that changed the composition of the game and some, speculating that God had created this strange anomaly.

In the wake of this transformative global phenomenon, it has resulted in only a handful of outcomes: fame, power, wealth, and societal change. Over the course of several years, humanity underwent significant evolution, becoming integral members of the interstellar galaxies, referred to as the New Earth. What were once extraordinary occurrences, such as encounters with aliens, the advent of spacecraft, and the pursuit of space-related studies, have now become commonplace in this present era.

Likewise, the Orcus became a typical occurrence for the citizens of the New Earth.

There are two methods for you to participate in this game. The initial option is to acquire the capsule directly from Orcus. This capsule is a frequently awarded item when a player successfully completes an instance. It is also the sole item that can be removed from the game. You have the option to purchase this item either from a guild or a shop.

The final option is to stumble upon a real instance, although this chance is rarer than you, finding a love life.

However, in Si Fan's situation, he simply won the lottery hosted by Blue Haven. By chance, he clicked on a live stream, and his name was automatically added to the expanding list of participants on the wheel of fortune. Little did he know that with a single spin, his name would be selected!

This happened a week ago, and now, he's waiting outside his room for his package with his two pets. The courier has sent him a message that he was already in the elevator. Si Fan is on the sixth floor, just two doors away from the elevator and the staircase.

"Master, I heard there's chicken in their menu today," Snow was drooling, which he hastily wiped with his wing after Luna pointed it out with disgust clear on its furry face.

Oh, right. In New Earth, most animals don't communicate verbally unless they belong to a rare and elevated species. Conversely, creatures native to Orcus are not classified as typical animals; instead, they serve as pets for players within the game. However, their primary role is limited to item storage, with storage capacity increasing as players advance in levels.

Snow is a male snowy owl with a length of 75 centimeters, which was bigger than an average snowy owls. As you can tell, he loves chicken, no, rather he loves any fried bird. Luna, on the other hand, is a beautiful, female, black Persian cat. Currently, she's reprimanding him for his poor manners.

"I am genuinely surprised that you don't get fat with all the eating that you do. Why don't you change into a pig instead?" she huffed.

"No fighting," Si Fan softly chided before an argument broke out between them.

After obtaining them, he quickly understood why Blue Haven was so eager to give them away. Their dynamic was consisted of endless fighting with neither of them backing out until they got exhausted from arguing. In addition, Snow was a glutton for fried birds whereas Luna was a picky-eater.

Fortunately, he has enough money that he also won from the lottery to accommodate their needs. Otherwise, with his impoverishment, he would get bankrupt sooner or later.

He pondered about having a part-time job. Due to his scholarship, he got a lot of benefits from the school such as free dormitory fee and 100,000 star coins every 3 months. With this kind of lifestyle, he could manage to get through his graduation without having a job.

However, this is within the premise that he does not have to fulfill the needs of his companions.


The steel doors of the elevator opened, which caught their attention. A young man, wearing the standard blue uniform of a courier, exits the elevator while carrying a small box. After noticing him, the young man strides over with a smile, "Hello, are you Mr. Si? May I see your identification card first?"

Si Fan takes out his school ID and shows it to him. After confirming it, the courier handed him the package, bid him farewell, and left the building.

The three of them entered their room, while Si Fan unboxes the package. He had requested personalized collars for Luna and Snow, presenting them with collars in two distinct colors—black and white.

The dark one is for Snow and the other one is for Luna. Si Fan chose these two colors because it suited Luna's beautiful, black fur and Snow's pure white feathers.

Any pet of a player must have an identification in the Bureau of Legitimacy, otherwise they will seize the pet and it will be confined in an animal shelter that specializes in caring for stray (or lost) animals that came from the Orcus.

"Although white is indeed a pretty color, I would have preferred the black color that matches my fur. However, since Master likes it, I shall be magnanimous and wear this color, nya~" Luna says haughtily as Si Fan clips the collar around her neck.

Secretly rolling his eyes at the feline, Snow showers their master with excessive compliments, telling him that he has a sense of color.

Si Fan: "....." What's a sense of color.

Never mind, his pets are always unpredictable and they often spout random things. He's used to it by now.

Now that his package was delivered, it's time to finish filling up the agreement form for a temporary transfer of room.

Due to renovations on the fifth floor, everyone who was on that floor and above has been temporarily relocated to the third floor. Luckily, there aren't many students residing on the third floor, and numerous vacant rooms are available. However, due to the large number of individuals, some may need to share rooms.

Si Fan is concerned about potentially making his future roommate uncomfortable due to his reserved nature. Given his inclination to avoid socializing, previous attempts at interaction have often led to awkward responses or unintentional isolation.

Anyway, it's all in the past, and he's not one to force himself on others. As long as there are no conflicts, everything is great.
