
After I die I got 4 wish and became omnipotent in Multiverse

Our MC die by saving a girl for raped and die in this process after he die his soul travel through space and time vortex and in that vortex no soul can survive So, our MC got attract an unknown being and he give him 5 wish and what world he want to go His first wish is................. _________________________________________________

DarkSoul999 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 6 Unseal memories

Sun : So, all I need to do is to add states point I will unlock demon bloodline

[ sun it is recommend to get fully integrated with B L V so, your founder will be solid ]

Sun : ok, but is there is any reward for unlock B L V

[ There is sun, do the host wanted to see it ]

sun: yes

[ Mission : Unlock B L V


reward : A random skill (s - sss) , 50 states point

10000 system point ]

Sun : what is the random skill

[ sun you can get any random skill between ( s - sss) rank do you want to use it ]

Sun : use it

[ Congratulations Sun you get a ( EX ) rank skill soul connect ]

Sun: Starlet show me the description of mist

[ Soul connect : if you are in love with someone that you can take your life than this skill automatically active and connect your soul if the person you love is in danger than you will teleport to the person it also give you ability of @₹##@_-"";"*#*""'cczaxc_'cssv#@#

soul connected : Raven ]

Sun: Starlet why is my soul connect to raven

[ because you the body you are in love raven ]

Sun : but I don't have any memorie of raven

[ Because we sealed your memories of that time

so, you don't have any mental problems your brain was very weak that time in there are emotions of this body and emotions are very powerful it can damage your brain so, we have to seal it

but now your brain is powerful enough do the host

want to unseal your memories ]

Sun : yes unseal it

[ sun it will be very pain full so bare with it ]

sun: sudden my head is very paining I can't help but scream out it is much more pain full than unseal B L V there is so, many emotions that I am feeling I can't tell it the is blood flow out From my eyes, ear and mouth it feels like millions of nidle are entering my brain there is so much information

entering in my brain that I feel like it will explode my conscious is fading away everywhere is dark and I become unconscious

after 5 hours later you can see a boy is unconscious you can see there is dry blood on his eyes, ears and mouth there is blood on the floor also after some time later the boy wake up he go to bathroom and clean himself after that he return and was looking in the memories that are unseal so, this boy from Azarath and he was child hood friend of Raven after Trigon destroy the Azarath they got separated and the I lost my memorie

any at the time when my memories are unsealing

I feel many types of emotions but one emotion was very warm and feel very good so this is the feel of love so, l will protect this love from now

sun : so, now I need to make a base I also need assistant where I find a assistant

now I remember there is a robot in season 1 ep 5 it can be great assistant and there
