
After Hibernating for 10,000 Years, I Was Exposed on Television

Lynn had already lived for billions of years! He had seen the prehistoric giant crocodiles and the extinction of the dinosaurs! When Napoleon was exiled to a deserted island, Lynn was there by his side. When President Lincoln was assassinated, he was present at the scene. The last time he had appeared in the world was 20 years ago. That time, he had simply given instructions to some youths and then fell into a deep slumber. When he awakened, to his surprise, his home had become the filming location for the program “Life in the Countryside”. “Grandfather, may we film here in your home?” a youthful woman from the program team asked Lynn. Being in a good mood, Lynn replied, “Sure, but you will need to look after my daily needs!” As the filming went on, the film crew discovered that this old man called Lynn hid secrets that they never imagined!

Penguin Spacecraft · Urban
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40 Chs



"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

"Slam dunk? An old man?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room felt as if there was something wrong with their eyes.

The program team members were also dumbfounded.

Was this still an old man who was more than 100 years old?

Even an NBA star would not be able to achieve such a slam dunk.

Jaime was dumbfounded. He was the most professional one among them. When Lynn jumped up earlier, his body almost formed a word in the air.

This had never happened before in the entire history of professional basketball.

Only then did he confirm that he had been completely fooled by the confrontation between the two of them.

Jaime had a terrified expression on his face.

"Look at Jaime. That little surprised expression. It's almost an expression pack."

Countless people were taking screenshots frantically.

Lynn rubbed his waist and said, "My old waist. It's been a long time since I've had such intense exercise."

The camera also shot a close-up of Lynn's face.

"F*ck, this old man is too handsome. How did he do it?"

Master Morey had also forgotten to study the basketball pillar. 

Lynn seemed to be in a good mood and said, "I'll bring you guys to your room to have a look. You guys should familiarize yourselves with this place."

Everyone nodded their heads in a daze.

What else could they say?

No matter what they said, they could not express the excitement in their hearts.

In such a godforsaken place, not only did they meet the descendants of General Arnold, but they also met such an awesome old man.

It shattered their worldview.

First, it was the famous paintings, and then it was a wooden basketball pillar that was worth tens of billions of dollars. Everyone no longer knew how to express themselves.

Everyone was just numbly following Lynn.

They arrived at a row of wooden houses.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief especially Jaime. 

This was because he was really afraid of the place. If he was not careful, he might end up losing thousands of his assets. 

After bringing everyone there, Lynn left.

Someone said, "Phew, when Senior Lynn is around, I feel like I'm under a mountain of pressure."

"Yeah, I'm always afraid that I'll end up losing all my assets to him," said Jaime. 

Everyone laughed.

On the Internet, the videos and screenshots of Lynn dunking earlier were all posted online.

This caused a whirlwind on the internet.

However, most people thought that the video had special effects.

Who would believe that an old man over 100 years old could dunk out of thin air?

Who would believe that in the history of the United States, the descendants of General Arnold would actually serve an old man and become his servant? 

Such a thing was too outrageous. There were many people who did not believe it so the program team had no choice but to confirm it. 

"Authentication complete. This is not fake. I am the expert. I have authenticated the video."

Except for Megan, who was in her own room, everyone was living together in a large rectangular room. The large room was filled with lower bunk beds.

There was not a single speck of dust in the large room. Obviously, when Lynn was away from the ancestral house, the people in the town came to help him clean up. 

After all, this was the former residence of a hero during the civil war, so there was no room for carelessness.

"This is the house of some generals during the Civil War," said the little boy. 

Everyone was shocked.

They did not expect such a shabby room to have such a history.

"Ah, amazing! An ordinary wooden house has such a history."

The live broadcast room became lively once again.

"A house with such historical value should become a tourist attraction."

"A tourist attraction? Don't say that. This village is so quiet. If a large number of tourists patronize it, it will break the peace. The peace there is pretty good now."

The little boy then left. 

The program team members and the delicate celebrities all seemed to have let go of their bodies by then.

Jaime sat on the wooden bed carefully.

His actions made Kaki and the others burst into laughter.

"I saw it when I entered just now. This is just an ordinary wooden bed," said Kaki with a smile. 

Jaime pressed his hands on the bed and said, "I was so scared that I almost had a heart attack."

Everyone burst into laughter again.

At that moment, the appraisal expert, Master Morey, walked into the room and asked with a smile, "What are you guys talking about?"

Just as Kaki was about to speak, Master Morey interrupted him and raised his hand.

Everyone felt a little strange. Master Morey wrinkled his nose and moved his nostrils twice. He mumbled, "This smell..."

Kaki smiled and asked, "Master Morey, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone looked at Master Morey curiously. 

Originally, the program team did not plan on having an appraisal expert around. However, this expert had joined them by force. 

After seeing the expert in such a state, the netizens in the live broadcast room were in a heated discussion.

"Hahaha, this Master Morey is so cute. He might have been shocked by the 1,000-year-old lightning-struck ironwood earlier."

Master Morey said in a cheeky tone, "No, no, it's really not right. There's a strange smell in this room."

He walked over and looked at Jaime, who was lying on the bed. He then looked carefully at the wooden bed.

"Jaime, you'd better get up."

Jaime jumped up and said, "Master Morey, what's wrong? Did I get into trouble again?"

Master Morey replied, "You should get up first."

His tone was low.

The program team members also became nervous. Could it be that there was something wrong with the wooden bed that looked a little tattered and not sturdy?

"Hahaha, I think you're thinking too much. Master Morey always looks at beds that are not sturdy. Jaime weighs around 400 kilograms."

Meanwhile, Master Morey took out a magnifying glass and began to observe the wooden patterns on the bed.

His hands trembled slightly as he said, "Don't you guys feel that the smell in this room is a little special?"

Everyone was a little puzzled and did not understand what he meant. They looked at the wooden furniture in the room.

Normally, if it was pure wood furniture, it would have the fragrance of wood all year round.

However, after Master Morey's reminder, everyone immediately felt that the smell was a little strange.

It was obviously a very strong smell, but everyone felt relaxed.

When they first entered, they did not feel anything. Even after being in the room for so long, they did not feel the slightest bit uncomfortable.

At that moment, Master Morey took out a small knife carefully and scraped off a little bit of the wood powder.

He carefully placed it in front of his nose and sniffed it. Soon, he revealed a shocked expression.

"Ah! This is…"

"Master Morey, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone in the room was shocked, especially Jaime. His face was pale and he thought that he had caused trouble again.

"This is… this is agarwood."

The person who was present but had not seen the world was so shocked that he almost jumped up.

"Agarwood? Was that a precious wood? Was it used to make beds here?"

The staff at the scene were also stunned.

Cold sweat broke out on Jaime's forehead as he asked, "Master Morey, is this agarwood very valuable?"

Master Morey ignored Jaime and continued to study it carefully.

"What is agarwood? Can anyone explain it to us? Is it very valuable?"

"Agarwood. That thing isn't very valuable either. I often see people selling it on live broadcasts."

"Yeah, it's just a kind of wood with a fragrance."

The live stream room of tens of millions of people began to flood the screen with comments crazily. They said all sorts of things, but of course, there were also people who knew very little about it. 

"Agarwood, the value of this thing is divided by year. Have you forgotten? That Lynn is conservative and probably over 150 years old. Didn't Arnold's descendants just say that?

"This bed was given to some generals during the Civil War."


"That's not necessarily true. Is the value of the bed only determined from the day it was made, or is it the sum of the years after the logging? There's a big difference."

"Anyway, using agarwood as a bed is too extravagant."