
Unknown World

Malaysia, Terengganu - 2022, Desember

Around 3.30 p.m. At street, where many food stall open, also known as heaven street because so many type food have been sold. Two highschool boy walk together. One with beautiful face, long black hair until his shoulder and has been tied at back. If it not because of his name, Jibril and his appearance with school pants and not skirt people might think he is a girl. While another one with messy black hair, his bangs so long even close his eyes, with normal appearance like common people which is making his existence easy forgotten by anyone.

"So hot... Why my country is so hot? Damn! Why must I go to school when next week will be new year?! Can you give us a damn long holiday to enjoy our youth?!"

"Well, nothing can do, Jibril. Unlike before, the world now is going through unexpected situation. Who was expecting that the day when humanity will suffer form untreated deseas was coming this fast."

The earth right now is going through unexpected situation. It started at Baker Street, London, when someone around 30 years old suddenly collapse. His skin became hard and scaly, lost conversation skill and only can speaking like baby. Then, that disease continue spreading and made humanity lost 1/7 of their population. Even now there's no antidote for this disease.

"Even if you said that... Don't you think it is too much for us to be forced to go to school at time like this? Now I can't be lazy around at home because of school!"

"Haha, you already show your true thought, Ji.. JIBRIL! STOP!!"

"Huh? Wh-"

Huh? What happen? my body suddenly feel numb.


"What?! Someone got hit by truck!"

"Stop screaming! Call the emergency quickly!"


Hey, why are you screaming to me? Why everyone seem panic?

Huh? blood? Is this my blood?

Ah... I see. I got hit by truck, right. I think I might die soon... What a beautiful sky... To think this is last time I get to see that sky huh...

Jibril close his eyes...


Huh? HUH?!

Eh? What happen? I think I on the way to back home with...

With who? Why can't I remember him?! More importantly, I got hit by truck, right?! Why I at unknown place right now?! Why not hospital?

End up to place where I don't know after got hit by truck... Isn't this like...

"Transfer to another world after dying?"

"So stupid. There's no way I would end up in that situation. This is not light novel or anime. I think this is the result for reading and watching too much fantasy genre."

To earth people, situation like Jibril end up right now is so familiar situation. When people from earth die and end up to unknown place or exactly can be said as another world. The famous situation for fanatic reader who like fantasy genre. But to Jibril who has been taught to be rational people from child hard to accept this irregular situation.

But... From the situation right now that possibility is much matching.

But why end up at desert. Didn't I suppose to meet god and get cheat ability, did I?

Well if this a fantasy world it should have status screen, right?

"STATUS!! Haha, just ki- Wh- WHAT?!"

"It really show up."




Name: Jibril (Not Full Name)

Race: Unknown

Title: -

HP: ∞

MP: ∞

EP: ∞

Skill: -

What with this newbie status? Even if I have infinity HP and MP which will make me immortal and don't feel exhausted...

I still will be suffering damage and feel hurt...

Well, whatever. I must know better about this place first if I want to survive. My first isekai journey...

Let's go!!