
After getting rejected for being ugly, I decide to become handsome!

After getting brutally rejected and insulted in front of the whole school by his crush, Jinghe Lu a nerdy otaku starts working out day and night to get his body slim and handsome. After two years he changes schools and very soon becomes the most hot and handsome boy known in the campus. With so much of attention and fame, Jinghe Lu starts believing himself to be the "blessed and chosen main character" of this world. He starts working part-time as a bed boy at night and gets to sleep with random hot women. He even develops a crush for Qiang Lu, the school beauty. He gets close to her and just when he thought it was about time to make Qiang fall in love with him...something terrible happens. "-You're that nerdy Lu Jinghe from Black penguin middle school right?" A nerdy girl approaches Lu Jinghe on a fine evening and blackmails him with his previous photos as a nerd and other solid evidence to sleep with her. And if this wasn't enough for Jinghe to bear then- "-Jin-kun! I'm in love with your best friend Hui! Please help me get close to him!" Turns out that Qiang is actually in love with Jinghe's best friend Hui! Poor Jinghe gets rejected before he could even propose. What other curses will this "Blessed main character" face? Know more in the story! [Copyright disclaimer: The artwork used in the cover does not belong to me. The artist for the cover is- ひげ猫 on pixiv.]

BluePenguin007 · Urban
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4 Chs

A rejection worth the pain!

It is a luxurious hotel room with the finest modern necessities and furniture. A comfortable room to spend one night at.

The walls are coloured white and flooring is done with polished white tiles which sparkle under the light.

Birds can be seen chirping on a tree through the window, singing a melody of nature.

Bright rays of light enter into the room through the window as the translucent white curtains wave from the wind.

A man and woman can be seen lying on bed completely naked. The only cover for them is a thin gray blanket.

The couple seems to be sleeping peacefully after an exhausting night- or to be more precious, a night's intercourse.

"Jinghe..." mumbled the woman in her dizzy voice while still asleep. She's a fine beauty with silky-long black hair.

The man beside her held his head and stared at her sleeping peacefully.

Giving out a small sigh he throws the blanket aside and gets out of the bed, grabbing the clothes lying on the floor and proceeding to wear the black jeans.

"—Uh" the woman squints her eyes and slowly awakens from her sleep.

Lifting her head and rubbing her eyes she looks at the man:

"—Are you leaving?"

Putting on a black shirt on his fairly naked muscled body, the man replies-

"Yes, I need to."

He was completely dressed up. He was a fair skinned man with silky blue hair and ruby like red eyes.

His height seems to be around 7"5 and he has this playboy like aura around him.

After buttoning his shirt, the man walks towards the bed and picks up a black phone from the table beside it.

"Is there gonna be a next time?"

Asked the woman as she stretched her back while lying on the bed. Although her body is covered with a blanket, it can still be known that she's a tall beauty with perfect chest and fine figure.

Holding the phone to his chin, the man rolls his eyes up taking his time to think an answer.

"Let me guess, I'll let you know if I'm available on the next Sunday."

"Sounds good to me handsome~"

Putting the phone inside his pocket he walks towards the main entrance, as he holds the doorknob and is about to turn it- a familiar voice hits his ears once again.

"I would patiently wait for the next time~ as long as it's with a handsome like you."

Giving off a satisfied smile, the man turns his head back to her and replies:

"Thank you for renting me your precious night miss~ please be sure that you give me a five Star rating on the rent a boyfriend app!"

"—Of course."

The silver doorknob turns around as the door opens. Stepping his foot out the man leaves the room closing the door behind.

As he walks past the doors in the luxurious hotel corridor with his hands under pocket, he couldn't help but smug over the compliment.

"—Handsome huh" the man thinks to himself before pressing the button to the elevator. Patiently waiting for it's arrival.

"I get that alot- and it also makes me happy hearing that."


As soon as the double door slides open, the man steps his foot into the elevator and presses the button to the ground floor.

"—Although everyone calls me handsome right now, it was the complete opposite two years ago."

"Back then, I was just a boring and geeky nerd who liked watching anime and nothing else."

"And perhaps I would've still been the same, if not for that one day— which changed my whole life."


It all happened two years ago. I was in the middle school, a complete opposite to what I currently am.

Flying pieces of torn paper flew around me.

Those shreds were once a love letter written by me to the person I love.

—Only to be torn and thrown at my face.

"—Go on a date with a nerd like you? Dream on!"

It was a fine morning, the sky was blue and clear. It was indeed a perfect day to say out something that your heart has been holding.

Or at least that's what I thought- if not then it wouldn't have had come to this.

"Isn't that Jinghe Lu from class B?"

"Yikes! Did he propose the school beauty? I can't imagine how creepy that is!"

"That's what you get for being overconfident loser!"

"I... Kinda feel sorry for him."

"Sorry? Hah! Dirty otakus like him deserve this! Know your place loser."

Moment by moment, a huge crowd of students gathered around us, seemingly finding something entertaining about me getting rejected by the school beauty.

"Never come to me again..."


"I said don't come to me again! I can't imagine how disgusting it would be to go on date with a fat nerd like you!"


A boring nerd. I get that alot...but I never minded it.

Until this day, when people scorned at me for my looks, and for my grades.

Why must someone be judged by their face?

The humiliation and insults I faced that day were unforgettable.

Despite of being surrounded by many, I felt like I was alone standing under light in this darkness.

Peoples scorned at me, as if they were looking at a trash not worth the eyes.

I eventually started hating the word nerd, a word that I never wanted to hear again.

As soon as I reached home, I jump to my bed lying on my stomach.

Depressed and humiliated over the rejection I faced at school.

The lights of my room were off, it was all dark. The only source of light were the slight rays of sun coming through the blocked curtains.

I slowly close my eyes, trying to relax myself until I hear a voice inside of my head.

"No one is born ugly...people are just too lazy to change themselves."

That's the moment, when I began pressuring a change inside of me.


—To Be Continued—