
Chapter 35: An Appointment For Late Night Meet-Up...

On that day, I was able to finish my school life without any unexpected accidents.


Nnn? who is that. Rinne.

[TL notes: maybe Hoshino is Rinne. Sorry if I am wrong.]


『Sorry for contacting you so suddenly, Sorata-kun. Although it's sudden, but are you free tonight? 』

『Yes, for the time being, I have no engagements.』

『Thank God. If so, can we meet tonight? 』


『Yes. For some reason, I really want to see Sorata-kun tonight.』

『Eh, want to see me?』

『Yes, to my beloved My Darling Sorata♥️』

『Please stop joking lol.』

『Mmuuu. I'm not kidding. I remember it like yesterday, that when I kissed Sorata-kun at that time, how you grabbed my thick plump bu–t directly with your hands, going under the hem of my clothes because you were not satisfied with just that.』

『Ah, that… please forget that, it seems something was really wrong with me at that time lol.』

『Nope, those eyes you showed were dead serious. I will never ever able to forget those eyes even for a moment.』

『 … 』

『What are those dots? Well whatever, so since you, Sorata-kun seems free tonight, so please come to Jingu Park at 10 o'clock ♥️ Oh, you cannot tell Yuuna about it okay!』


<Mai >

『Sorry for contacting you so suddenly! Even though this is sudden, but can we meet tonight?』

『Oh, umm, ahh.』

『What? Don't tell me that we can't meet tonight? I don't need that kind of answer.』

『I CAN! I can meet tonight!』

『That so, thank God. If you were to refuse I was about to —- you know. Thank you, Sorata-kun.』

『Ah, yes. Welcome.』

『Also, about the meet up, it's just that I purely wanted to see you right now Sorata-kun. I still can't wait to see you from now on, I look forward to it!』

『I'm looking forward to it too.』

『I know it right. Ah, definitely don't say about this to Yuuna especially. So the meeting place is Jingu Park at 10 o'clock. Thanks a lot in advance!』


<Otone >

『Sorata-kun, I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you today. I've been so busy with various committees.』

『There's no issues at all.』

『eH, thErE's nO IssUes at ALL?』

『Ah, no, I mean, I think I felt a little lonely.』

『A little?』

『I was actually feeling really lonely. I so wished that I could to talk more with you today Otona-san.』

『That's right isn't it. I was also actually feeling very lonely as well. So, can we perhaps, meet tonight?』

『Umm Sorry.』


『I mean we can meet! We can most definitely!』

『Isn't that obvious right! Sorata-kun also wants to see me tonight, right? As I thought, our feelings are really connected!』

『I whole heartedly agree.』

[TL: I feel like I am watching a rendition of Two and a Half man… Perhaps this is also similar to the backstory of Charlie? Well, I maybe thinking too much xD.]

『Ah, don't need to mention anything about this to your Onee-chan."


『Good boy. So the meeting place will be the Jingu Park at 10 o'clock. Don't forget!』


<Neiro >

『Konnichiwa, Sorata-kun. long time no see.』

『I agree. Long time no see, Neiro-san.』

『Fufu, it's surely been a long while. After all, that time I had been quite a lot helped by Sorata-kun after all.』

『By that time, you mean?』

『That time means 'That time' after all.』

『I see, true…』

『You don't seem to understand that yet. Ahh

well, that's fine for now. Since the time will come when you will defintiely know after all.』

『So that's how it will happen.』

『Yes! So the reason I contacted you this time was not to say this kind of stuff.』


『Do you want to know why I called then?』

『I guess I want to know it.』

『Can't be helped then. The case is, I want to meet Sorata-kun tonight!』

『Is that so.』

『So let's meet. You have no right to veto. The meeting is at Jingu Park, 10:00 P.M. Please, definitely come♥️』


<Kanade >

『Sorata-kun. Sorry for disturbing you this early at morning. I'm safe right now, so now need to worry.』

『Un. I knew it after I saw the room,』

『That's good to hear. Really, Sorata-kun's Onee-chan just doesn't change. I really had a hard time because of her. (´>∀<`)ゞ』< p>

『Somehow, it felt like you had plenty of room for succeeding.』

『Un, as expected, if it's me, I won't lose. But well, if I were to guess the one who has had been the most troublesome so far, then that person definitely takes the cake.』

『Is that so. Somehow that sounds really amazing.』

『Eh, are you perhaps praising me? I'm so happy! I will continue to do my best from now on as well.』

『U–Un. Good luck.』

『Un! So, about the reason I texted you though.』

『Yes, yes.』

『You recall that we are betrothed, right?』

『Well, tentatively.』

『IT'S NOT TENTATIVE, IT'S FACT. So, as we share such a fate-bound relationship with each other, we must be more lovey-dovey with each other, don't you agree?』


『That's why. Can we meet tonight?』

『A~ah, un, it's alright… from my point of view.』

[TL notes: Sorata uses Keigo, Keigo is basically:

An Honorific speech in Japanese language. It's the type of speech which shows respect, and their use is mandatory in many social place and situations. Honorifics in Japanese may be used to emphasize social distance or disparity in rank, or to emphasize social intimacy or similarity in rank. The system of honorifics in Japan is very extensive, including various levels of respectful, humble, and polite speech, and it closely resembles the honorific systems of the Korean language, and in some elements, Chinese. —Jisho.org]

『Why in Keigo? It's kind of funny though. The meeting place is Jingu Park at 10 o'clock. I won't forgive you if you forget.』

<Yuuna >

"I have a bad feeling about something tonight…"