
8, Start the mode of losing weight and making money

Translator: 549690339

Jiang Yuqi was taken aback and analyzed the meaning of Xixi's words in her mind.

The little girl said, "I don't have a mom anymore."

Could it be that her mother had passed away?

No wonder she hadn't seen her around lately.

After all, Xixi was young and her expression wasn't clear, causing Jiang Yuqi to misunderstand.

She quickly hugged the little girl and comforted her in a low voice, "It's okay, you still have your dad, and you have Mrs. Qiqi."

"Then can Mrs. Qiqi be my mom?"

Xixi asked innocently.


Jiang Yuqi was at a loss for words as the image of Yang Hao involuntarily popped into her mind.

In the kindergarten, there were few children whose fathers did the drop-off and pick-up, so she had a favorable impression of Yang Hao, but that was all; she had no other thoughts about him.

Jiang Yuqi was 23 years old this year, a graduate in preschool education from Jiangcheng Normal University, with an associate degree. Although she had worked hard to obtain her teaching qualification certificate, considering her community college background, getting into a regular elementary school was too difficult, so she had taken up a job as a preschool teacher.

Although her job and family circumstances were average, her advantage was that she was beautiful. She never lacked admirers. Moreover, Jiang Yuqi was also a part-time live streamer with 40,000 fans on Kuaiyin. When her luck was good, her live streaming income could surpass her salary, and there was even a chance of becoming a major internet celebrity in the future. So naturally, it was unlikely for her to consider finding a "widowed" older man with a child.

But at that moment, she didn't want to hurt Xixi's feelings and immediately touched the little girl's forehead, saying, "As long as Xixi is good, the teacher will consider it."

"Mhm, I'll be good!"

Xixi nodded repeatedly, her big eyes brightening up again with light.


Yang Hao wasn't delivering takeout; instead, he was looking up weight loss recipes online.

Losing a pound would bring in a hundred thousand yuan, so why deliver takeout? Losing weight was the main job.

He quickly found a recipe titled "Challenge: Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days."

The first day, two eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The second day, two tomatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The third day, one corn cob for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The fourth day, half a pound of chicken breast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The fifth day, one cup of pure milk for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

This recipe was extreme; rather than a weight loss recipe, it seemed more like a "survival package," ensuring that dieters wouldn't starve to death.

But it was foreseeable that this way of eating would definitely work.

Now, Yang Hao wanted to reduce his weight fast.

So he decided to try this survival package and, after getting home, he boiled two eggs for himself.

However, after eating, he felt almost as if he hadn't eaten at all. It couldn't be helped; his base weight was 191 pounds, and usually, he had a very big appetite. Suddenly changing breakfast to just two eggs, his body had a hard time adjusting.

But the thought of earning a hundred thousand yuan for each shed pound immediately filled him with motivation again.

Diet alone wouldn't cut it; he had to combine it with exercise.

Yang thought of a new fitness center nearby. He had delivered takeout there a few times, and it was large, even featuring a swimming pool.

With the idea in mind, Yang immediately took action and rode his electric bike to the fitness center.

"Hello, sir."

"Would you like to get a membership card, or..."

The front desk, Yu Lili, greeted him enthusiastically, but she suddenly recognized the man in front of her as somewhat familiar halfway through her sentence.

"Aren't you that delivery brother?"

Among the delivery guys, Yang Hao's tall presence was quite distinguishable, so Yu Lili recognized him fast.

"That's me," he said.

"But I'm not here to deliver anything today; I want to inquire about your fees," replied Yang Hao with a smile.

"All right, let me find a coach to explain our services to you," Yu Lili said and picked up the intercom from the bar. She thought for a moment, then a sly arc formed at the corner of her mouth, "Xinyi, there's a customer at the front desk. Come take care of it."

"Brother, please take a seat, just a moment," said Yu Lili politely, pointing to the couch nearby.

"No need to sit, I'll just have a look around."

Yang Hao, hands behind his back, peered through the glass behind the counter into the interior. The first floor featured a swimming pool with five lanes, each roughly 30 meters in length. For a fitness center, having a swimming pool of this scale was quite impressive.

As Yang Hao was checking out the pool, a tall girl approached him. She appeared to be over 170 centimeters tall with healthy wheat-colored skin. She was wearing a black crop-top fitness shirt, revealing a flat and toned stomach, a slender waist, and a full bust. Paired with yoga pants that outlined her perfect hip contour and long, beautiful legs.

"Xinyi, this is the brother. Please take care of him," Yu Lili said, pointing at Yang Hao.

"Hello, sir, my name is Sun Xinyi, and I'm a fitness instructor here. Let me take you inside for a tour," said Sun Xinyi with a brief introduction and then led Yang Hao to the swimming area on the first floor.

"Lili, why are you still referring customers to Sun Xinyi?"

As they walked away, another female front desk employee, Zhou Ling, asked, perplexed.

There was tension between Yu Lili and Sun Xinyi, which was almost common knowledge in the store. It started when a male customer took a fancy to Yu Lili and pursued her. Yu Lili was quite pleased with the man and planned to play hard to get, hoping for some gifts before agreeing to date.

However, after Sun Xinyi started working at the store, the customer who had been pursuing Yu Lili switched his affections to Sun Xinyi and began to court her fervently. Although Sun Xinyi had not agreed to anything, the fact that a fish she was keeping in her pond got hooked by someone else naturally did not sit well with Yu Lili.

"Do you think a smelly delivery guy can afford our gym's membership card?" Yu Lili asked with a smile.


"So Sun Xinyi is just wasting her time, and she even used up her reception opportunity for today." Zhou Ling revealed a sudden realization on her face, but inwardly she couldn't help but silently criticize: This woman is really mean!

In the gym, the front desk assigns visiting guests to different trainers for reception. If a sale is made, the commission goes to that trainer, but they must wait for their turn after all the other trainers have had a turn before they get another chance.

During weekdays, there are few visitors, and the gym has quite a few trainers, so there might be just one reception opportunity for the day.

Therefore, if Sun Xinyi couldn't make a sale with Yang Hao, the chances are high she wouldn't have another reception opportunity for the day.

Sun Xinyi had not been working in the gym for long, and she usually didn't stay at the front desk, so she had no impression of Yang Hao, the delivery guy, and treated him like a normal customer.

"Yang, our gym has the swimming area on the first floor, the equipment area on the second floor, the entertainment area on the third floor, the aerobics area on the fourth floor, and the combat area on the fifth floor."

"Right now we're on the first floor..."

Sun Xinyi was earnestly giving the introduction. Before being called over, she was probably exercising, her chestnut-colored hair tied up in a high ponytail at the back of her head, a pink headband on her forehead giving off a very sunny and healthy vibe.

"I want to reduce my weight to 150 pounds in a short period of time, can you do it?"

After listening to her introduction, Yang Hao asked directly.

"Yang, what's your current weight?"

Sun Xinyi sized up Yang Hao as she asked.

"191 pounds."

"That means you need to lose 40 pounds."

"It's 41 pounds!"

Yang Hao emphasized, a pound was worth a hundred thousand bucks, he couldn't round it down.

"Actually, weight loss comes down to two things: controlling your diet, moving your legs."

"A healthy diet combined with reasonable exercise, persistence will certainly result in weight loss."

"It all depends on whether you, Yang, have the willpower."

Sun Xinyi said with a smile on her face.

"I have the willpower, but the key is to reduce weight healthily."

Lose a pound for a hundred thousand bucks, you say you don't have willpower??

So the issue isn't willpower, it's that Yang Hao wants to lose weight healthily. For instance, that diet he found at home, it's definitely effective in losing weight, but it's for sure not healthy.

Yang Hao intends to become a rich man, he can't let weight loss ruin his health.

"I can make a weight-loss plan for Yang, but you need to exercise with me every day. This involves buying exercise classes..."

As a personal trainer, Sun Xinyi's main source of income is selling and teaching classes, and selling classes is the major part, as the fee for teaching one class is only about two hundred.

"No problem, as long as your plan works."

"How much is one class?"

Yang Hao wasn't planning on skimping on this, after all, it was also to earn more money.

"One class is three hundred, and there's a discount for buying more." Sun Xinyi said with a beaming smile.

"Then let's start with thirty classes to see how it goes," Yang Hao said generously with a wave of his hand.

"Thirty classes?"


Sun Xinyi's eyes lit up, not expecting the man to be so straightforward. Usually, even selling ten classes would require quite a bit of talking, and some sleazy men made improper requests under the pretense of buying classes.

But Yang Hao didn't say any nonsense and directly bought thirty classes. He really was bold and generous.

"Yang, if you buy thirty classes, I can give you five more for free."

Seeing how straightforward Yang Hao was, Sun Xinyi didn't skimp and gave him five additional classes directly.

"By the way, Yang, do you have a membership card for our gym?" Sun Xinyi inquired further.

"No," Yang Hao shook his head.

"Then you need to get one. The annual card is 3888 per card."


Yang Hao nodded. The fitness center was quite large with five floors, and an annual card for 3888 didn't seem too expensive.

"Yang, let's go get the card then!"

Since Yang Hao was still prompt, Sun Xinyi couldn't help but be overjoyed. With the thirty private classes plus one annual card, the total amount was already over ten thousand. The commission rate for instructors selling classes wasn't fixed; the more they sold, the higher the commission rate.

From this deal alone, Sun Xinyi would earn a commission of at least two thousand, and with some luck, it might go up to three thousand.

Front desk.

"Lili, they're back."

Zhou Ling noticed Sun Xinyi and Yang Hao returning and poked Yu Lili who was busy sending messages.

"Probably that delivery guy was scared off by our gym's card price."

"After all, it would cost him half a month's salary!"

Yu Lili wore a smile on her face, feeling secretly delighted.

"I don't know what he was thinking, isn't delivering food enough exercise?"

Zhou Ling said in a low voice, making snide remarks. She was the kind of person who would be swayed easily, speaking ill of Sun Xinyi when along with Yu Lili, but also bad-mouthing Yu Lili when with Sun Xinyi. Such people are quite common in reality.