
16, thank you to my girlfriend for her righteous help

Translator: 549690339


Li Manshu's pupils suddenly dilated, her face filled with disbelief.

Although she had scarcely been home before the one-month cooling-off period, based on her understanding of Yang Hao, it didn't seem likely for him to start a new relationship so quickly, especially not with someone younger and prettier than her.

Shen Mingshan was also dumbfounded, having thought Yang Hao was still in the process of deceiving the young girl, not realizing he had already succeeded.

Looking at Sun Xinyi's tall and voluptuous figure, he couldn't help but scoff internally, "Such fine cabbage has been hogged by a pig!"

Damn, I want to be that pig!!

Jealousy and envy quickly filled Shen Mingshan's heart.

Quietly calculating how to get her contact details, it seemed obvious that this beauty was easy to deceive—someone who wouldn't disdain even a delivery man, let alone him, the esteemed Marketing Director of Inspiration Advertising, surely it would be easy for him to take control!

"Yang Hao, you're really something, finding a woman right after getting divorced!"

If Yang Hao had just found a woman inferior to herself, Li Manshu might not have been too emotional and would have felt secretly proud: See, after leaving me, you can only find someone like that.

But now that he was with the young and beautiful Sun Xinyi, she felt a pang of imbalance in her heart, a feeling as though it wasn't her who dumped Yang Hao, but that she had been dumped.

"I found someone after getting divorced, which is reasonable and lawful."

"Unlike some people, who were so eager to find someone to take over even before getting divorced."

Truthfully, Yang Hao did not want to argue in such a setting, it was too embarrassing.

But Li Manshu was obviously unreasonable. What did she mean by finding a woman right after getting divorced? He remembered how, even before she was divorced, she had already started cozying up to someone surnamed Shen. Now that he was divorced, he couldn't look for someone?

That was blatantly playing with double standards recognized all over Hua Country.

Li Manshu, who lacked any real argument, was rendered speechless and looked at Yang Hao in disbelief—during their time together, he'd never talked back to her like this.

"Mr. Yang, don't slander me."

"Manshu and I are just colleagues!"

On the surface, Shen Mingshan's words seemed to be helping Li Manshu reclaim the moral high ground, but in reality, he wanted to show Sun Xinyi that his relationship with the woman by his side wasn't improper, aiming to rebuild his image.

"Just colleagues, is that so?"

Yang Hao scoffed coldly, "Would you like me to invite Ms. Wang Xueru over to discuss this in person with you three?"



Shen Mingshan was speechless, his eyes almost popping out from behind his glasses. He couldn't fathom how Yang Hao knew his wife's name.

And from his tone, it sounded as though he knew his wife too!

Could it be that he has been investigating me quietly???

The thought sent a chill down Shen Mingshan's spine. As the Marketing Director of Inspiration Advertising, he was not unfamiliar with accepting bribes. If Yang Hao had actually investigated these matters, he would not only lose his job but might also end up 'sewing on the sewing machine.'

"Manshu, let's go."

"No point arguing with a mad dog!"

Shen Mingshan panicked and, not daring to continue the confrontation, turned and left.

"Mingshan, you..."

Li Manshu looked frustrated; she had wanted to mock a few more words, but with Shen Mingshan gone, she felt awkward staying behind and quickly followed.

The farce ended abruptly, leaving the onlooking receptionists with expressions of unfulfilled curiosity. It was a workday, and the store wasn't busy; enjoying such gossip was somewhat of a treat.

It's a pity that man was too cowardly and simply took off.

"Miss, let's continue trying out the bags."

The receptionist attending Yang Hao and Sun Xinyi was quick to react, promptly putting her gossipy mindset aside.

"Yang, shall we continue?"

Sun Xinyi looked at Yang Hao.

"Do we need to try it on?"

Yang Hao waved his hand, and upon hearing this, the sales assistant couldn't help but feel disappointed, as it seemed that the golden customer had changed his mind after the commotion just now.

However, Yang Hao's next words gave her emotions a rollercoaster-like experience, "Wrap up both the ivory and black ones."


The sales assistant was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Sir, are you buying two?"

"Is there a problem with the way I expressed it?"

Yang Hao asked with a smile.

"No problem, no problem at all."

The sales assistant beamed with joy, having thought that the golden customer was about to leave, only to be pleasantly surprised with a dramatic twist.

Not only did he not leave, but he also bought two bags in one go.

"Sir, Miss, please wait in the resting area."

The sales assistant led the two to the resting area, where other assistants promptly served them tea and snacks.

Meanwhile, Sun Xinyi's heart was racing, thumping wildly. Yang had impulsively purchased two bags—one was a birthday gift for his sister, so the other must be for her, right?

This was a Prada handbag worth twenty-six thousand each, too valuable. Should I accept it??

"Miss, please check the bags. If there are no issues, I will go and issue the receipt."

While Sun Xinyi was wrestling with her thoughts, the sales assistant who had served them returned from the storeroom with two new bags.

Sun Xinyi subconsciously looked at Yang Hao, her eyes conveying a questioning look.

"I don't understand these things. As long as you think it's good, that's fine," Yang Hao shrugged lightly.

Sun Xinyi nodded, opened the protective dust bag bearing the Prada logo, and carefully took out the brand-new handbag to inspect it.

Prada is known for its subpar quality among well-known luxury brands. Its quality isn't the worst, but it's close, with common issues like deformation, open seams, easily broken zippers, and logos that fall off, among other things.

If you own a Prada bag with exceptional quality, then congratulations, it's highly likely that it was made in Shencheng!

So actually, when people buy luxury goods, it's not so much for the quality but for the brand and social attributes.

However, even though Prada's quality isn't that great, the likelihood of having issues with a new bag is still pretty low.

After inspecting them, Sun Xinyi found no issues with either bag and gave Yang Hao a nod.

"Beautiful, go ahead and issue the receipt,"

Yang Hao finished his tea and stood up, following the sales assistant to the cash register before elegantly paying with his card.

The two bags cost a total of fifty-two thousand!


Yang Hao didn't know if this was a kind of illness, but spending money really did give him an inexplicably comfortable feeling.

That's why he could understand why some women felt better after shopping.

"Take care, and welcome back anytime."

The sales assistant sent off Yang Hao and Sun Xinyi with a beaming smile, while internally dissing Li Manshu: To think she would reject such a good husband and pass him off to other women, look now, pretty young girls are all lining up for him!

"Thanks for your gallant help today."

"Just a small gift, nothing much."

After leaving the Prada store, Yang Hao handed the ivory handbag over to Sun Xinyi.

"Ah, this..."

Sun Xinyi had already guessed that one of the bags was meant for her, but when Yang Hao actually handed it over, she was still somewhat flustered.