

When I woke up, my entire body felt sore beyond measure. Opening my eyes, I saw several women dressed as maids surrounding me, holding various items in their hands, including food, water, a set of evening attire, and a pile of jewelry.

"Miss Winters, you are finally awake!" one of the maids exclaimed. "Mr. Blackwood mentioned that you're to attend a family dinner at the Blackwood residence tonight. As soon as you woke up, we were to bathe you and change your clothes."

"Mr. Blackwood? Which Mr. Blackwood? Both my ex-boyfriend and my current boyfriend have the last name Blackwood." My mind was foggy as I attempted to get out of bed, only to find my legs too weak, causing me to fall straight to the floor.

I muttered to myself, "The male model at the nightclub was too much; I need to find a different nightclub next time."

The maids exchanged glances, seeming to have something on their minds but hesitated to speak.

"Oh right, the family dinner! Dominic invited me to attend his family dinner." I finally remembered, "But isn't the Blackwood family dinner supposed to be tomorrow night?"

One of the maids replied, "Miss Winters, you've been asleep for a whole day and night."

"Ah, is that so?" I touched my nose somewhat guiltily. "Dominic hasn't found out what I did, has he?"

Without waiting for an answer, I responded to my own question: "He must not have found out anything, otherwise he would have come to scold me by now. If he asks, I'll just insist that I only went to the nightclub to drink, nothing more. Yes, that's it. I just drank and then slept for a whole day and night..."

Arriving at the Blackwood residence for the evening in a haute couture dress and jewelry selected by Dominic, I encountered Elara at the front door, also here for the family dinner. This time, without Sebastian by her side, she didn't bother to maintain her frail façade and walked straight up to me, provokingly saying, "Cassandra, you really have no shame, do you? Sebastian has already broken up with you, and here you are, shamelessly following him to his house. What, did you spend so much trying to lure him in that you've realized you can't recoup your investment?"

I glanced at her dress, which seemed to be yet another piece from my wardrobe that I hadn't worn for years, and responded indifferently, "That dress you're wearing is several years out of fashion."

Noticing my dress and jewelry, a flicker of jealousy passed through Elara's eyes, but she quickly scoffed and laughed mockingly, "Cassandra, I didn't expect you to go to such lengths to win back Sebastian. That dress clearly didn't come cheap. How many nights did you have to sell yourself to afford it?"

Despite her insincere questioning, I replied, "Not much, just one night."

"What? Just one night!" she exclaimed in shock. "Is he running a charity or what?"

I considered her question seriously: "His main job is as a CEO, but he does indeed do a lot of charity work."

Elara no longer cared to mock me, asking, "Is he richer than Sebastian?"

"Obviously." The entire Blackwood fortune belongs to Dominic; even the villa where Sebastian and his mother live is lent to them by Dominic. Poor Elara had no idea about this.

Unaware of the increasing sympathy in my gaze towards her, Elara persisted, "Who is this person? Can you introduce me to him?"

Seeing her eagerness, I had no doubt that if I told her, she would immediately dump Sebastian. So, I answered, "No comment."

Elara reverted to her initially superior demeanor, snorting coldly, "He probably doesn't even exist. You must have rented that dress and jewelry just to attend the Blackwood family dinner, in a bid to win back Sebastian's heart. Cassandra, give it up. Sebastian will never fall for you."

I couldn't be bothered to argue with her: "If that's what you think, then so be it."

The dinner was set in the grand hall of the Blackwood family's home, with exquisite crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, casting a soft and elegant glow. The walls were adorned with family portraits and various artworks. In the center of the hall stood a long dining table, covered with a snow-white tablecloth, with silverware and fine porcelain neatly arranged, every detail exuding nobility and sophistication.

Present in the hall were only Sebastian, his mother Margaret, and a host of servants. Upon seeing me, Margaret spoke in a mocking tone, "Oh, isn't it Cassandra? What, couldn't find a man and came back to beg Sebastian to take you back? Don't delude yourself, Elara is the daughter-in-law I've chosen."

Sebastian also spoke, "Cassandra, I know you still can't let go of me. You're obsessed with my looks, my intelligence, my wealth. But I love Elara, I'm sorry, but I have to disappoint your love for me."

Margaret turned to Sebastian, "My son, you don't need to apologize to her. If anyone should be saying sorry, it's her to you. You wasted two years of your youth on her, and a boy's youth is so precious..."

Just then, Elara entered the entrance. As soon as Sebastian saw Elara entering, his eyes lit up: "Oh, my dear Elara, I've missed you so much."

He opened his arms wide, and Elara immediately rushed into them: "Oh, Sebastian, I've missed you too."

With that, they embraced tightly, and began to kiss passionately, lost in their own world.

Until Elara's lips were swollen from the kisses, Sebastian reluctantly stopped kissing her. Elara nestled in his arms, asking, "Sebastian, did you invite Cassandra to the family dinner?"

Sebastian hurriedly shook his head: "How could that be? You and I are over; you're the only one in my heart now. I wouldn't do something that could make you misunderstand. But, perhaps she loves me too deeply... Sigh, it's my fault for being too charming. Sometimes, being too charming can be a problem."

Hearing this, I was speechless but still forced myself to calm down. After all, considering the family relations, Sebastian is now technically my nephew, and as an elder, I suppose I should be more forgiving towards the younger generation.

Upon hearing Sebastian's words, Elara's gaze towards him immediately filled with even more admiration: "Sebastian, you're so outstanding. I'm so afraid of losing you."

Sebastian pecked her swollen lips proudly: "Don't worry, I will always love only you."

Elara playfully punched his chest with a shy smile: "Since you love me," she then abruptly turned her gaze towards me, "you should quickly kick Cassandra out. Don't let her disturb the family dinner."

I was stuffing pastries into my mouth when I heard her, and I couldn't help but spit them out, spraying pastry crumbs all over Elara's dress.

"Ah! My dress!" She screamed, "Cassandra, you'll pay for my dress!"

"Sure," I replied. "Give me the purchase receipt, and I'll compensate you at the original price."

Of course, she couldn't produce a receipt since the dress wasn't hers to begin with. My response only fueled her anger more, and she forgot to maintain her frail demeanor, hysterically yelling at Sebastian, "Sebastian, I don't want to see her here! Get her out, get her out now!"

Sebastian hastily tried to soothe Elara, while directing the servants towards me, "Get this woman out of here!"

The servants were at a loss when Dominic's commanding voice suddenly echoed from the entrance, "I'd like to see who dares to throw my girlfriend out!"