

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

His clothes were caked in dirt, as if he had rushed over right after finishing work.

"It's fine, Uncle."

Lin Ci bade farewell to Lu Ning and promptly left.

Lu Zhi looked at Lu Ning. "What happened? How did you get hurt? Did you treat the wound properly?"

Lu Ning smiled at him. "I'm alright, it's already taken care of. I accidentally fell down and hurt myself."

"Come, let Daddy take a look."

Lu Ning bowed her body slightly. Lu Zhi stared at the gauze plastered on her forehead, his heart wrought with worry.

"Were you hit anywhere else? Does it hurt?"

Lu Ning smiled. "No, it doesn't hurt anymore."

He was about to ask again when Lu Ning interrupted him.

"Daddy, I'm heading to that café for an interview. Come with me."

Lu Zhi was still in a daze. "Huh? What interview?"

Lu Ning did not explain further and simply dragged him over.

Huo Jinyan sat in the car and watched this scene unfold.

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