
chapter twelve: prepare the car we're leaving

At a shopping mall.

"Perity what do you think about this dress"

"This so beautiful, I think it will look really nice on you"

"You think so too"

"Emma I know so. It simply tailored for you"

"I know right" Emaa said looking at the dress with a shiny eyes.

"I will take this wrap it up for me"

"Yes ma'am"

"Ok Emma now help me out with this two, I don't know which to take"

" It's simple "

" How? "Purity asked Emma looking confused.

" If you are confused on which to take then, you should take the both"

" Right, that's true I didn't even think of that "

" See that why you need me because you simply can't do without me "

" Ok fine I know let's just go and pay, I hate seeing you looking so smug just because you did me a little favor "

" What ever, just know that you can't do without me "

" Ok ok fine I surrender "Purity said with her hands playfully up in a surrendering posture.

"That's better. Let's go"


The next day.

"Carlos hurry up the guy boss sent is going to be here soon"

"Chill out am coming" Carlos shouted from inside the cottage.

" Hey get up time to go"

Beaty looked at him and start trying to stand on her feet.

" Why are you so slow get up quickly "

Beaty after trying for some seconds successfully stood up and Carlos dragged her outside.

" Put her on the car let go "

" What about the the guy boss said he is sending to lead us to the new location "

" We will meet him along the way"

" Ok let's go then "

They pushed Beaty into the car and drove off.

Twenty minutes later at a road block.

" Hey!" a dark guy with tattoos drawn from his face to his shoulder black waved down their car.

"What's up man"

"Cool. You guys the corpal ne with the package"


"Good. Let's go"

He said opening the back sit and he got in and closed the door.

"Turn left after the next intersection"

"Alright. Here we go"


"Gorge have you gotten a replacement for the tech guy yet"

"No sir"

"Good leave it to me for now "

"Ok sir"

"You can go now and call Joseph on your way out"

"Yes sir" Gorge said and went out.

"Sor you sent for me "

"Yes called Beaty and inform her about my intienary for the week"

"Noted sir"

"You may leave now"


"Honey I have been calling Beaty since yesterday she has not been picking her calls" Beaty's mom said looking at her husband.

"Yeah I have been trying her number since morning because she didn't come home yesterday but she is not picking up" Michael said looking at his wife.

"Honey am having a very bad feeling about this because Beaty have never done something like this before"

"Should we call James since she is not picking up"

"Yes let's call him"


"Sir Miss Beaty is not picking up her calls"

"What happened?" James asked frowning.

" I connected with the secretary and she said Miss Beaty has not been to the company since she left yesterday for the Dives before we left"

" Are you sure about this"

" Yes sir that is exactly what the secretary said on the phone "

" Hmm let me call her something is not right"

Ring Ring Ring

" This the fifth time am calling her number and she is still haven't answered any of my calls "

James said looking nowhere in particular.

"James prepare the car we are leaving now"

"But sir what about the company's st...."

"Prepare the car if the they can't even handle this then there is no need keeping them, besides Victor should know not to cross the limit" James said cutting him off.

" Yes sir " Joseph left to get the car ready.


"Pack by the side"

"Oh" Jeff packed by the side and they got out of the car.

Jeff's phone ring.

"Hello boss"

"Have you arrived"

"Yes boss we just did"

"Good you and Carlos and leave her in Lucian's care"

" Yes boss"

" Hmmm" the other end responded and hung up.

Jeff turned to the dark guy with tattoos.

" Boss said it's up to you now that me and Carlos should return to the base "

" Sure"

Jeff nodded and drove off with Carlos in Beaty's car.

Lucian turned to Beaty and said " ok let's go, follow me "

They went into the house it a two story duplex with the paint already felling off.

The inside of the duplex is quite new with exquisite decorations. It's looked like it was renovated recently with paintings hanging on the walls.

Lucian took Beaty into my new of the rooms on the second floor. The room is at the end of the long passage with a small window, a bed, a table with nothing on it and a bathroom with no windows.

" You better stay here obediently without having any stupid ideas or else forget about ever leaving "

Lucian threatened and left to room but not without locking the door.


"Honey James number is not going through"

"Hmmm so what should we do now"

"I don't know am getting really worried now"

"Why don't we wait a little? Maybe they are busy right now"

"Am really worried. Am having a bad feeling"

"Just calm down"

"Why don't we call grandma cliff maybe she can help"

"No calm down we might end up getting her worried just like you are"

"That's true"

"Let wait for an hour and call them again they might pick up"

"I hope so"


"I haven't seen Beaty since the last time she came" grandma cliff said.

"Who knows where she is, mayb she is some where fooling around now my son is currently not in the country"

"If you don't talk nobody is going to take for a mute" grandma cliff said looking at Mrs cliff.

"Mom don't you know that, that dead girl is a f*cking slut and a gold digger"

"Shut up!"


"Shut up! Didn't you hear me? Why are you still shouting? Now get out"

" Hmmm"Mrs Cliffs snouted and walked away.