
Chapter Thirteen:Are they granting me my last meal.

At the outskirt of city N.

Inside the the house, at the room at the extreme of the long corridor of the second floor.

Beaty was looking at her hands dejectedly.

'who knows what this people are thinking. I Don't even know them from anywhere at all so they can't possibly kidnap me to settle scores with me"

Beaty thought to her self looking puzzled as to why she was kidnap all of a sudden.

'if this continue they will definitely kill me one of these days" She frown with fear written all over her face. Few minutes later she looked as if she has realized something and clapped her hands.

"I forget I heard the other guy from before talking to that other guy with a yellow teeth saying that they are not allowed to touch me"

Beaty said and a laugh escaped from her lips but she immediately cautioned her self "oh Beaty you are such and idiot. You can still laugh in a situation like this, what if they are planning on selling you to a rich old old as s*x slave"

"No no that can not happen. Beaty be optimistic it can't be that bad if not I rather die than live such a disgrace of a life serving an old man in bed" Beaty said seriously with her eyes shimmering with a firm resolve.

"But what about my mom and my dad they would be worried to death . Hmm there is still James and grandma Cliffs and I know they would be looking for me. I pray they find me before something terrible happens"

"Squark.." she heard the sound of the door to the room she is in opened and her heart skipped. 'could he be here to finally drag to sell her or are they about to... "

" Hey I brought you food eat" her thought were cut off by Lucian.

Beaty turned around and saw he dropping a tray with curry rice ,fried chicken , a juiceand a can of bottled water.

She looked at him surprised visible on her face oh no it is happening sooner than expected, are they granting her her last meal before her execution "she thought with horror written all over her face.

Lucian looked at her and stifled a laugh and managed to say coldly" you better eat your food " he said and walked to the door. He opened the door and looked at Beaty and said " the food it not poisoned and is also not your last meal"

He said and closed the door and locked it from the outside.

Inside the room Beaty sighed and thought to herself " who knows if he is saying that on purpose so that she will eat the food and die"

Beaty thought looking at the food. But on a second thought she thought that instead of him trying to convince her to eat the food he can as well force it down her throat himself.

She nodded and start eating the food.

" I need to eat without leaving any left on the plate so that if they is and opportunity to escape I will have the strength to run "

At the first floor of the same duplex Lucian was answering a call.

" Yes boss I have already given her the food with the pills "

" Hmmm remember the plan. Any mistake and I will have your head for it"

" Don't worry boss everything is in order she will probably be knocked out soon by the drugs"

" Hmmm" the person at the other end made a sound from his nose but continue as if remembering something and he Added.

"Make sure that you don't hurt her in any way. One hair missing from her body and I will have your head for it"

"Yes boss"

"Good. Prepare the necessary things the other will meet up with you to night and they will move her to another location in the early hours of the morning"

"Yes boss"


"Sir we are landing in Twenty minutes from now" Joseph informed James.

"Hmmm" he responded with his eyes closed. He looked tired and stressed but in a way still managed to looked as handsome as always.

An hour later inside the car.

"Sir are we going to the old house or..."

"Drive to the Matthew's" James said cutting him off.

James was about to say something to him but looking at him through the rear view mirror he decided against it.

Few minutes later.

"Sir we here"

James opened his tired eyes and looked out of the window and got out of the car.

Inside the house.

"Honey I think I heard the sound of a car engine outside the house" Beaty's mother said to her husband.

"Is that so. Let's go and check it out"

"Yes it maybe our daughter and so worried" she said and rushed outside to see if it's Beaty.

Matthew and his wife on getting there saw James coming towards them and Beaty's mom immediately rushed to him.

"James where is Beaty she hasn't been home for two days now she she with you? Am so worried"

She said in one breath without stopping.

James looked at her and her husband behind her and frowned inwardly.

"Aunty that is why I am here"

"So where is my daughter"

"Well we went on an impromptu business trip with her yesterday to the US"

" So why is her number not connecting "

*Oh she has been busy and her is probably laying somewhere in her bag. That why I came to inform you knowing that you will be worried" James said.

" So why are you back alone"

" Well I have and emergency but I will join her as soon as possible. But not to worry Gorge is with her. You know Gorge right? "

" Gorge Gorge oh Gorge the young guy with glass that used to tag along with you back then in high school. I heard from Beaty later on that he relocated abroad with his parents but he is now working in us branch "

" Yes aunty, so you have nothing to worry about "

" Hello uncle"

" How are you boy? " Matthew asked looking at James.