
Chapter ten:The plot

On Saturday the cliffs family mansion was decorated with various variety of flowers and the house was well illuminated with various lights of different colours shimmering.

On the tables arranged around the party hall were different dishes and drinks of different kinds.

Different ladies in their beautiful dresses were seen moving around swaying their waists.

"Hey Matthew go here"

Mrs cliffs out to their butler.

" Yes madam "

" Where is James I haven't seen him since morning "

" Madam young master went out in the morning and he didn't say where he is going"

" Hmm , didn't I tell him I have someone to introduce to him tonight"

"oh introduce to who?" Someone interrupted Mrs cliffs.

Mrs cliffs turned around with a frown to see her best friend Mrs Dons and immediately calmed down and said "Mrs Dons you are here, welcome! Welcome"

"Of course it's your party I have to come early to support you"

"Haha that's true come this side" Mrs cliffs laughed ackwardly and lead to a sit by the side.

" I don't see Purity"

" Oh she's over here don't worry she will come over to greet you soon and you will see her all you want "

" Great I will see you later, I have to greet other guest"

" Ok go on am here incase you need me later"

" Okay"


" Kingsley when are you going to put the plan into motion "

" Just wait a little while longer baby I got this okay"

" That girl Purity has been dragging me like a fool for the past few days to stalk James and am beginning to get irritated "

" Baby just come down we need James to marry Purity for our plan to sail"

" But am tire of giving her hint and persuading her all the time she just a fool behaving like a queen "

" Emma baby just hold on and I promise you that I just a matter of time before I make you my wife"

" Hmm don't lie to me Kingsley unless you want me to drag us both to hell"

Kingsley's eyes flickered with a glint of killing intent but he immediately suppressed it and smiled.

" I swear everything I tell you is true, even if Purity doesn't end up with James than I won't let him live either"

" Of course you are the best I trust you on that"


"Joseph have you investigated who's buying the shares slowly at the branch company "

" Yes sir it seems to be Kingsley "

" Oh is that so I have always know him to be quiet ambitious but looks looks like I have underestimated him "

" Sir should we take action "

" No just leave for now I want to know what he is up to"

" Yes sir"


" Hello"

" Emma didn't you say you are coming with me to the party tonight so what happened "

" Purity am so sorry am having a severe headache, I don't think I can make it "

" It's okay just have I good rest, I will come see you tomorrow"

" Okay"

" Bye"

Purity ended the call signing and walked back into the hall.

" Purity over here"

Purity heard someone calling out to her and turned to see Mrs cliffs waving at her and smiled and walked over to greet her.

" Hello aunty"

" Ah such a good child, how good Will it be if you were to start calling me mom"

Purity looked at her and blushed shyly.

Mrs cliffs saw her blush with her tradition styled gown looking so sweet and her heart melted like a candle wax.

She wish could just steal her and marry her off to James immediately.

Thinking of this Mrs cliffs signed 'this stubborn son of mine his not even at home how can I introduce her to Purity and other girls '

Few hours later Mrs Cliffs sa w that James is not coming back soon and wrapped up the tea party and everyone went home but not without Mrs Cliffs gifting everyone.

The next day Mrs Cliffs came down stairs and called the butler.


"Yes madam"

"Didn't James come back last night"

"Madam he did"

"Oh so why didn't you tell me about it"

"Well madam before sir came back yesterday you were already asleep so I didn't wake to wake you"

"Is that so?"

"Yes madam"

"And we're is he now"

"Young master is talking a walk with the old madam on the garden"

"Ok you can go"

"Yes madam"

"Good morning auntie" a cheerful voice sounded.

Mrs Cliffs turned around and said "oh Kingsley it's you, when did you get here"

"Well just now"

"Come and sit"

Kingsley sat down and handed her a box.

"Auntie this is for you"

Mrs Cliffs took the box and open it and saw the lastest XXG out of the season bag that she loved so much and she was so happy.

"Oh Kingsley you are the only one that cares about this this woman abandoned by her own son"

" Auntie don't say that no body abandoned you, James loves you the most"

" Then why don't he listen to me"

Kingsley was speechless 'oh my God are you for real why would I grown man still listen to you and do as you bids" but he didn't say that our.

"Auntie don't worry James still sees you as his mother and he cares abandoned you.

" Hmm but why don't I believe it".

Kingsley was about to talk when he saw James walking in with the old lady and he just shut up .

" Kingsley you are here"

" Yes grandma "

" Hi bro"he waved at James.

James looked at him and nooded .

" Come with me to the study"

He said and proceed to the study him self.

" Kingsley did you see that he didn't even say good luck to me now"

" Auntie am sure he didn't mean it maybe he is not in a good mood"Kingsley said and ran after James to the study before Mrs Cliffs begin plastering him again.

Inside the study James looked and Kinsley and said" sit down "

" Oh.. "

He raise his file bag and bought out a blue file and hand it to James and said "here are the files you requested for yesterday "

" Dropit on the desk you can go now "

Kingsley looking at James lowered head intently with hatred, clenching his gist'how date him take to me like am his errand boy just wait I will make you regret this one day'

But just as James raised his head he immediately smiled at him and said" yes brother, am off now" he said and left.