
Chapter nine:The eve

"purity didn't you say they are in this same restaurant"

"According to my source, yes there are" purity said rolling her eyes at Emma.

Let's look around we might get lucky.

Few minutes later after searching the whole restaurant without seeing what they were looking for, they just sat down weakly on a chair exhausted.

"Purity am not sure you got the right information or have they left already "

" I don't know anymore "purity signed looking at Emma.

" Let me go to the restroom first am pressed"

" Okay"

Purity left headed to the restroom.

Inside the restroom Beaty was washing her hand when purity came in.

Purity saw her and was surprised but immediately calmed down.

" Oh what a coincidence Beaty"purity waved looking nonchalant.

"Is that so" Beaty narrowed her eyes.

"Beaty what do you mean by that"

"Nothing" Beaty responded and walked out.

Purity followed all the way to spot with James and on seeing James her faced immediately lights up.

"Hi James"

James looked at her and nodded.

'he just responded meaning he acknowledged me'

She cleared her throat and begin "hmm actually I came her with Emma to eat but run into Beaty " purity said and looked at James saw that he seems to be listening and continue "and I was thinking that since we know each other why don't we join you guys"

"We are not available, Beaty let's go" James said coldly, stood up and start walking out.

Beaty looked at purity who was still standing there looking stupidfied and left with a smirk on her face.

Emma saw Beaty who was following behind James and was about calling purity to tell her see just saw the duo when she saw purity in the middle of the room looking like a fool.

"Purity" Emma called out shaking her arm.

Purity snapped out of her daze and everything thing that just happened dawned on her and she shouted "Beaty you bitch just wait" and she stormed out.


Joseph open the car door for James and Beaty and James instructed him to wait outside the car first.

"So Beaty what do you say about my proposal the other night"

Beauty's heart immediately skipped a beat.

"I.. I... Ehmm I ."

"Beaty come down if you haven't thought it through you can take your time."

"I can?"

"Yeah but don't take too much time"

"Okay " Beaty heaved a sign of relief and smiled at him.

James was dazzled by her bright and guinea smile that he couldn't resist and ended up kissing her on the cheeks.

Beaty blushed and turned red. James looked at her misty her eyes and pink cheeks and wanted nothing more than to have her there right inside the car but hold back afraid of scaring her away.

James opened the window and signaled for Joseph to come and drive the car.


"Purity forget about her first we have a party to plan"

"A party?" Purity said looking at Emma puzzled.

"Yeah I heard mrs cliffs is having a tea party this weekend at the cliffs mansion so we have to shop in order not to be out done"

"Yeah I almost forgot"


At the cliffs family mansion at night .

"Hey mom"

James greeted his mom and head upstairs.

"James come here there something I want to discuss with you"

"Okay" James said , turned around and sit opposite his mom.

"Ehmm James are you busy this weekend"

"Is anything that matter"

"Yes am having a tea party here over the weekend"

"So what does that got to do with me"

"I have someone to introduce you to"

"And I know is not another of your friends daughter you want to match make me with"

Mrs cliffs begin looking around guilty.

" Mom haven't I told you before that am not interested I like Beaty and no one else"

" James forget about that smelly girl I won't allow it"

" And am not asking for your permission"

" James I you hellbent on angering me to death "

" If angering you to death means me being with Beaty then you better have the butler prepare a sizable coffin for you"

James said indifferently, stood up and start climbing the stairs.

Mrs cliffs was so angry that she was short of words" y.. ou you I can't believe this my son is now cursing me because of that bitch Beaty "


" Mom what do you think of this two dress, which one should I wear to Mrs cliffs tea party tomorrow "

" What kind of dress are those, now I see the reason James never looked at you"

" Mom what do you mean by that, aren't they nice"

" Why can't I see it, these dress looked so clinch and tacky but you called them classy , you are such I disgrace to me. I don't even know who you take after"

Purity was left speechless looking at her beautiful dresses on the chair not knowing what is tacky about it.

" Come with me I know you are useless when it comes with using your brain, I got you the perfect dress"

They both went upstairs to Mrs Dons room and Mrs Don opened her closet and bought out a package and threw it at Purity.

Purity unwrapped it and saw a beautiful blue long flowy cultural style tailored gown with an inbuilt coset .

"Wow mum this is so so beautiful"

"Of course it is, that exactly why you should learn to listen to you mother , I make the best of choice be it a dress, a drink or even a life partner for my daughter so don't keep disappointing me Purity "

" Yes mom I promise this time I will succeed "

" You better do now go and rest early you have a party to attend to tomorrow and you have to be on your best"

" Goodnight mom"

" Hmm go on" Mrs Don said and waved her off.

Mrs Don sat on her bed with a menacing expression on her face thinking 'mrs cliffs don't worry no matter how many tea party you call my daughter will always be the most dazzling star so forget about anyone else because your son will never be able to escape my daughter this time"

Mrs Dons laughed.

How could she not know what Mrs cliffs is thinking about. They have known each other for a long time for her not to see through her.