
Chapter Fourteen:The Footage.

Matthew has always regarded James as his own son . Even when he was still young he used to come to Beaty's house along with Gorge, Kingsley and two other friends of their. They that time they where so lively , always jumping around here and there in the house.

It's been few years now and he still sees him as a boy even though James has made a name for himself and family and is still doing so , to him he will always be a little boy just like a son to him.

"Am fine uncle"

"That is good to hear. Will you like to come in for a cup of tea you look stressed"

"Uncle I will love to but I will leave that for another time"

"Ok bye" Matthew said.

"Bye" James turned and walked to the car with Joseph.

Matthew watched them drove away. He can't say what it was but he felt that James was hiding something from him because he know him to well . Even though he always maintain his cold and aloof attitude he knows when he is happy, sad, anxious and when he is keeping something from him.

He just looked at the road ahead and took his wife into the house because he knows that what ever it is that James is hiding from he is probably for the best.

At the other side, inside the car .

James turned to Joseph and said "Beaty is not at home by this time of the day and she has also not been to the office for a day now"

"Sir that what the secretary said, she has not been seen since the last time before we left for the US"

James frown on hearing this and said "something is definitely wrong"

After some time of thinking of what could go wrong he said to Joseph "Joseph check the cctv cameras from the company parking lot and see when she left the company"

"And also see where she went, what she did after or who she saw "

"Yes sir I will do it right away"

James rested his head at the back rest he is beginning to have a splitting headache with all that is going on right now.


At the house at the outskirts.

A sound of a car engine is heard outside the hose.

Lucian who was standing at the front door on a waiting posture immediately moved towards the new arrivals.

"Hey over here" he said showing them the way.

They got to were Beaty was heard captive and unlocked the door.

Inside the room Beaty was soundly asleep due to the sedatives given to her via her food.

"Okay we will take it from here you can go man"

"Okay" Lucian replied a walked away. He went downstairs to the front door and once again stood in his previous position before the new arrivals.

Few minutes later they were seen coming outside again but Beaty was hanging on the shoulder of one of the men like a bag of rice fast asleep.

"Hey time to go , go and lock up the house everybody leaves now"

Lucian looked at them with ahint of confusion in his grey eyes.

" Change of plans we are no longer leaving in early morning. We are leaving now , the boss seen to be in a hurry . He called few minutes ago and have us come right away"

" Oh"Lucian expression returned to his usual cold expression with his tattoos looking erie in the dark of the night.

He watch them drive away with the still sleeping Beauty expressionlessly and went back in to the house to lock the door.


In the Cliffs mansion.

" Oh isn't that James car didn't he went Abroad for a business trip " said grandma Cliffs.

James got out of the driveway sit and locked the door and then proceed forward to the house . Earlier Joseph took a cab to the company to check Beaty's trail so James drove himself back.

" Hey old lady" James greeted his grandma.

" My boy how are you"

" Am good. Am tired I need to go up and rest see you later in the morning "

" Okay go you need a good rest to begin with"

James went upstairs but instead of going to his room he went straight to the study.

He picked his phone and dialed Joseph number. It rang for a few minute and James picked up the call.

" Hello sir"

" How is it coming along"

" Sir we have checked the camera at the car park and Beaty drove out of the company with some files in her hand, so we checked the cameras along the road and she went to the Dives company indeed"

" Are you sure"James asked with a frown in his forehead.

" Yes sir but something doesn't seem right"

" What happened "

" On the footage we see her parking her car but the footage seem to black out for some time and then she drove out of the Dives to the intersection "

" So how long was the blackout"

" About two minutes "

" That means she didn't even go inside but stopped at the car lot and then drove out again"

" It seems so sir"

" Joseph follow the footage after that intersection you need to find out where the car headed"

" Yes sir"

James hung up and pressed his temples. His headache was getting worse in each passing minutes.


" Hurry up we need to get to the village ahead before dawn"

" Hey she is still sleeping like a log of wood"

" Such a pity we can't touch her"

" Just keep your mouths shut and focus and stop thinking about something so useless "the guy who looked like the leader of the gang shorned them.

They immediately shut up and stopped talking.

The guy looked at them and focus back on what he was doing before.

Few minutes later they reached a small village island and alighted from the boat.

They proceed to the small village island and an hour later reached a small bungalow at the village.

The bungalow is surrounded by tall bamboos with a small farm at the backyard of the bungalow.