
Chapter eleven:plot 2

On Monday Cliffs corporation 8:10 anti meridian time.

"Good morning sir!"

"Good morning sir!"

" Morning sir!"

The employees greeted James on seeing him.

He was wrapped around a royal blue suit with a peach shirt and tie but instead of looking tacky in it due to the colour combo he is looking as handsome as ever.

" Joseph is she here yet? "

" Sir if by her you mean Beaty she is waiting inside your office "

" Hmmm let's go then"

" Good morning sir" Beaty greeted James on seeing him and ay the same time nodding at Joseph as a sign of greeting.

" Morning love"

James said and kissed her on the forehead.

Beaty blushed but still said " s..ir this is the office "

" Oh you mean I can kiss you outside the office as I like, okay lets go with that deal"

Beaty".... "

Joseph".... "

" Come here" James said to Beaty.

" Oh"

" Take this file to the Dives we are launching the new product next weekend, so make sure you deliver this without accidents"

" Okay sir"

" You can go now, the earlier the better"

" Yes sir" Beaty said and left.


" Jeff when is she coming out, didn't you say she will be out soon "

" Yeah she will soon be out"

" Okay"

" There she is" Jeff said looking at a direction.

" It's her, good good bro,let's go"

Beaty looked around because she has a feeling someone is watching her but she didn't see anyone,she just shrugged, got in her car and drove away.

"Drive" Jeff said to his partner and they took off.

Forty five minute later Beaty parked her car at the Dives car park and bend to collect her bag when someone covered her nose with an handkerchief.

She passed out. Jeff throw her into the back sit of the car and he revised the car and they drove off with his partner driving their car and Jeff in Beaty's car.


Ring. Ring. Ring James cell phone ring in the quite office.

"Hello" he answered the phone.

"James Victor has made another move again at the Us branch"

"What did that bastard do again"

"This time he is poached almost all our employees overnight .

one of the employees is Dahbi our tech guy right now as am talking to you he knows about most of our company's confidential projects and the company's top secret and our stocks are dropping rapidly.

"F*ck why do I hire such useless people" James said angerily hanging up the phone.

" Joseph prepare the care we are leaving for the US branch in twenty minutes"

" Yes sir "


On the outskirts of city N.

" Hey get water we need to wake her"

"Ok boss"

Splash. Beaty was splashed with water and she woke up groggy.

She looked around in a daze confused.

" Hey pretty how is it like what you see"Jeff said showing her his signature smile.

Beaty looked at him and she immediately woke up completely" who are you people "

She said looking at them with her eyes clearly showing how scared she is at the moment.

"Come down pretty if you coporate with us nobody's gonna hurt you, relax"

Jeff after saying this looked at her and left the cottage to make a phone call.

" Hello"

" Is it done" a voice said from the phone.

" Of course we already have the girl"

" Good keep her there for now am going to send you someone tomorrow, he will lead you to a new location. I don't want any mishap happening, o be extra careful "

" Sure"

" Yes and don't call me again I will call on my own every two days, anything other than this stay low for now"

" Sure man, I got you"

" I transferred another million to the account just to be sure and don't have any ideas on her, make sure she have everything she needs don't starve her or else you won't even know how you died"

" Copied "

" Hmmm" the other end said and hung up the call.

" Bro look after her, I need to get some things and get ready we move tomorrow "

"Sure " he said look at Beaty maliciously.

" Don't even think about it "

" About what exactly"

" We are not allowed to touch her, if she loses an hair say goodbye to you life"

" Okay, I would touch her so go"

Jeff looked at him as a sign of warning and left.

" What a pity such a pretty face with great figure, I can't even touch you"Carlos said.

" Tsk tsk"

Beaty immediately breathed out a sign of relief 'at least they won't touch me'.


" Joseph have Kingsley been up to lately"

"Nothing really he is still the same "

I hope so because am having a huge hunch that it's not as calm as the surface looks "

James said looking out the window of his private jet.

He is already on his way to the US.


" Emma it's quite unsual for you to visit at this time, what's up with you"

" Purity what do you mean by that , don't you want me visiting you "

" No, no am just surprised seeing you, sit"

" Anyways I came to see you it's been quite some time now since our last meet up"

" Yes that true, so want do you want to do"

" Why don't we go shopping, I heard that RM released a new collection "

" Ok let me go change and we will go"

" Okay hurry up"


" Sir the car is this way" Joseph said gesturing with his hand.

James followed him.

" Sir!"



They echoed each other on seeing James.

James walked to the car in the middle, Joseph opened the back door for him.

The rest got into their respective car and the envoy departed .

Inside the car.

"Joseph have George arrange a meeting with the department heads at 7 tomorrow.

"Yes sir"

James after saying this closed his eyes to rest massaging his temples with his pale slender fingers.

He doesn't even look like someone that is about to fight one of his company's greatest crisis ever.

He looks like a business man going for a vocation.