
After 800 Years, I've Become The Taboo Lifeform

# GROUP Wei Bujuan was transmigrated into a Xianxia game. He was forced to live under the Green Cliff Mountain for 800 years. When 800 years had passed, he had obtained the Divine Lightning Washed Body. The Green Cliff Mountain quickly became a restricted zone where not a single soul would dare to enter. And Wei Bujuan had become a legendary being in the cultivation world, the Taboo Lifeform.

The Key In 10 Years · Eastern
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40 Chs

Anti-Work Mountain

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


"Si si si ..."

"It hurts!"


[You've received the attack of the Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast. Lightning Emperor Talisman is in effect, and you're immune to 99.999% of the Amalgamation Lightning damage ... ]


[ Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast: a mutated beast born from the heavenly tribulation. Its strength is around that of an early Golden Core cultivator. It specializes in heavenly lightning and occasionally uses physical combat techniques that aren't very good ... ]


Wei Bujuan sprawled out on the ground.

He looked like he had nothing to live for.

He could feel it.

The physical combat technique of the Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast was indeed not very profound.

However, this beast was too big!

The moment the two sides came into contact.

Wei Bujuan's weakness of not having enough strength was vividly revealed.

The Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast had obtained the upper position with an overwhelming advantage.

It crazily attacked Wei Bujuan's body!





It was a chaotic fight.

Wei Bujuan almost coughed up blood!

Fortunately, he was sharp.

He quickly found a chance.

He used Azure Lighting and Purple Flash to avoid it!


"I can't fight this beast!" Wei Bujuan thought.

This was a beast born from the heavenly tribulation. It wasn't afraid of lightning or fire, so it greatly blocked all of Wei Bujuan's techniques!

However, other than Eternal Elemental Lightning True Technique.

He had almost no means to defend against his enemies!

"Although I can start to improve my cultivation after mastering the three spells, I'm afraid that I won't be in such a hurry to improve my cultivation if there are beasts like this disturbing me every time I break through. I'll have to learn a few techniques that won't be restrained by the beasts of the heavenly tribulation first!"

Wei Bujuan continued to run.

He reflected deeply.

At the same time, he also realized Eternal Elemental Lightning True Technique was not omnipotent.

Perhaps it would become very powerful in the later stages.

However, it was still not pratical enough.

"Perhaps I should take the initiative to cultivate spell techniques from other domains ..."

Wei Bujuan pondered.

Like this, he would not have to waste this long time in prison and would not be affected by the speed of his automatic cultivation of Eternal Elemental Lightning True Technique. Moreover, He could also learn a few spells that did not belong to the thunder dao.

It could be said to kill two birds with one stone!

The problem at hand was ...

Where could he find other techniques other than Eternal Elemental Lightning True Technique?

Wei Bujuan fell into a long contemplation.


The Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast, which was in hot pursuit, seemed to have been angered by his calm attitude.

It roared and shot large balls of fire and lightning into the sky!

Wei Bujuan wasn't shocked but happy.

"I've been waiting for you to use your lightning technique!"

The lightning and fire that filled the sky instantly drowned his body.

The Lightning Emperor Talisman was activated.

He was in a sea of lightning that made all the cultivators in the world tremble in fear.

Wei Bujuan felt extremely comfortable.

It was like soaking in a hot spring!

The most important thing was ...

The Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast was busy controlling lightning techniques and didn't have extra energy to fight Wei Bujuan.

He was finally able to catch his breath!

He suddenly squinted as he rested in the fire and lightened.

He had thought of a way to deal with this beast!



30 days later.

On the mountainside of White Deer Mountain, the exhausted Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast let out its final roar ...

In the end, it dissipated into the air in vain.

Wei Bujuan painted heavily and finally revealed a smile Not far away.


He relied on his invincible Delaying Technique to drain out the beast!

He barely passed!


[ You have defeated the Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast. You have obtained the Cultivation Hall X1, Lightning Dao Talisman X1, and Forbidden Area Stone Tablet x4!


[ Cultivation Hall: everything within the heavenly tribulation's range will be your cultivation hall!


The power of your spells will be slightly increased in the cultivation hall!


The spiritual qi from all directions would slowly gather here, and the probability of immortal herbs being born here would slightly increase!


You can control anything in the cultivation hall at will!


As the owner of the cultivation hall, you have received Mountain God Token X2 (Green Cliff Mountain/ White Deer Mountain), Earth Token X1 (earth of the three mountains), and River God Token X1 (Moon Shadow River).

You can bestow the token to other living beings through the conferment technique.

Thus, it would become the corresponding spirit.

The spirits of the cultivation hall are not affected by any heavenly tribulation ... ]


In an instant, a wondrous feeling welled up in his heart.

There was no need to use Qi Observation.

Everything that happened between Green Cliff Mountain and White Deer Mountain was reflected in his mind.

He could even see a rapid River flowing underground!

"This is Moon Shadow River?"

"There seems to be a barrier on the river, and there's demonic qi in the river ..."

Wei Bujuan was overjoyed.

It should be known that deification was a true immortal technique.

He had just reached Foundation Establishment stage, but he already had such a privilege.

This showed how powerful the Eternal Elemental Lightning True Technique was!

"This technique cultivates the body and the heavens and earth. Once the thunder dao is complete, it can seal all living things ..."

He recalled a few spells in the general principles of Eternal Elemental Lightning True Technique.

Wei Bujuan realized that it wasn't a joke.

However, he had yet to grasp Life Conferment Technique.

Apotheosis was just a theory for now.


After the Void Amalgamation Lightning Beast disappeared, its body turned into a cloud of fire and didn't dissipate for a long time.

In the fire cloud were four stone tablets and a talisman that looked like the Thunder Emperor's Talisman.

Wei Bujuan activated his divine sense.

The four stone tablets suddenly shot out in all directions!

Immediately after, they then landed on the boundary of the four sides of the cultivation hall!

Four big and solemn words suddenly appeared on the stone tablets.


[ Forbidden Land of Heaven's Punishment ]!


Below the two words "forbidden land, there was still a lot of space.

Wei Bujuan was still pondering.

A new message flashed in front of his eyes.


[ Please enter the name of your cultivation hall, ]


Wei Bujuan blurted out, "Let's call it 'Anti-Work Mountain'!"

Three bright red ancient banners quickly appeared in the empty space below the four stone tablets in the next second.


[ Forbidden Land of Heaven's Punishment, Anti-Work Mountain ]!


At this moment, thunder rumbled in all directions.

The wind and clouds changed.

The cultivators in Three Mountains County who knew a little about divination had all read the information about the sudden appearance of a Forbidden Land of Heaven's Punishment.

For a moment, there were many different opinions in the cultivation world of Jade Dragon Kingdom.

It became the trending topic on the regional message board.

Wei Bujuan didn't seem to care.

His eyes were focused on the last true talisman.


[ Green Lightning Talisman (True lightning talisman): this is a token of the cultivation hall. The holder will receive the title of "Anti-Work Mountain Disciple".


Disciples of Anti-Work Mountain can be immune to most of the damage caused by the lightning tribulation and enjoy part of the cultivation benefits. You can undergo the tribulation in the training hall of Anti-Work Mountain and automatically improve your cultivation.


With every new disciple, your automatic cultivation speed would be a little faster.


You have a certain chance of receiving additional rewards from your disciples.


[ Note: Disciples reflect your karma. Be careful! ]


The description was very clear.

This Green Lightning Talisman could allow others to share Wei Bulie's hack cultivation technique!

However, the effect would be greatly reduced.

If Wei Bujuan didn't take the initiative to teach them, they couldn't obtain a divine power like Eternal Elemental Lightning True Technique.

It could be considered a simple version of the shortcut in the cultivation world!

But even so ...

The opportunity to steadily improve one's cultivation level was enough to make most people in the cultivation world envious!

Other than that, the owner of the Green Lightning Talisman didn't seem to have too many restrictions at the time of the tribulation.

He could come and go as he pleased.

It was much easier than what Wei Bujuan was going through!

However, there was karma between them.

There would probably be a lot of trouble in the future.

The only benefit was the increase in his automatic cultivation speed.

But how much would it increase?

It was also unknown.

"No matter what, I need to think twice before taking in a disciple..." Wei Bujuan warned himself.

Putting aside the trouble ...

He was quite happy.

"At least ..."

"There's a chance to get a cellmate!"
