

Xanthippeia Castiano, a young seemingly ordinary girl raised in the mortal world that happens upon paranormal abilities as a Hemitheos (demigod) that will separate her from the normal life she once led. The more she discovers herself, she sees her new secret powers might not be all they are cracked up to be as she gains unwanted attention from immortal beings from a strange world. Unbeknownst to her, there is a great force at work that she will have to overcome as she is part of a ancient prophecy that will force her into an immortal war she had no idea of.

itsvatispeach_88 · Fantasy
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171 Chs

Chapter Seventy-One

Whether it was a demon, ghost or some sort of spirit that had possessed Xanthippeia's body she was grateful because all she could see was red. Having to walk in on some magical, dark and daunting creature trying to harm her baby sister sent Xanthippeia on a tailspin. She could barely even feel her limbs when she jumped up and attacked the thing.

It wasn't a shadow per se because it took the shape of a man mostly but there was nothing human or even natural about it. For one it didn't have any eyes but sunken black pits where its eye sockets should be so it was a wonder it could even see. Secondly, it had more arms than the standard two and it seemed to not have legs as it hovered just slightly off the ground. If she didn't know any better she would have thought this creature was a creepier version of the grim reaper.