

Xanthippeia Castiano, a young seemingly ordinary girl raised in the mortal world that happens upon paranormal abilities as a Hemitheos (demigod) that will separate her from the normal life she once led. The more she discovers herself, she sees her new secret powers might not be all they are cracked up to be as she gains unwanted attention from immortal beings from a strange world. Unbeknownst to her, there is a great force at work that she will have to overcome as she is part of a ancient prophecy that will force her into an immortal war she had no idea of.

itsvatispeach_88 · Fantasy
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171 Chs

Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Six

When Xanthippeia opened her portal from Dynodes all she could focus on was appearing next to Leodocus. Unfortunately, he was still unreachable in her mind so all she had to look forward to was darkness. And in that darkness, she could sense that she wasn't alone. 

A deep almost animalistic growl sounded a small distance, it was too guttural and too familiar yet that didn't stop the fear from paralyzing her body including her eyes which she kept shut trying to hone in the rest of her senses.

'Leo, Leo please answer me!' she kept chanting and calling out to him in her mind when the growling grew closer. But it felt like she was shouting into an empty and desolate space.

So with nothing else to do but face whatever place she landed in and what monster awaited to feast on her bones. She slowly opened her violet eyes and noticed she was in fact in the underworld but outside the castle and focusing enough to see the beast coming to get her.