
A Counter To The Gnomes

The Dawson Family Head was stunned when he heard Grey's words. He never thought the reason the Gnomes hated Grey so much was this bad. To be honest, if he were in their position, he too would be infuriated by such an act of disregard. Grey single-handedly rattled the entire race, and their wanting to seek revenge was rightfully so. 

The Elders and the Family Head stayed a little longer before leaving. Grey and his entourage stayed in his grandfather's courtyard a little longer. 

"That's not the only reason they want you dead, right?" His grandfather asked. 

"Nope. Actually, how should I put it… I studied a bit of necromancy and one thing leading to another, I can sever their connections with their puppets." Grey explained to his grandfather. 

"I can be said to be their natural counter." He added. 

The eyes of the Old man almost popped out when he heard this. This was a shocking discovery. 

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