
Chapter Four

"Jasper?" A smooth feminine voice called out his name. Jasper froze as an icy chill washed over his spine. Just what he'd been waiting for - Lady Jasmine Orbit, daughter of the Duke of the southern province. She was the only reason his otherwise perfect day could turn sour. Her persistence in making him fall for her would forever be the one thing that repelled him.

Lady Jasmine was a beauty. Porcelain white skin, plump heart shaped lips, perfect curves that were accentuated by the form fitting gown she wore, she was a sight to behold.

"Lady Jasmine." Jasper curtly replied her, hiding his annoyance.

"Oh, Jasper! I wasn't expecting to see you here! What are you doing here?" She stepped forward, her large round eyes wide, making the bright cerulean orbs of her eyes stand out.

"He's my escort," Elizabeth's voice sounded behind Jasper.

"That's right. I'm temporarily escorting Lady Elizabeth," Jasper nodded and took a step back to stand beside Elizabeth. Jasmine eyed the pair up before scoffing and turning around to leave.

"Good riddance." Elizabeth also scoffed before turning to leave. There was some obvious tension between the two Ladies. Jasper could only helplessly follow after Elizabeth as she strutted down the corridor.

"Where to, Milady?" He picked up his earlier attitude as the pair took a flight of stairs down.

"To the training grounds." her mind was obviously troubled, not that Jasper would notice...


Elizabeth swung her wooden sword with anger fueling her every movement. She was graceful, but merciless. Trainer after trainer admitted defeat within the first three minutes of each spar.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and looked around at the various trainers cradling their hands as though they were holding babies until her eyes landed on Jasper. Her eyes narrowed and she picked up another wooden sword and threw to Jasper.

"Spar with me." She gave a simple explanation before getting into a battle stance.

"Um... Are you sure?" Jasper looked around at the injured trainers and felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Pick up a sword, Jasper." Elizabeth shot him a deadpan look.

"Fine." Jasper reluctantly walked over to the sword rack, his eyes running over the various types of swords that were laid out before him. He picked up a one handed double-edged sword, swinging it around a bit in order to get used to the weight. "This should do."

He walked back to the small dirt ring where the spars were carried out, taking up a defensive stance against Elizabeth.

"Are you comfortable with that sword? You can take your time picking one that you prefer. I'll wait." Elizabeth quirked up a brow when she saw his sword.

"Don't worry, princess. I'm far more skilled with the sword than I look."

"Very well then. Here I come."

With a mutual nod, Elizabeth dashed forward, her wooden sword bearing down on Jasper. He deftly dodged to the side, using his sword to redirect her hit. Wasting no time, he spun on a heel, twisting his body so he could hit Elizabeth across her back with the flat of his blade, only for him to slash at air. Elizabeth had already corrected her movement, dodging and leaping away before Jasper's sword could touch her.

"You're going to have to do better than that if you want to best me, Jasper."

"Haha! Watch me."

And so, they entered into a slippery dance of slashing, blocking, redirecting and dodging each other's blows. This went on for over fifteen minutes until both of them were sweaty panting messes.

Jasper swiped his sword at Elizabeth, making her lean backward before using his leg to sweep her clean off her feet.

"Ah!" With a surprising squeak, she let go of her sword, scrambling for purchase. A firm arm around her waist stopped her fall. She looked up, coming face to face with Jasper's smug face that was extremely close.

"Easy there, milady. We can't have you getting injured now." He gave her a charming smile. The spots of dirt on his face just made him look even more real.

"Unhand me, you brute!" With a flustered cry, she punched him in the jaw, knocking both of them to the floor, but also making him let go of her waist.

"Ow... That hurt, princess." Jasper sat up, his hand massaging his aching jaw. "For such a refined lady, you punch like a soldier." With a grunt, he stood up to his feet. Elizabeth was still on her feet, dusting herself while looking away from him.

"Maybe next time you can learn to keep your hands to your self, Sir Jasper." With a low huff, she turned to leave the training area. Just before she opened the door, she came to a stop. "By the way, thank you for the spar."

After thanking him, she swiftly left, leaving both Jasper and the onlookers that stayed to spectate their spar flabbergasted.