

" Why can't u do any thing right for once " . " Why can't u be more human like everyone else " . " you are an herald of disaster , no wonder your own parents abandoned you " . " get out of my sight you good for nothing ". " Trash like you should know his worth as common slaves and property of us upper citizens ". Kyle a nineteen year old orphan , who became a commoner class soldier due to failing he's awakening process , found himself violently thrown into space after the spaceship he was on was taking over by space pirates and blown up after been plundered, he had narrowly escaped by using an escape pod but during his escape the shockwave from the exploding main ship had destabilized the escape pod and he was now moving aimlessly in space , he couldn't help but think of how pathetic his live have been . He had lived his first fifteen years in an orphanage home made specifically to get more subjects for awakening fifteen years old kids owned and financed by the Awakened Human Àlliance Federation (A.H.A.F) of Earth one of the many planets inhabited by Humans in the many galaxies explored and conquered throw war or peace treaties, he never knew who his parents where , he was dropped at the door of the orphanage when he was a child with a blank letter tucked into his blanket , since then he had lived his life in the orphanage while waiting for the day he would be awakened only to be met with devastating news . " Am sorry young man but, ...... you are unable to be awakened." That single statement brought his whole dream crashing down he became a failed project by the (A.H.A.F) and was commissioned to be part of their commoner class soldiers , a class meant for the lowest of backgrounds who could not awaken and became Cannon fodders for the A.H.A.F. " I came as trash , am also going to life this world as trash ...... , so pathetic." , Kyle said his last words before opening his escape pod and was immediately sucked into space . But contrary to what he taught he wasn't choking or even finding it difficult to breathe at all , infact it was actually ..... exhilarating . suddenly a blank paper appeared in his vision and as if by magic a single symbol appeared on the paper before it entered his body . All of a sudden a screen appeared in his vision [ Requirement 1 out of 2 completed , would you like to complete the 2nd requirement in other to awaken ] Kyle didn't know what was going on but he accepted anyways BooooooMmmmmmm Immediately he accepted it , he found himself bending in and out of reality....., at least that's how he felt , after regaining his bearing what he saw in front of him scared the crap out of him , a gangantuan entity the size he couldn't even conceive was in front of him , the entity in the process of creating a planet finally realized he wasn't alone and looked him in the eye , just that simple gesture was enough to freeze all the blood in Kyle's body ten times over , in front of this cosmic being he found himself unable to move , but something unexpected happened. " Young monarch, the Time has arrived for you to unlock the restrain stopping you from become the Emperor of all." the cosmic entity said in a voice that commanded the fabric of space, with a single thought of the being . A cyclone of Cosmic energy entered Kyle's body , and with it he felt something he had never felt before a part of him he never knew was part of him was revealed and with that a notification . { Congratulations The AETHERIC EVOLUTION SYSTEM has been activated } { A Bloodline far above any thing this Dimension as ever seen , a power to control the world in your fingertips that resides in you has been unlocked } novel cover not for me

Afro_Grooves · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 2 Bloodline Unlocked 1

"Oh, fu$k me."

Five minutes after our main characters outburst and he had already used all the swear words in his dictionary now he was clear headed and had even accepted his crazy luck.

"Okay my first mission off-planet and I end up like this , am I going to die like this?." , Kyle nervously asked.

After that Kyle remained absolutely silent just staring into space and recapping on his life so far.


< " Mother..... you said whe ..... when I was five you would tell me how I came to the orphanage well since it's my birthday today I was wandering if you could tell me." Young Kyle asked the orphanage mother.

" For the love of me , boy you just keep disturbing , why must you be a bother , why can't you be normal like other kids , you are an herald of disaster, that's why your own parents left you."

Little Kyle felt heartbroken at that moment "My parents left me?." , Kyle asked in tears.

Of course they did , they left you at the front of the main door with nothing but a blanket and a blank sheet .

" A blank sheet." , When Kyle heard this he was curious to see the paper even if it is blank .

"May I see it."

"You wanna see it so badly" , She said going through her desk, before finally bringing a completely normal blank sheet out.

" Here have it ,and get out of my sight you good for nothing.", the Mother screamed while pushing Kyle out of her office .

"Haa , this kids will be the death of me , 10 more years like this and I'll go insane.", The Mother said laying exhausted on her chair looking at the door Kyle just left in.

"Especially that one."

Kyle's who had already ran all the way to his quarters on his little bed stared at the paper in his hand while shedding tears.

" Mom , dad why ... , why did you leave me." , He sobbed throughout that day without eating anything , his fifth birthday was one of his worst days ... well out of his long list of bad days.>



The sudden message been displayed on the pod screen quickly brought him back to reality .

" What so fast , the standard escape pod can supply oxygen for a full day , so that means ... almost 3 hours ."

" Okay let's think of other things."


< A fifteen years old Kyle was looking at the massive skyscraper that was one of the Awakening Labs of A.HA.F, He followed the long lines of other kids like him entering into the building to be Awakened, only a thousand kids at a time could be awakened so Kyle was quite happy to be among them, walking into the building they were giving a pill to eat , they were told it was to make the process smoother , but it turned out it was to stop them from falling asleep during the process it would have lead to instant body system shutdown , So they were fed the pills and led to the slaughter .

All one thousand kids walked towards a full body operation capable android with microscopic efficiency , each kid where placed in their EVO-BOT , they were strapped tightly with some type of helmet holding their head tightly in place, Kyle was really nervous but he held it in

They were told to stay calm and count numbers while the greenish water filled their tanks , when finally each tanks were filled the real torture began .


"Aarrfghh please stop ."

" Noooooo."

Different screams and shout were been heard from withing the tanks , some screamed so hard you would have thought they were in hell..... well in a way they were in hell.

The whole procedure lasted only one hour and 30 minutes , but for the kids it felt like years .

" Aaarrrrggghhh.", Kyle screamed and screamed for what felt like days to him , every second the machine took in piercing and modifying his body so he could become an awakened felt like days , but he never for once let his mind slip or give up he kept repeating the mantra in his head .

' Soon I will become a great awakened.'

After the procedure was complete some were already dead why most where dead on the inside , for two weeks they were all kept in special facilities with top notch treatment in order to restore their mental health .

It took most of them within two weeks to partially recover and two months to regain their

mental health , but surprising enough Kyle was the first to recover with Only a week to completely recover while most were still shitting them selves when they remembered what happened .

It was believed that he was a once in a lifetime genius and will surely be an awakened he was given special care by the facility which was why the next news shocked Daniel to the core .

" I am sorry young man , but you can not become an awakened .", when the doctor brought In his result he almost committed suicide that moment .

It took him a month to recover from that , four times longer than the awakening hell.

he was broke homeless and hungry , due to being to old to live in an orphanage and truth be told he didn't want to go back to that kind of life anymore .

So either had to find a job or , work for the A.H.A.F , Kyle only knew how to read and write as they were not taught anything else in the orphanage , deep down Kyle knew it was done by the Federation so you would have no where else to turn to but them , but he did not have any other options no one to turn to for help , and that's how Kyle found himself in service of the Federation .>




" Is this crap leaking or something there is no way I have spent almost twelve hours in this pod." Kyle shouted to no one in particular

A few minutes passed by in silence .

"Am I really going to die like this." Kyle said staring at the empty void in front of him.

" I really am worthless even Ray left me for been useless ." Kyle thought thinking of his Closest friend and accomplice when he was in the orphanage.

He lived in the same orphanage with Kyle , and just like him Ray didn't quite fit in with the other kids he was just to troublesome so the kids in the orphanage wouldn't go Any where near him , the two ostracized kids found themselves getting more close to each other as the years went by , and their bond became so strong that they behaved like brothers .



" Kyle we would be 15 years old in a few months , then we can become awakened and leave this stupid orphanage and become strong and mighty , I bet when I become one girls would kill to go out on a date with me , and then with my new super power I would destroy those who offend me ." , Ray said fantasying about his dreams .

"You don't have to kill anybody just cause they offend you.", Kyle replied .

" Oh yeah , well what do you want to do when you become an awakened.?" Ray asked .

" well I haven't really thought about it much but ,when I become an awakened , I would like to find my parents and find out why they left me to rot in this orphan home , and maybe after that I would buy a whole company full of food, so I wouldn't have to eat those little rations of food anymore ." Kyle.

" Hahaaaa." Ray .

" Hey why are you laughing at me?." Kyle asked.

" Am sorry it's just , awakened soldiers are the backbone of the Federation and they are practically kings and queens compared to us , you can have everything you dream of if you become one of them." Ray said in a worshipping and infatuated tone .

" Anything I want..... , well then let's make a promise to each other." Kyle said stretching his hands towards Ray.

" What kind of promise?".Ray asked .

" A promise to become awakened together and make all the dreams we ever had come through together." Kyle said with a smile .

With a smile Ray took Kyle's outstretched hands and ... some crazy hand symbols were made which for the two was a sacred oath .

A few months went by and it was time for the two to receive their medical result , a result that was going to condemn one and uplift another .

While Kyle was still wallowing in his misery , Ray was just getting the best news of his life .

" Hello Mr Ray , your medical reports are out , and it is with great pleasure that I tell you that , out of the tens of thousands of other subj.... , i mean candidate you have the second best result with a success rate of 81% .

" Really does that mean I am an awakened."

" Yes , infact with your success rate you can easily become an elite fighter, you will be treated better than regular awakened with more benefits, is there anything else I can do for you ."

" Just one more , I came in with a friend his name is Kyle , is he also awakened like me and is he okay." , Ray asked .

" yes he is okay but am afraid he wasn't able to be awakened."

" Oh, well that's all."Ray said although he felt bad for his friend but he wouldn't let a promise he made when he was young stop him from spending the rest of his life the way he liked, after all he was now an awakened and he could do what he want and nobody could stop him .>


After that Kyle went looking for his friend but wasn't able to see him, turns out he was moved immediately after he was completely okay and was placed on special training , he heard Ray was a genius who would become a great awakened in the future , although he was happy for him he couldn't help but feel sad , he had lost his best friend


Kyle stared coldly at the text in front of him he was undisturbed by the message .

"I came as trash , I am also going out as trash....., so pathetic." Kyle thought

" Fu$k it , if am going to die then I would die by my own hands." , Kyle said opening the door to the escape pod.

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