
Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

In the bustling city of Eldoria, nestled between ancient forests and towering mountains, lies the renowned Celestial Arcane Academy—a hub of magical learning and the central setting of the revered fantasy novel, "Aetheric Chronicles." Unbeknownst to the residents of Eldoria, a young Earthling named Alex awakens in the academy, a place he recognizes all too well from the pages of his favorite novel. Gifted with an OP ability yet unable to use it properly, Alex quickly realizes that he is not merely a student but a living embodiment of a character from "Aetheric Chronicles", an extra or a side character to be more precise. As he navigates the grand halls of the academy, he's met with a surprising twist—characters deviating from the expected plotline, unforeseen events altering the carefully crafted narrative. Eager to maintain the balance between the known world of "Aetheric Chronicles" and the unpredictable reality he finds himself in, Alex immerses himself in magical studies, forming bonds with familiar faces and unlocking latent abilities tied to his character's past. However, the unpredictable nature of his presence in the novel's universe sparks whispers of prophecy and conspiracy among the academy's inhabitants. Guided by his knowledge of the novel's lore, Alex faces dilemmas that challenge the very essence of his character. Will he follow the prescribed destiny laid out in the novel, or will he forge a new path and risk unraveling the delicate threads of the fantasy world? _____ ___ __ Gift a Super Gift - Get a Mass Release! Car - 1 chapter. Dragon - 4-5 chapters. Castle - 6-7 chapters + Bonus for the Gifter. Spaceship - 7-8 chapters + Bonus for the Gifter. Gachapon - 10-12 chapters + Bonus for the Gifter (Give a name for a character or smth else.) I will also release two weekly bonus chapters and three monthly bonus chapters as well. Let's go-! _____ __ __

Peace_in_Chaos · Fantasy
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208 Chs

The Awakening [4]

Aurelius, still recovering from the overwhelming experience of his awakening, looked at the man beside him. The man's eyes held an intensity that matched the brilliance of Aurelius's newfound ability. The courtyard, once again in a hushed anticipation, waited for the crown prince's response.

Aurelia, on the sidelines, exchanged a glance with her brother Adrian. They both sensed the gravity of the moment, realizing that Aurelius was faced with a choice that could alter the course of his destiny.

The man's words lingered in the air, and Aurelius, after a moment of contemplation, met the gaze of his potential mentor. "Mister... Thanks for asking me. But can you tell me who you are first?"



The man was left dumbfounded by Aurelius's question while the whole courtyard was left speechless.

The man, momentarily taken aback by Aurelius's unexpected question, recovered his composure with a faint smile. He seemed amused by the directness of the crown prince.

"I apologize for my oversight. I am Seraphelis, a professor from the Celestial Arcane Academy." The man replied, his voice carrying a weight of both authority and understanding.

The revelation of Seraphelis's identity rippled through the courtyard, leaving a sense of awe among the onlookers.

"Did he say Seraphelis?"

"Is he the famous Solar Artisan Serahelis of the Celestial Arcande Academy? Just a rank lower from Solar Archmage?" Two professors of the Royal Academy exclaimed in shock.

The others who heard them looked at the man in a newfound light. After all, awakening a powerful ability was one thing, being powerful was one thing.

Aurelius, absorbing this information, regarded Seraphelis with a newfound understanding. The courtyard, once buzzing with the aftermath of his awakening, now held its breath in anticipation of the crown prince's decision.

He looked at Seraphelis for a moment before sighing. "Thank you again for asking me. But I will have to reject your offer, Mister. And before you feel offended, let me explain why I am rejecting you. I would love to attend the academy and learn from you, but every one can easily see the condition I am in. I'm terribly weak and sick. Furthermore, I'm destined to die sooner or later because of an incurable disease. So, I hope you understand."

Seraphelis, though surprised by Aurelius's candid response, listened attentively. The courtyard, which had been on edge, now held a somber atmosphere as the crown prince revealed the harsh reality of his health.

Aurelia, Adrian, and the spectators watched in silent respect, understanding the weight of Aurelius's words. Seraphelis, despite the rejection, nodded with understanding, his expression reflecting a mixture of sympathy and acknowledgment.

"Ah, one more thing." Suddenly spoke up Aurelius. "If you are searching for a disciple, I think a beautiful young lady over there named Aurelia would be a better choice. She's got potential and a much longer life ahead. So, please consider it."

The attention of the courtyard shifted from Aurelius to Aurelia, who blinked in surprise at her fiance's unexpected recommendation. 

Meanwhile, the sick crown prince bowed in courtesy and started leaving the altar.

'This is the least I can do to help her...' He thought looking at his fiance with the corner of his eyes.


However, just as he was about to step down from the altar, he heard Seraphelis's voice and his body stopped on its own. 

"Since I asked you to be my disciple, of course I knew about your condition beforehand," Seraphelis admitted calmly, his eyes conveying a depth of understanding. The admission left Aurelius slightly taken aback, realizing that his potential mentor was aware of the imminent threat to his life.

The courtyard, still caught in a momentary suspension, waited for the conversation between the crown prince and the esteemed Solar Artisan to unfold.

Seraphelis continued, his voice carrying a gentle yet resolute tone. "Aurelius, there exists a way to rid you of that illness. A method within the realms of my expertise. However, there is a condition. You must become my disciple. Only then can I share this knowledge and guide you through the process."

Aurelius, though skeptical, couldn't ignore the glimmer of hope Seraphelis's words offered. The gravity of his condition, the looming threat of an incurable illness, weighed on him. The courtyard, once hushed, now held an air of expectancy as Aurelius contemplated his decision.

"Why me? And why now?" Aurelius questioned, his gaze fixed on Seraphelis.

"Because your potential, Aurelius Avondale, extends far beyond what others may perceive. You possess an extraordinary affinity with all seven elements and even have awakened a Solar Tier Five Star Ability. The timing is now, for the celestial alignment favors this endeavor. The opportunity, like the stars, may not align again," Seraphelis explained, his words carrying a sense of urgency.

Aurelius caught between the harsh reality of his condition and the potential salvation offered, hesitated. The courtyard watched in suspense as the crown prince grappled with the decision that could alter the course of his destiny.

Finally, after a moment of contemplation, Aurelius spoke, "I will agree to be your disciple but on one condition."

Seraphelis raised an eyebrow, prompting Aurelius to continue.

"You must also take Aurelia as your disciple," Aurelius declared, his gaze shifting to his fiance. "She has potential, and if there's a chance for her to grow stronger, to be free. I want her to have it."

Seraphelis, however, shook his head with a serene smile. "I appreciate your concern for your 'lover', Aurelius. But I can't accept her as my disciple."

Aurelius frowned, and as he was about to voice his objection, Seraphelis interrupted him. "In fact, Aurelia already has someone who desires to be her mentor. And it would be discourteous of me to intervene. Isn't that right, mysterious mentor? I will lose my disciple if you don't come out now."


With those words, a figure materialized beside Aurelia, a person previously concealed in the light. The newcomer stepped forward, revealing herself to be a middle-aged woman though with a powerful aura and commanding presence.

The middle-aged woman, whose presence exuded a sense of wisdom and grace, approached Aurelia with a gentle smile. Her voice carried a soothing tone, reminiscent of a caring grandmother.

"Hello, young one," the woman began, her eyes filled with warmth. "I am Seraphina, a professor from the same academy as that blockhead. I have been observing you with great interest. Your potential is like a blooming flower, and I see within you the seeds of greatness."

Aurelia, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, met Seraphina's gaze.

Seraphina continued, "I would be happy to teach you. And since just like you, I have affinities with water, light, and fire, which makes us compatible. So, will you become my disciple?"