
A New End

Looking at the puny beings in front of me i could only smile, guardians as they liked to call themselves, the so called protectors of the universe. Obliterating anything that opposed their ideologies of balance, the so called new gods, how pathetic.

I looked past their corpses and around the huge hall, once decorated with gold and such, now lay in ruins, blood covered the walls and ruble decorated the floor.

Moving on toward my goal, the Xerebal, which was the heart of the universe, i skipped as i was filled with joy. My lifelong goal was finally within reach.

My arm slightly trembled as I reached for it, and when i grabbed it, i reflexively held my breath waiting for something to happen but it never did.

I sighed, should have known it was never going to be easy, moving toward one of the littered corpses i proceeded to draw runes around the Xerebal using the blood of the guardians, finishing up, i sat cross-legged near it and began chanting.

Images shot through my brain as endless power seemingly begun to enter me.

The very energy that made up our universe was flowing through me, not wanting to tease myself longer i engaged in fully absorbing the power of our universe.

Unbeknownst to him the universe crumbled as he continued absorbing the energy, stars died and planets became obsolete.

Every being's lifeforce, every known energy in the universe withered away as it was all absorbed.

Death and despair filled the denizens who were caught off guard and they too weren't spared, even to a certain degree death and life itself were being absorbed, mere laws like gravity were quick to disappear.

For what seemed like trillions of years the universe finally crumbled and became nothing, the cause of this all was suddenly enveloped by a bright light and then his body too died with the universe, his soul transversed to another universe.

Truly new beginnings await our wayward soul.