
Aesir's Chosen

Europe is engulfed by an ancient world, reducing it to a battlefield that humanity must survive in. Legends and gods awaken as a number of heroes rise to the challenge.

KarionProduction · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Interlude (short)

I periodically munch on the trail-mix while walking through the buildings, though I need to start watching my step after getting tripped a few times. The dusty air is only broken apart when I need to scurry to a hiding place as it seems some giants have stopped following the others' sleeping schedule.

The closer I get to the marketplace, the more I seem to worry for the rest of my crew. Though Lauri is perplexing at times, I could depend on him to guide me and the others without the need for heart attacks. And Arttu, Apple and Akseli were the only ones who could fight, plus they knew how to have fun.

I can't believe I'm actually thinking fondly about a guy I wanted to eat and got punched by, not to mention basically mute bug guys. I can't hold a laugh back, thinking on the absurdity of what I'm going through. Not even a month ago I was living alone in an apartment complex, barely talked to anyone and now I'm walking through a warzone caused by troll giants.

"I can't even die... What's the damn..." My throat feels like it's burning and my heart stings. I curl down, nearly collapsing. "What's the damn point..." I keep walking.

I keep walking despite what I just had in my mind, I wonder if I'm actually even human at this point.

I think back, there's nothing for me to live for. No actual job that isn't soul eating, no girlfriend or boyfriend, no sibling and my parents basically abandoned me, those bastards. If I keep going, what am I even going to find? Just endless deaths, propably, thanks to this damn immortality.

My un-cut nails begin to dig into my skin as I look to the void, to the pale blue sky that is turning to dawn orange. I raise my hand to my throat in a desperate plea for something to give a point to this seemingly pointless, rotting existence —


— I turn to look, it's Lauri.

"Man, seems like you really can go solo." He laughs. "Arttu was starting to look anxious, haha!"

Arttu hisses at Lauri, getting seemingly emberrased. "Obviously...", I half-heartedly reply as I go towards him, sitting on a bench and take out the trail-mix. "Want some?"

"Anytime", they all say to me happily and each seems to find some enjoyment out of it. Aleksi seems particularly pumped-up from the raisins.

"So what's the plan this time?"

Lauri pulled out a map. "I'm thinking we move along the coast, though to get there we'll follow the river first."

"Seems pretty solid...", I look to the others, they seem to understand what we're implying and give an aproval.

Maybe this won't be so hard afterall...

So this one might be a bit short, but I hope you can see the value that I see in it. Of course, in the eyes of the beholder and all that...

I realised a bit late that for the longest time I was ignoring the theme in the story, so I hope you can stick with this heavy-handed writing of mine.

Than you, my dear reader

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