

Revenge. Pain. Sorrow. Scars. A Kingdom, brought to ruins. A man, that must be slain. A battle, that must be won. A destiny, that is sealed. What will take place when Lorcan realized he didn't finish killing off the Adromenda bloodline? Will Aerie survive, or will Lorcan finish what he started? Can Aerie become the warrior she needs to be so she can slain the man who killed her mother in cold blood, and finds humor in the pain of others? Aerie Adromenda, the daughter of Serephina Adromenda and Alois Adromenda. One being both witch and werewolf and one being a born vampire. Aerie was hidden from the world for 17 years. Aerie was born with all of her parents powers, but at the age of 2 was blessed by the Goddess Athena and given a bow that holds the power of the stars. Her parents were determined to keep her safe and kept away from Lorcan, but the day of Aeries birthday was the day they were no longer able to keep her out of his hands. Lorcan Gennady, a man who wanted to hold the world in his hands. Lorcan wanted to be the man on top of the world and have it all, so he could never falter, never age, and never be taken down. When the whispers of an offspring holding all those abilities reached the Kingdom of Rhysand, Lorcan was determined to kill the child and become the man who had it all. Until the day he saw the child, and realized it was a female. Would he kill her and take it all and become the strongest of them all? Would things take a turn and everything change? Only the Gods will know. "War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who remains." -R.F. Kuang, The Poppy War

BeIIee · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Silence. There was nothing but silence as I stood in front of my mother as she spoke. I knew she was speaking to me, I knew I was supposed to move but my entire body was stiff. Nothing. I felt nothing. I looked at her as she shook me and all I saw was her body. Her body was covered in blood. My eyes roamed the land. The land I used to call home, but there was nothing but ruins. Our Home was tumbling to the ground becoming nothing but old ashes. The ground was covered in bodies, the once green fresh grass now covered in the blood of the people I new as family. Pain. Pain is all I felt as if someone has stabbed me in my heart. Once everything hit me all I could do was run. I ran. I ran, even after my legs were nothing but weak. Even when they were begging me to stop, and give them time to rest to restore all the feeling that was now lost in them. I didn't know how long I ran, but my body was tired. My body was drained, and I wasn't going to be doing any running for quite some time. I came to a halt when I spotted a place that could be shield me and be a place to rest. The cave seemed to be hidden by a curtain. A curtain of thick vines, almost as if the cave also needed some shielding. The area was bordered by high mountains, the mountains acting like a wall. A wall to keep all things inside them, safe. Safe from those outside the wall, for them to never enter. This place I now call home. My cave, my mountains, my wall. It would protect me from those outside these mountains. The ones who killed the ones I loved. The ones who killed my mother. The one who finds humor in the pain of others. The one who enjoys seeing the lifeless bodies scattered over million of lands, and the blood covering them. These mountains will shield me, until I am able to look into those piercing red eyes and see them go lifeless. Until then Lorcan. I, Aerie Andromeda, will be the one to stop your outrage.

This is almost like a prologue, the beginning of the first series. This is simply introducing the first character, and showing her background.

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