
Aerial Chronicles: I'm the fucking villain!

What would you do if you became the bad guy in your favorite video game? That's what happens to our protagonist, a skilled and ruthless gamer who calls himself "Spectre". His passion is the virtual reality game Aerial Chronicles, where he dominates his rivals with his skill and cunning. But one day, everything changes. For some unknown reason, our protagonist wakes up in the body of Kylo Stormcrest, a secondary character in the game who is a noble and weak villain. Kylo has no special abilities, only his title of duke. How will he survive in this hostile and dangerous world? Will he be able to change his destiny and become a hero? Or will he remain the same old Spectre?

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

When you play for chaos, don't expect surprises.

I must admit that I had a little hope that the world was that of the female protagonist, but life is not always as you want it to be.

As the countess and the two children approached, I hid a bit by ducking my head.

(It's important that they don't know of my presence, this way I can act better).

Although I forgot one small detail: two girls on either side.

"Are you hiding from her?", Luna asked me pointing at the protagonist and Valeria.

As expected from a super genius, she could almost miraculously identify my behavior.

"Why?", this time the next to speak was Elara.

"You must be his fiancée, maybe he wants to surprise her," Luna said in a monotone voice, but I could sense a hint of excitement.

"Oooh, I understand, I'll help you hide!" As if it was something fun, Elara agreed to help me, without even asking my opinion.

(Well, this works in my favor, but the way Luna came to that conclusion... it was creepy).

As I said before, the interactions you have with Luna in the story mode aren't many and you can't find out much about her, you just know that she's a genius at everything.

Jerk! *shaken

Elara kindly... no, rudely, picked up my head and put it in her lap.


I couldn't react fast enough, and I must also admit that her strength was far superior to that of a 10 year old girl.

I could feel my head resting on her soft lap, but I could not calm down because....

(Luna is giving me a very weird look).


Just as I was about to groan and get up, I heard a certain nostalgic and familiar, if a bit childish, voice.

"Happy birthday, Princess Elara. I'm Valeria Steele, and I wish you the best of times." It was Valeria, who arrived in the moment after hiding me.

"Thank you very much, Valeria Steele. I apologize if I can't get up to say hello, but I have my reasons," she said, in a slightly playful voice.

"No more was needed, princess. Your voice alone comforts me," Valeria said elegantly.

(Her mother, the countess, taught her etiquette well, eh...).

"Who is that person next to you?" asked Elara with genuine curiosity.

"He is..." she hesitated to answer.

"Why are you red, Valeria Steele?" This time I heard Luna's voice.

(You're not very tactful, are you?)

I couldn't see much from Elara's lap, in fact I could only see how Elara was stroking my hair while she was talking; it seems that this situation amuses her a little bit.

(I'm not a dog, you know?)

"I heard from my aunt that her son was engaged to the Steele's daughter... Is he Kylo Stromcrest?" not caring much about my presence or Elara's, Luna asked.


Yes, that was the sound of my head hitting the table underneath.

"Oh, ho ho, sorry, it was the excitement," Elara exclaimed with a sly smile.

(Your excitement almost split my head open!)

"No, no, no, no, no, he's my childhood friend, but... I'd like to know his esteemed name," Valeria replied a little nervously, but in the end she asked for Luna's identity.

"Luna Lestia, daughter of Duke Lestia, and as a member of high society, I tell you not to be so close to a man outside of your engagement, it could cause misunderstandings," in a somewhat authoritative voice, Luna replied.

(Well, from down here I can see that their bodies are a bit close together).

"Yes, that's right, Miss Valeria, look, there is Aunt Arabella, so be careful", said Elara with an elegant voice and pointing to the place where my stepmother was.

Although I couldn't see their reaction, I could see how they separated a little when they heard that my stepmother and presumably me, were present at the party.


"Now, why don't you introduce yourself, Valeria's childhood friend," Elara continued, this time addressing the protagonist.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my fair lady. I am Adam Sherden, the heir to House Sherden," so said the protagonist in a soft, seductive voice.

His greeting was a bit disrespectful from a noble point of view....

(Wow, I can even imagine his stupid grin from down here).

"A-ha, a greeting, I am the second princess Elara Celestia. Well, I'll let you both enjoy the party," Elara replied.

*steps away.

"She's gone," Luna said looking at me from the right side.

I slowly got up from Elara's lap, and with my eyes scanning the surroundings, I came to see them both.

Valeria, who caught my eye with her orange hair and green eyes. Her hair, long and curly, fell over her shoulders like a cascade of fire. Her eyes, bright and expressive, reflected her curiosity and joy.

She liked to dress in bright colors that contrasted with her fair skin. Today she wore a yellow dress with white polka dots, red sneakers and a blue headband with a flower.

And on the side...

(I see, her default appearance)

In story mode, you could also limitedly customize the protagonist, but if you don't make changes, he will obviously look in his default form.

Adam, in his default form, had brown hair and slightly deeper green eyes than Valeria's. His confident and slightly arrogant smile revealed his noble origin. He dressed elegantly, in a blue velvet suit and a cloak embroidered with golden threads. He was proud of his close relationship with Valeria and did not hesitate to let others know it.

(No doubt the Countess sponsored that suit for him).

There's no way a mere baron had access to that kind of attire.

"Don't worry, Kylo, you're better looking than him, I'm sure she'll pay attention to you when she sees you," Elara said holding my hand under the table, probably comforting me.

(Don't you know these two have been kissing since they were 8 years old, dear princess...).

And so most of the party went by, while I avoided them seeing me. It wasn't too difficult, as they seemed to be in their own world.


Just as I was getting bored, both Valeria and Adam quietly slipped out of the room.

Something I didn't miss, since I was completely focused on them, so focused was I, that I didn't notice that Elara was still holding my hand in her lap.

Wasting no time, I quickly got up, excused myself saying I had to go to the bathroom and followed them.

As they moved forward, they held hands and quickly reached a private meeting room, meant for those who needed to change or had a problem.

They looked around a bit before entering; fortunately, they didn't notice me.

(Okay, I know where they went, now I just have to bring my stepmom and that's all over).

I thought the things those two are going to do there are not very "family-friendly", so the moment I bring my stepmom, this engagement will go away.

(I doubt my stepmom would even think about executing a child).

The moment I was about to turn around and go after my stepmother, something appeared out of nowhere.

[You have unlocked the Chaos and Order quests!]

It was the game interface, telling me that I had unlocked these quests.

(Strange, I thought I only had the inventory).

I didn't have much time, so I took a quick look at it.

[ Pick the first mission! ]

[ Chaos Mission: The Incarnation of Temporal Entropy.

Description: You are the chosen one, the one who can alter the course of history with just a gesture. You are the embodiment of temporal entropy, the one who brings chaos to an orderly and predictable world.

Your mission is to defy the laws of nature, to break the limits of logic, to sow confusion and anarchy in a society drowning in its own rigidity. Only in this way can you free the world from its fatal destiny, only in this way can you give life a new chance.

Starting Conditions: Change Kylo Stromcrest's original destiny.

Completion Reward: Release Kylo Stromcrest's fate, immunity to fate (All your actions are treated as a consequence of temporal entropy) ]

(Interesting, so if I choose it... Am I the bad guy? Or am I the good guy?)

While I was thinking about that, I checked the other mission, the order mission.

[ Order Mission: The future that was lost in the past.

Description: A powerful Entity took the future away from Kylo Stromcrest. Now, only a corrupted version of him remains, a puppet of evil. To restore his true destiny, you must endure the suffering of seeing what never was and what was destroyed.

Starting Conditions: Don't change anything, endure his pain.

Completion Reward: Increased rewards, deeper quests, a special class, destiny protection (destiny will protect you until it's time to face the truth) ]


It's obvious that the world wants me to choose the second mission, I mean, you only need to look at the increase in rewards to know that.

(Sorry, I don't have that fetish).

It's not just enduring the NTR, in the original story Kylo went through a lot of humiliation, and I honestly pass.

After closing the mission window, I went to the banquet hall to bring my mother.


It wasn't too difficult, as few people had the guts to approach her, so I quickly approached her and said:

"Mother, will you join me for a while?", I said respectfully.

"Kylo, mother has to talk to the nobles, I can't leave yet," she said in a soft voice.

I looked around and didn't see many people around.

"Mom..." I insisted, but this time, I made a scolded puppy dog face.

(How embarrassing!)

I could see how she was touched by my face, so, sighing, she said:

"Quickly then," she said, agreeing to accompany me.

I wasted no time and took her hand to follow me, but on the way we met a very interesting person.

"Oh, but if it isn't little Kylo," the person who said so to me was Countess Steele, who approached us at some point.

(This saves me a lot...).

"Hi Auntie, are you joining us too?" i asked her in an innocent voice.

"Kylo, are you taking the countess too?" my stepmother asked hesitantly.

Nodding, I said:

"I think Auntie will be interested, Mom," I said and again showed the puppy dog face.


"Forgive me, but I need a little of your time," my stepmother said to Countess Steele with an apologetic face.

"No problem, in fact I'd like to get to know the playful side of my future son-in-law heh, heh, heh," she said in an animated voice.

(I wonder if you can smile at what you are about to see).

Taking her hand too, I headed towards the room where the two of them were about to do racy things.

I didn't realize that a pair of blue eyes were watching my situation from a distance....

"Mom, can we go too?"

"Arabella went too, well, why not?"

Bringing a person completely out of my plans.


When I reached the door to the room where they were both standing, I pointed to it and said to the two women:

"There, Mom, come in."

They both looked at each other in confusion before my stepmother turned the knob and entered the room.

*mooch, *mooch, *smooch.

When we all walked in, we could see Valeria and Adam, kissing in a compromising position and in their underwear.

(My God, they didn't even bother to turn off the light!)

When they both looked in our direction at the sound that interrupted their affair, I could see their expressions slowly change.

When my eyes met Valeria's, I saw a tear come out of her right eye.

(Well, I too would cry from embarrassment if I were to find myself in this situation).

Both my mother and the countess were in shock at this situation, but I could see my stepmother's face slowly distort.

Just as she was about to curse at the top of her lungs, a tender voice sounded from behind me.

"Wow, what an awkward situation, don't you think, Mom?"

"Yes, very awkward."


When I quickly turned my head to check if the voices I heard were real, I saw them....

It was Elara and... The Queen.