

Schnee manor gardens


Aegis POV:

Aegis once again sat under the now not-so-little tree that was already one meter in length and had already started to grow branches, with its previous golden hue now integrated into its brown bark. Willow, his mother, who nowadays had nothing to do, lay not far away from him on the sofa with a book about business and economics in her right hand and a red liquid in her left. Even if Aegis ensured Willow stopped drinking, it couldn't be done suddenly without any complications, as moderation was vital in such cases. Something told Aegis that his mother didn't wish to fail her children again. So, with Aegis making sure that the servants were aware of not giving his mother any beverage without his knowledge, and with Klein, who was more than happy to collaborate with Aegis, Willow little by little started to drink less and less, and with Weiss being tutored, the mother-son due spent their time in silence.

Aegis used that silence to categorize his memories, cementing them as his and not other's, something he lately needed to do much more frequently, his mind didn't fracture, at least not entirely, but sometimes Aegis felt phantom pains, ones that weren't his, or unnatural hatred for things he shouldn't, as such thinking of his pasts actions and meetings helped him to centralize his thoughts and memories.

One of them was his latest meeting with a very distraught man.

It didn't take long, just three months, before William Gerbera, the lead scientist of the SDC DNSE branch, asked for a private conversation, and because Aegis observed their findings and steps in the understanding of atoms and their potential, he had an idea of what the man wanted to speak about.

And Aegis was proven true when he walked up to the room where the man kept staring at the board with numbers and advanced mathematic models, all in disarray, just like the man who called for Aegis himself.

One look at the mathematical equations told Aegis everything he needed. The man opened the doors to which Aegis gave him keys, and it seemed he wasn't much pleased, and after watching the man for a while, Aegis finally made his presence known by knocking on the doors, making the man jump in fright.

After that, it was nothing but listening to the mad rambling of man, whose semblance, and old good commons sense, screamed at him that he found something tremendously dangerous.

For the man found another use for nuclear energy, and he wasn't happy about it. It took Aegis a while to calm the man down and tell him that he understood his fears and that if he worked with him, Remnant would know about fusion energy and not the more destructive nuclear bomb.

It pleased Aegis that the man came up to him with his findings before he shared them with anybody or contacted his father, who would surely be interested in such a game changer, and thanks to this little incident, where the man with morals led his nuclear research division, Aegis knew he could rest, as the man would make sure that anything Aegis didn't like wouldn't come true.

For this world, this Remnant didn't deserve his family, and Aegis wished to change that. He would make the illusion of peace and prosperity true so that his family wouldn't live in a lie.

Of that, Aegis was sure as he watched his mother with his ice-blue eyes.

"Son? Do I have something on my face?" His mother, who noticed his gaze, put her hand on her face, making Aegis smile.

He will make truth from lies, for his family deserves it.


Schnee mansion library


Weiss POV:


The feeling of warmth was her earliest memory, the warmth that encased her in its protective and gentle embrace.

And yet, the warmth was always so fleeting. The presence of her mother helped even her sister Winter, who now, unfortunately, started her study, which made her stay in her dormitories.

But that changed little, Weiss was just nine years old, soon ten years, but she was far from ignorant like the other children. She had no room to be childish or naive, she was Schnee, and Schnee's were perfection.

At least, that was what her father always told her when she rarely saw him. She knew that father couldn't be farther and closer to the truth simultaneously.

Her mother, who later became better but was still not one Weiss remembered, the warm feeling was still present, but it felt more hollow. She knew that alcohol was wrong. She read about it in their library, but the feelings of loss weren't because of alcohol, of that Weiss was sure. She lost connection to her mother somehow, and Weiss wasn't sure it could ever reconnect.

Then there was her elder sister, Winter, Weiss... Weiss liked Winter, at least at first, before her sister became obsessed with study and training, she still remembered times when Winter made her time to play with her, but these times became scarcer and scarcer until they finally stopped, with her leaving to study outside of their house, leaving them behind.

Weiss knew that Winter had a choice to stay at home, stay with them, and study simultaneously. After all, they were Schnee's, they had enough lien for the best tutors to be hired, but she didn't. She left...

And that knowledge made Weiss question her sister's stance too. Just like their mother, who became withdrawn into herself, Winter too ran.


Weiss didn't care, at least not much, no matter what connection she to them lost. To Weiss, just one link mattered, and that connection couldn't be lost, for it was radiant and warm at the same time.

Aegis Schnee, her big brother, Weiss loved her brother, and she loved the feeling of warmth and fullness she felt when near him, his gentle pats on her head, his pleasantly warm hugs, and the calming rhythm of his beating heart that never stopped to put her into a deep sleep.

"So, what do we do today?" A voice sounded beside Weiss, who suddenly awakened from her thoughts. Looking at the source of distraction made her blue eyes meet grey ones.


"Scary, Weiss-scary look, sorry, sorry, but im bored." Ilia slumped on the desk, pushing the books away.

"Did you finish your homework?" Weiss quirked her eyebrow. Ilia, an...

Friend, Weiss wouldn't call Ilia a friend, at least not entirely. From what Weiss observed and looked into, Weiss and Ilia hadn't that typical friendship between themselves, as the other children in their school.

From what Weiss observed, it was more like subordinate and boss, something Weiss was much more familiar with, as she witnessed much more of such relationships in public events and father's 'friends' father invited for a dinner they needed to be present for.

"Yesssss, and it was BORING- B.O.R.I.N.G!" Weiss pushed down the urge to lash out. This wasn't something worthy of being angry at. Weiss knew Ilia, and she had observed the girl for months now. Weiss knew how she could be when she had one of her's 'playful' moods.

"Then it would be best to read another chapter, so we can prepare for the next class." Weiss watched Ilia slump even more, ever so dramatically.

"You know that we go to school to learn? Right? We don't need all this preparation, and we still go through it in class." Ilia was right, but just the idea of not knowing beforehand made Weiss shiver.

No, the unknown was dangerous. Weiss hated not knowing, and she detested the feeling of uncertainty.

"But then, it's you, so I guess im going to read." Ilia childishly pushed herself up as she reached for another book about mathematics.

Weiss watched her as her words replayed in her mind.

"What do you mean it's me?" She asked, her blue eyes watching Ilia stop in her search for the right page, tilting her head and looking back at Weiss with an uncomprehending expression.

"What I mean, what?"

"What did you mean when you said that im, me." Ilia's eyes opened a little as a smile blossomed on her face. Weiss found it rather cute, like an animal she saw in an animal world documentary...

Was it racist to compare a faunus to an animal? No, Weiss heard about what her brother said to their tutor, that humans are just like animals, as faunus, and Weiss trusted her big brother's words more.

"I mean, Weiss? You, you know we aren't normal, right? Like, like girls in our class speak about fashion, try to act so ladylike, and gossip about boys or celebrities? And we? Look around. We spend most of our time with study or in your family training yard..." Ilia trailed off, making Weiss think about her words.

Coming to think of it, Weiss looked at Ilia.

"I... I was always different, but what about you?" Weiss, now that she looked back on it, was Ilia truly so different? Yes, Weiss knew about her faunus status. Ilia hid pretty well. Weiss just noticed it when she saw her look at girls in their class and her skin becoming pink for a short while.

It was one of the reasons Weiss picked Ilia as her... Experiment.

But, looking at it from another side, was Ilia just an experiment to her? Weiss admitted that she accepted Ilia into her life just to make sure her big brother didn't need to worry about her, that she had a friend in her age group, but...

Was Ilia becoming more than just an excuse not to socialize with other children?

"Eh, I think it's you? I feel more... Calm around you, like, I feel, I dunno, I feel more, what's the word, sharp? No, attentive? Like, im ok being me? I guess." Ilia's face scrunched up in thought as Weiss thought about her words. Had she truly had such an effect on the disguised faunus?

"...I see..." Weiss mumbled, making Ilia incline her head to the side. Weiss didn't notice the small quirk up of her cornel lips, something that made Ilia whisper scary.

"What was that?"



Schnee mansion


Klein POV:

"Harder! Harder!" Sweat poured down on his forehead as he did as he was commanded by his lady.

"Quickly! Harder!" Klein obeyed, but as they finally seemed to reach the end of their session, his lady screamed.


"Mistress!" He quickly stopped pushing as he laid down his lady, whose labored breaths were full of anger. Not good, he knew this, he remembered this, but at the same time, no matter how angry his lady was, Klein inwardly smiled. It seemed it seemed that his lady's spirit was finally returning...

Albeit, even if Klein wished that she took care of herself more...


Whatever young master did, it seemed that his mistress youthful vigor returned...

And with her vigor, even her foul mouth, that would make even the most veteran huntsman's vocabulary pale against the things his lady used to say.

"Not a fucking word to my children, Klein." He was awakened by piercing blue eyes that made him smile as he handed the towel to his mistress, watching how she cleaned herself of all sweat.

"Do not worry, my lady, and my mouth is shut about your vivid vocabulary of Grimm vivisection I today learned about from your lips." He smiled as he watched Willow's forehead twitch.

"Haaa... Really, please don't tell them... I don't want them to see me like this..." Klein stopped chipperly smiling as his face settled into a gentle smile.

"Do not worry, my lady, I will not utter a word about this training, but do you truly wish to hide these activities from your children? Im sure they would be more than happy to help you." And he knew it was the truth, or at least partially...

His young mistress Winter was away on her study, and younger mistress Weiss, Klein loved them both, but...

Shaking his head, he knew that young master would be delighted to help his mother, in that Klein was sure.

"...I... I just don't want to see myself like this... I know, I know, this is much better than the things I shoved them, the time I laid on the sofa or on the ground, wasted from alcohol, it's just..."

"You don't need to speak, my lady." Willow threw him a sad smile he returned.

"You know, I never thought how out of shape I was, at least until now... All those years of diet and training in waste, and for what? Few glasses of wine?"

"I think there were more than just a few glasses, my lady." If a look could kill, Klein knew he would be dead, but his mistress sighed.

"I know... I fucked up, I royally fucked up, not just my father, and myself, even you, but I fucked up my children too. Just look at them. All are more mature than they should be, and why is that? Because my 'husband' is a piece of shit, and I too." His mistress willowed down. Klein wanted to tell her it wasn't the truth, but...

Klein knew that his mistress needed this, she accepted it, and as a right butler, it was his duty to help his masters, even if it sometimes hurts them...

That and Klein practically raised Willow, and he knew how much she changed and how much it bothered her.

"Just when I gave up?" When you learned about the reason why Jacques married you, Klein wished to say out loud, but why would he? After all, his mistress knew it too.

"It is not my place to say so, my lady, but it is not too late to-"

"Hehe." Klein wasn't able to continue as Willow bitterly chuckled.

"Oh, it's alright, Klein. We both know it's late, my little Winter. She is already growing into a dutiful woman, one that doesn't need me, my little son, my lovable snowflake. He never needed me, it was hard to accept, but we know the truth. Aegis was a man even before he was a boy... And Weiss, my little Weiss... She..." There his mistress stopped as Klein's heart raced.

"I love my daughter, but those eyes, you saw them too, didn't you, Klein? The look she is giving us, to everybody who isn't Aegis, those eyes..." His mistress shuddered.

"I love her, and I would die for her, but I would lie if I didn't say that she doesn't scare me, and I can't even say it wasn't my fault, after all, I left her. I let Aegis raise Weiss himself, and no matter how perfect my son is, you know how detached he is, sometimes detached from reality, as if he lived in another place, that distance in his eyes is sometimes too big to look up for me... And with Weiss, he lets her do anything, no matter what she wants. Aegis bent himself for her, for Winter and me too, but Weiss was too young to understand, and before you know it, she has grown up in the way she is now, and it's all my fault... I left her..." His mistress sobbed. Klein didn't know what to do, but thankfully or not, before he could do anything, Willow straightened up as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"But, even if late, I will be there for them, from now on, until the end, and first, I need to make sure, to repay any harm the pregnancies with alcohol and my sedentary life, you made chefs prepare my new diet, right?" Klein nodded as he watched the woman he raised slowly stretch her body, sweat pouring down her uncovered skin...

He needed to make sure his mistress took a warm bath after this, preferably an herbal-infused one. He would detest if, after the first time in years, his mistress's exercise ended up in her catching a cold.

"Well, then let us go back to training, please, Klein, push me down once I tell you to." He truly wished for his mistress to hire a professional trainer, as the idea of him mistakingly harming her shot a terror down his spine...

"Aaaahhh, crapy fuck basket!" Even if he didn't exactly miss her vulgar speech... He was glad that not even one child of hers inherited such a trait...




Aegis POV:

Walking through the streets, seeing the shop displays, with some that had 'Faunus Not Allowed,' Aegis shook his head, leaving it to humanity to bicker about something so insignificant as additional traits while being slowly destroyed by a common enemy...

Aegis didn't turn his head, as his silent protector his father hired changed his hiding place, trying to keep up with Aegis and his minder, who too was on his father's payroll. After all, Aegis was just eleven years old, and with a family like his, it would be unthinkable if he went out to the city alone.

Aegis didn't mind. His goal of coming out of the house was already waiting on him in a coffee shop they chose for their meeting. Ignoring the looks of wonder, jealousy, and hatred mainly from faunus, but even a few humans, Aegis opened the doors to the coffee, not waiting for his escort to do for him, and his mind immediately relaxed for a little at the nice smell of coffee, even the souls quieted for a moment, as it brought feelings of nostalgia to them.

"Hm..." Aegis's eyes caught the reason for his visit, a woman in her middle twenties with bright red hair, a pale complexion that was natural for any Altesian, and normal clothes that couldn't hide the lithe figure with complete womanly parts in all right places.

"Ah, Aegis Schnee, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, even if im a little confused by your wish to meet me in person." Green eyes shone with hidden curiosity and alertness. Aegis just nodded his head as he sat opposite the woman.

"Iris Greenfield, it's my own pleasure to meet you, and before we start, you do not need to worry about my reason for contacting you wasn't from mere curiosity." The now-named Iris nodded her head as Aegis watched her observing him.

"First, just as I said in the message, if you want to speak about business, im not the right person. My father or his directors lead all GreenCon business matters in my family." There was guardedness. Aegis noted being ever so present in the woman's mannerisms, just like the fact she didn't speak to him or took him as an average eleven-year-old child.

"Actually, I wished to meet you because of the Atlas-Future program." Aegis watched how Iris's eyes slightly widened, just for them to narrow.

"That project was supposed to be secret... Hehe." But even before Iris ended up her speech, her eyes widened once more as a laugh escaped her mouth.

"Let me guess, my father, Rock Greenfield, spoke with mister Jacques Schnee, your father, didn't he? Did he say that it was his idea too?" There was desperation, and powerlessness in the woman's voice, as her shoulders slumped.

"Yes." Aegis simply commented, as there wasn't any reason to beat around the bush, watching how the woman sighed.

"So... What do you want? I gave my father the project, the entire project, just for him to say it wasn't feasible, and now you came up to me with the fact that he lied to me. That he took credit for my work?" Even if it was just a piece of paper with an idea, it was something with enormous potential. Aegis wasn't surprised his father wanted his own share of the pie in such a worthy endeavor...

"The idea of making Atlas self-sufficient is praiseworthy, and most know that without trade, Atlas/Mantle would starve. Atlas can't feed our entire population from the scarce farms that can be found in Solitas' unhospitable farming environment, making Atlas kingdom rely on Vale and Mistral food transports, making all prices of food in our kingdom raised by the enormous amount for the transport and protection." And wasn't it true?

Without Vale and Mistral, Atlas couldn't ever support its rising population, just thanks to technology and dust trade, could Atlas pay for the skyrocketing prices of food, not speak about the deliveries that could be attacked and destroyed by the Grimm, making its prices even higher.

"Heh... Thank you for your kind words, truly, but how-"

"You should be aware that my father let me handle this. You can say it is a test for me, whatever I scrape the entire project, or downscale it, or just try to complete it completely, and the choice was given to me." Aegis didn't let Iris finish as he spoke, making Iris's green eyes widen ever so slightly as her breath hitched.

"Test, huh? Even Schnees aren't free of this Elite tradition, huh? Testing your own children, but then, maybe you have it much harder, after all, what I know? My father never tested me..." Aegis frowned. It seemed his estimation of Rock Greenfield was correct, he was an even bigger traditionalist than his own father, and Jacques was quite a big pusher for traditional family behavior, where the Patriarch of the family was the beginning and end of any decision.

"So... What do you want from me? You already have my project, and there is nothing I can help you with, no anymore..." The last words were whispered, but Aegis chose not to comment on them.

"Actually, I wished to hire you. Your expertise in the economy, and a sharp mind, would be much appreciated in this endeavor, not speaking about the fact that it is your child project, and nobody others, as such, it should be you who spearhead this operation." Iris looked at him, truly looked at him, the previous powerlessness and hostility gone as she gave Aegis once over.

"You... The rumors were true then..." Rumors?

"Rumors?" Aegis tilted his head as Iris chuckled.

"That you are a miracle child, a prodigy, a savant in anything you wish, no matter how much you hide in the public events, no matter how quiet you try to be, there is always someone in Atlas who watches you, any word you gave, any speech you spoke, was already retold all around the society, after all, you, a second born became heir of the most wealthy family, one that holds Atlas economy by tight leash..." Iris scoffed.

"Do you even know how many times I listened to how girls and women of all ages planned to have arranged marriages with you?"

"You didn't?"

"Oh, my father tried to make me befriend you, no matter that there are more than ten years of an age difference, no matter that you are still a kid who isn't even in the middle of his puberty. After all, what is age against the well-being and prosperity of a family? Something that the arranged marriage could secure?..." Iris stopped as she took a deep breath.

"You seem a good kid Aegis, really, but." She was becoming more relaxed, didn't she?

"You don't need to continue." Aegis chuckled. He didn't need to read her mind to see what Iris radiated, the revulsion, the idea of marrying him. Someone else could be hurt by such clear denial from such beauty, but Aegis truly didn't care, even if some of the souls in him snickered.

"Back to the matter at hand... Even if that project wasn't supposed to be entirely altruistic or from being kind-hearted, as becoming Atlas sole breed basked is a very enticing prospect, something your father surely wanted, I just didn't expect my father to give me the reins over this, I know that." Aegis didn't finish as Iris lifted up her hand and then massaged the bridge of her nose.

"You don't need to continue, and I don't care, my father... I tried everything, but this project was the last straw. He would never make me into his heir, and he would rather give the family business to my cousins or even my future husband he chose himself than let me become CEO of Greenfield Technologies..." Iris's eyes met Aegis, and he could see nothing but sadness and acceptance.

"He wasn't dad, never was, just a father... Something you surely know, just like most of the Atlas higher society children." And wasn't that true? There could be exceptions, but ultimately the good parents in Atlas's cream of society were a rarity.

But that wasn't just in Atlas, and Aegis was aware of how common such a thing was for any wealthy family or influential families that saw their children as tools and not children.

"You know what, forget about these heavy topics. I can't even understand why I speak about this with a boy of your age, and it's just that something about you makes me take you seriously, telling me that you are more experienced than me than most people, like those hermit huntsmen of mountains that spend their entire life learning a new way to use their Aura... But that is stupid, right?" Even if Iris smiled and jokingly said that Aegis didn't miss the sharp observing green eyes that watched his reactions, he stayed silent, and somehow that made Iris even more relaxed as she slumped against the chair, looking at him.

"I was raised, even if not to by heir, to be observant. After all, if I wasn't, I could have embarrassed my family. Something father didn't want, so he hired the best tutors and teachers, something you yourself are probably aware off, as it's just how Atlas higher society works, spending money on the best of best, so you can then say that you were taught by the best..."

Aegis tilted his head, he knew that their topic would derail from his previous intention to speak about their possible future partnership, but now he became interested in what Iris wanted to say.

"One thing that father managed to accomplish was to hire precisely this Aura hermit, who came to Atlas to look for his family, one that was financially down, and so by chance, or not, my father found out about him, and his situation and gave him a job, he was to teach me about Aura and its usage, and in exchange, a father would pay him a hefty amount of lien that his family could live comfortably for generations, well he said that it was a kind act, but his boasting on public events, made it clear he just wanted to be seen as altruistic man... Still, he managed to find me a tutor, one so different from all the Atlas tutors who just knew about books and theory but never about practice..." Iris's eyes bore into Aegis.

"You... The moment I saw you... Aundrey Corealan was an old man, one that was already in puberty when Great War ended, and so he lived through a lot, and thanks to his Aura proficiency, he lived even longer than normally possible... And yet... Why, why are your eyes more empty, more hollow, and more jaded than even one of the oldest men alive? Just who are you, Aegis Schnee?" They continued looking at each other. Nobody spoke, and the waiter who brought them their refreshments left as quickly as possible.

"You said that. Im Aegis Schnee... And nothing more, nobody more..." Aegis answered with a small smile on his lips, and yet Iris jerked away as her eyes saw something in Aegis's own.

"Nobody other... Huh... Ok... Very well... Then, then what this Aegis Schnee wants from me? Do you wish to use me as my father did?" Aegis watched Iris for a while as he shook his head.

"No, I care not for fame nor recognition. What I care is to change the lie that Atlas is into truth." Iris looked at him, there was fear in her green eyes, but more than enough, there was a curiosity.

"Lie, change lie into truth? Change Atlas? More tried and failed."

"That's the thing, isn't it? They tried, where I will make it." There wasn't an ounce of doubt in Aegis, and he knew that if he wanted to, he didn't need Iris, but her help would make all things easier...

After all, the plant dust-enhanced fertilizer in mega Agri-Farms of buildings with vertical farming is possible, but the scale Iris project showed, if made correctly, one such building could feed thousands of souls. It was a drop in the bucket for the tens of millions of Atlas and Mantle population, but the cost of building one such structure wasn't as enormous as it could be said at first glance, and then...

Everything could be called up, Aegis's head already swirled by the ideas of how to upgrade such a method, to feed not thousands, but tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands. Atlas wouldn't by ever truly be self-sufficient, but every small amount would make the food lien expenditure much better, and it could create more jobs for the Mantle population, something that was much needed for a stalled internal economy that was plaguing Atlas kingdom for tens of years...

"Yes, lie into truth." Aegis watched the small smile that grew on Iris's face, and he wondered what his father would say about inviting other business families into it, even if the idea was at first this very family father took it from...

But then, Aegis didn't honestly care for his fathers' opinion more than from a mere curiosity...


Schnee mansion Aegis workshop


Aegis POV:

It wasn't hard to make one of the mansion rooms into his workshop, not when there were more than a hundred unused rooms in the mansion.

Aegis workshop was full of books, from Aura theories to dust to faunus and human biology and the most theoric and advanced science papers ever published, to parts of broken androids and cybernetic prosthetics.

But what had Aegis' attention now were the dust crystals that lay on the table before him, red, dark and bright orange, yellow, green, pale green, cyan, light blue, dark blue, blue, black, purple, white...

From theories Aegis read, there were more, and should, by even more types of dust, and yet...

The more Aegis looked at the dust crystals, the more his frown deepened. He read from the oldest and the most recent dust theories he could get through Schnee channels, which was almost all there were, as the entire Schnee fortune revolved around dust.

"So... It is as I thought, isn't it..." Aegis held a light blue colored dust in his hand, Ice dust, something his sisters and him felt the most closer to.

"You are just remnants..." What happened to Remnant, to be named as such? The more answers Aegis gained, the more questions he had.

This was the first time for him, and millions of souls in him, ever to see crystallized remains of previous humans that were merged with the world's death...

For the world and humans needed to die to create dust, it was the exact reason why Aegis could feel it through the world as he did when his Aura awakened. Humans were a conduit for dust creation when the world died...

But... What killed the world, and how was the world still capable of housing life if it was killed? Aegis looked at the dust. Was dust the reason why the world was still capable of housing life?

One last try of the world to protect its children even after her death?

"Were it the Brother gods who killed you? Or was there more to it..." Aegis frowned. The faith, even if small and daying off on Remnant, said that it was brother gods who destroyed the moon and previous humanity and that it was them who again created them.

Aegis was very skeptical of such a fact. Gods, even if powerful, couldn't create life with souls as complicated as humans or faunus, at least not alone, there was just one God who was capable of it, but Aegis knew he wasn't there, or was his name in this world, Oum?

It could be possible, Aegis thought as he looked at crystalized remains of souls merged with the blood of the world.

For humans to be born, there needed to be two parties, one that gave humans souls and one that gave them bodies. Gods could create bodies, but souls were always tied to the world it was created on.

Aegis's eyes traveled in the direction where the little golden tree was growing, but then, if she was dead, how could it grow?

"Gaia..." Aegis frowned, was she dead and now being reborn, or was she just fatally injured and now, with his help, started to heal?

Or was there a new Gaia being born in there...

Even the souls in him, who met the God, and answers on this, for there more souls that met HIM than met HER...

Aegis's hand clenched around the dust crystal as he felt his psionics and his own soul pushing towards it until he opened his palm. And where previously laid a light blue dust crystal, now laid a multicolored crystal that shone and mesmerizingly switched colors.

"...Soul dust..." That's what the dust was in its true form, wasn't it, before it changed its colors and elements with the passage of time when it became weaker...

Aegis wondered what people would say if they learned that the thing they were using to light their homes and fire their places were crystalized human soul remains...




Unknown POV:

"So what is this supposed to be?" A figure clothed in dark garbs asked as he looked around, noting that most of the people present were like him, wearing either black or dark clothes, with hidden faces behind helmets or masks.

"I suppose you are my partners for this operation?" That voice...

"Hammer?" The woman looked at him.

"Oh, Horse, long time no see. I almost thought you were dead." The man scoffed, as if, that said, the last year was quite weak, but then he needed to lay low, as his last job brought a lot of heat on him. He didn't need for huntsmen to be sent after him, something that almost happened because of the screw-up.

"I suppose all of us were contacted by this Niveus guy?" The warehouse inhabits their heads. Now that he looked, he could see more familiar faces, something that made him relax for a little. He knew most of them from previous jobs and knew that most of them were trustworthy, or well, as trustworthy as thieves and mercenaries on hire for odd jobs could be. At least most of them wouldn't back-stab him, as they cared for their reputations. What made him worried were the new faces...

New faces with clear animal traits they failed to hide, amateurs...

Worse than backstabbers were amateurs, and he could see few of present were them...

Just great, he thought.

At least a few familiar faces were experienced ones; hopefully, they could reign in these greenhorns before they fucked up, and he would need to hide for another year because of another freaking screw-up.

He needed these liens they were promised.

"I see that most of you are present." The whispering stopped as all looked at the voice, and he grimaced.

Who the fuck invited this freaking nutcase.

"Oh, hell the fuck no." Horse scoffed as she looked at the grinning loon, he had a bandana around his mouth, but his bear ears atop his head and muscular body showed who it was.

"Didn't you run to join White Fang?" Someone asked, huh, Fingergun was there too, good.

"Hah, no, they are too idealistic for me." The lunatic scoffed, making his hair stand up. Just great. The fucking Executioner was there too. He didn't need this.

He fucking didn't need this. Any action with a zealot like him ended up in shit and blood, and he didn't need this kind of heat.

"!!!" But before he could even turn around, he felt.

"That is quite enough." His honed instincts screamed at him not to move, and even if they didn't, he didn't think he could, as his eyes frantically looked around, seeing everyone present being in the same situation as him. Even the faunus lunatic became erect like a statue.

"I contacted you for the job, or rather two kinds of jobs, one purely heist and one for, let's say, more bloody one." The voice, it felt so...

He shivered. Such hollowness, such apathy he heard in the voice. It was almost like the survivors of the destroyed villages that had nothing to lose, as they had already lost everything to either Grimm or bandits or sometimes both.

But this voice felt so much more, no matter how much possible it was. He knew that the owner of the voice didn't care for them, that if he tried something, the owner of the voice wouldn't think twice before claiming his life.

"You can pick what job you wish to, robbery, or bloody liberation... The papers with details rest on the tables, take them, and read them, just know that you don't have a choice. You will pick one job." Or, the other option couldn't be needed to be even said, as even the greenest from greenhorns understood just what kind of shit they found themselves.

"Once the jobs are done, your promised lien would wait for you on the before arranged places... Do not disappoint me." And like if it was some dream, no, a nightmare from what one could wake up, the pressure they felt was gone, as some of the presents collapsed on the ground, and others, others breathed heavily, just one person was smiling, smile that became a bloodthirsty grin as the Executioner read the paper that was bloody red, showing what kind of job it was, that he didn't even reach for the other paper that was just standard white...

"Oh, eh... Hahah, hahahaha! Fuck yes." The bear faunus grinned as his fist clenched.

The others, at least those who could already walk, slowly made their way to the table. There weren't words spoken, nobody knew if the owner of that voice was still somewhere present, and nobody, nobody wanted to try their luck.

Ultimately, he reached for the white paper.

"Huh..." It was... It looked like a normal job he would normally take, a simple heist, go in, take things, and go out, no need for complications...

"Wait... Those names!" Horse whispered, making him interested. Looking back at the names, others joined them too, and his face paled.

"Fuck." Those names were influential families, some old as the time when kings ruled their kingdoms, some of the oldest most living nobles, to branch families of the current members of Councilmen...

"No, fuck no, this... This isn't what we agreed on!!!" Fingergun sputtered. He could understand his fear. This kind of job would bring huntsmen on them, not just bring them. Most of these families had their own fucking huntsmen!

"What are you scared about, you fuck fuckers? You don't need to worry. After this night, a few robberies wouldn't be as famous as you think!" Executioner laughed at them, he frowned as he quickly took the red paper into his hands, and the more he read, the more he paled.

"No..." This, this... This was madness.

"Oh, yes, but YES." He could see the few faunus nod, albeit scared. He could see them nod at the Executioners words.

"This night, this night is the night we show the fuckers." He once again looked at the red paper...

A slave auction, a faunus slave auction, there in the very heart of Vale, with the names present on the paper, the same names they were supposed to rob, the same names that were crossed out on the paper. The meaning was clear.

The families they were supposed to rob would soon lose a lot of their members...

As all would be present at the auction... The same auction the Executioner, known to kill racists, would go to.

"No..." Horse whispered, despair clear in her voice...

He couldn't help but to agree...

They were thieves, not, not murderers...

But this night, this night, they would be known as to work with ones, as nobody would trust that the robberies were a coincidence, as the same families they were supposed to rob were the ones whose members would die the same day, albeit in a different place.

"Oh, but yes." He didn't look up, and he knew that if the owner of that voice didn't kill them, the lunatic present would if they tried to run.

After all, this was what the lunatic lived for...

What a fucking shit show...


Schnee mansion main office


Aegis POV:

"I believe there will be no additional complications?" He watched how his father took over another small budding company that came out in Vacuo. Just like with all others, father wasn't lenient nor merciful in taking over. That said, Jacques understood the meaning of the stick and carrot method, with the fact that he was willing to make the previous owners into his region directors where the company started.

"Congratulations on a successful deal, Father." Aegis monotonously said, 'Deal', it wasn't anything other than extortion, brutal and merciless use of SDC's higher standing in devouring much smaller companies. That said, Atlas or, rather, Remnant laws were truly in infancy when it came to businesses and companies, with zero oversight from ruling bodies or specialized government departments that would make sure monopoly nor shady deals wouldn't hurt the government or its nation.

Council cared more for their own power and how to successfully hold it than to make a place for others to join them, just another show of how brilliant both Nicholas Schnee and Jacques were in advancing the company. Both men had different methods, but both were successful.

"Thank you, son. Tell me did you hear anything-" That was as far as Father had gotten as his scroll pinged, making his eyes slightly widen. Aegis wondered what surprise it was this time.

Hopefully, not another overrun mining town, or worse, not another mining town that became a miniature kingdom where a revolt of faunus happened.

It was telling how common such occurrences were. Unfortunately or not, Jacques knew how to manage most of these unfortunate incidents before the word of them went out, which was much easier when SDC paid most of Atlas News and Journalistics enough lien to make them silent.

And if not? Well, those who held by their principles and refused to silence lien quickly learned how low their fortune and lives could go and how easy it was for SDC to ruin them. Just a few examples Aegis read about showed the ruthlessness of his father, not that Aegis disagreed, in a sense, Aegis agreed with father, not in all matters, in Aegis's opinion, the behavior towards faunus brought just short-term bonuses, and which would enormously hurt them if not prevention steps aren't taken.

"Ah, General Ironwood, how surprising for you to call without any beforehand warning." Aegis's father lightly reprimanded, as Aegis watched the man on the other side of the call, General Ironwood, Aegis knew about the man, that he was competent and very successful, after all, from an orphan of Atlas orphanage that had nothing to having two seats of the highest power in Atlas told itself how capable the man was.

In that way, Aegis knew that his father respected the general, even if his father hated his guts and the way the general always wanted to meddle in SDC affairs, which again wasn't so surprising. After all, if SDC fell, the Atlas would collapse, not entirely, but enough for a lot of damage to be done that would kick Atlas from its mighty seat.

"Schnee, what exactly are you planning." Hm, Aegis could see why the general was despised by the corporate companies, with zero sense of business and diplomacy. In short, general Ironwood was a true soldier, a leader of soldiers, but never a ruler that could balance between bluntness and politeness.

"You need to be more concrete, and there this month is currently very hectic for SDC." His father's tone lost its false politeness, too, as he matched the general's tone and stare. For a short while, Aegis saw how the general's eyes traveled to himself, just for them to return to father.

"I speak about Greenfield's and the fact that you made a deal with them and now are currently securing land just outside of Atlas and Mantle's space." Oh, Aegis tilted his head when father turned his head on him.

"General, you already met my son on his tenth birthday celebrations, so why don't you ask him? After all, it is his work you are worried about."

"What?" Ironwood's eyes shot up at him. Aegis didn't change his posture or expression, no matter how piercing the general's and father's eyes on him were.

"Im aware all lands outside of Atlas and Mantle's territory are free to take as long as you prove that you can both defend them and make something out of them. It is true that SDCs and the newly created company of Agrioletechnica under the leadership of Iris Greenfield are planning to create new jobs that would energize Atlas kingdoms economy and bring us closer to self-sustaining through enhanced mass farming of both vegetables and animals." As Aegis spoke, he showed plans of both agri-farms and biodomes for animal farming on his scroll, making general Ironwood look at with interest, where his father seemed to be deep in thought.

"Of course, as its know, the territory is seldomly patrolled by the Atlas military, and I had in plans to contact you, General Ironwood, to add the lands where our future will be built, to protect them from Grimm and unsavory elements."

"I see... Can you forward me your plans and Iris Greenfield, wasn't she... Oh, I see... Very well, put your request forward to me, and I will see what can be done." There Ironwood stopped as his eyes gained and curious but sharp spark in them.

"But, yes, even if Council is more than happy to let anybody take lands, and thus develop them and protect them, it is still needed to at least let the Council know before such operations take place."

"Understood, do not worry, general Ironwood. Such a mistake wouldn't be repeated." Aegis nodded his head, acknowledging the fact that politeness didn't take much.

"...Do so... Ironwood out." The holographic screen collapsed down, once again showing a light blue bare wall.

"It seems you kept secrets from me..." Aegis looked at his father.

"You yourself told me to warn you just when some significant progress is made."

"...Then we have a very different opinion of what significant means." His father's eyes narrowed at Aegis.

"Yes, that we do." Aegis nodded his head.


Schnee mansion gardens


Weiss POV:

Weiss's lips twitched upward as she watched the way her big brother's eyebrow twitched, trying to still smile but failing at it.

"I see... I... See..." Ah, another eye twitch, making Weiss smile.

"And they say that even if it wouldn't be repeated, such phenomena must be remembered!" Ilia's words just made her big brother twitch more.

"You seem to be happier about it than I thought."

"Of course! Any new holiday means a free day from school! Even Weiss wouldn't make me study on holidays!" Was that challenge? Weiss supposed she had a new objective that would show Ilia not to challenge her betters.

"Oh... Right..." Her big brother finally looked to the side, a perplexed expression on his face, making Weiss giggle, which just made Ilia jerk away.

"!!!" Weiss looked at Ilia, who looked at her with a shocked face.


"You... You giggled." Ilia simply said, making Weiss tilt her head to the side, something her big brother repeated. Ilia just kept looking from Weiss to Aegis.

"She giggled, Weiss, the Ice queeny, giggled, giggled like a normal girl! Giggled! You heard it, too, right? Right?!" Her big brother nodded his head as Ilia kept repeating 'giggled'.

"I don't see where the problem is. Weiss giggles every night when we cuddle in sleep?" Her big brother commented, and Weiss nodded. She did giggle. She liked the hot breath of her big brother on her head or neck when he spooned her, just like his arms around her or his chest on her back.

"What..." Ilia stopped as she looked at them, and once again, Weiss noted how similarly they tilted their head at Ilia.

"You sleep together? In the same bed?" Her big brother nodded.

"Yes? I mean, mother slept with us these last months, too, Im normally in the middle, or big brother is in the middle, but yes? Is there something wrong?" Weiss didn't understand why Ilia kept staring at her with an open mouth.

"You know what? Im... Im really not surprised." Ilia mumbled as she looked away. Weiss didn't understand. Was there something wrong about sleeping with the person she loved?

But then, she shrugged.

"You are being weird, Ilia. Let's return to the previous topic, im sure big brother would like to know about the Kingdom's decision to make Blue Day into the Kingdom's wide traditional holiday."

"Yea... Im the one weird here... Phe." Ilia scoffed, but then she nodded her head.

"So, you know, it was decided because they finally got all the reports of Grimms that retreated from their attacks on settlements and villages when the Blue light flashed across the Remnant!" Ilia once again started to speak about the decision to make that ultra-rare event into a holiday as her big brother shot her a betrayed look, which made Weiss smile as she felt her stomach flutter.

And as their eyes met, she noticed how her big brother's eyes warmed up, not helping Weiss as her stomach fluttered even more.


Schnee mansion


Willow POV:

"Mistral?" She looked at her son on whose legs her youngest daughter now sat.

"Yes, we thought that a week or so in another part of the world would make into a nice vacation. Of course, we already told Winter and made sure she understood that we wouldn't take no for an answer." Her son smiled. His smile always made her feel lighter.

Once upon a time, would Willow pity that she had lost so much time in wine, as she lost her children's growth, but now, now Willow felt much lighter as she could see how happy they were, that they still loved her, made it all much better.

Still, it wasn't lost to her how Weiss's hands never left her son's hands, nor her eyes that kept glancing from his face to her, or the fact that there wasn't the same love Weiss showed to her son and then to her.

"Doesn't she have school?" Willow tilted her head. Winter kept coming home every weekend, and her visits became better and better as time went on. Willow could see how Winter became more and more joyous the more she saw that she no longer drank. Even if it was sometimes hard to see that happiness under her ice expression, the twitching lips and sparkling eyes just made Willow feel more guilty and regretful, her eldest daughter truly missed her, and it was just her own fault...

"She does, but taking a week off isn't hard, as the Atlas pre-huntsmen academy does permit to take test's both before and after taking not standard day offs, and Winter is more than intelligent than to score all those tests with full marks." Oh, now that Willow thought about it, there was such a rule, wasn't it?

It was mostly done for huntsman families that took their children to the wilds or something like that, and the details became a little fuzzy for her.

"Oh... Then I would love to have a family vacation... Will... Will."

"Father will not join." Willow shivered as she caught Weiss's stare that suddenly softened.

"...It wouldn't be a vacation with him there..." Willow's eyes widened. She thought that Weiss respected Jacques. She knew that Weiss tried to do anything he told her to, so why...


Respect and love were different things...

She still remembers the time when her son told her that he respected father but loved her...

Those two... They were almost the same...

Willow couldn't help it as a small and fragile smile rose on her face.


Above Remnant


Unknown POV:

Her smile widened as she watched the boy works. He was coming closer and closer, the reason he was given this chance.

Soon, soon his plan would bear fruits, and she wondered just what kind of. After all, the more the boy grew, the more her grasp of Remnant strands distanced. They became disordered or were outrightly cut.

She still could influence Remnant and its inhabitants, but she couldn't any longer do it as easily as she did before he was born.

Still, she agreed to help the boy, as it was HIS last wish, not that she would reject it. Even with all her powers, she was still vulnerable. The universe was big, not speaking about a multiverse that was even bigger and ever-expanding. Not even someone like her, who was the epitome of primordial concept, was free from its dangers...

That said, she was quite miffed at the boy's actions, the way he tried to cut the strings she had on him...

Not that she would stop him, but if he was to accomplish the reasons he was let to reincarnate and become the nexus of human souls, he needed to be free...

Even from her...

And that pissed her off a little, just as it made her extremely curious. After all, boredom was something she knew very well, as being that knew all, or could know all if she so wished, so having the boy cut his own strings would make many things much more interesting...

That said, his audacity was making her craving to do something grow...

So, she chose to play for a little, nothing serious, but if he wanted to be free from her, he would need to do something for her too, and truthfully...

It was a long time ago that she had someone she could trust to do her bidding and piss off others of 'hers' that were in the multiverse.

To say she hated herself even more, would be an understatement, so having the Agent piss off her other's self in other universes was a very inviting idea.

"Hmmm... Let's play a little game..." Her face twisted into a smile as ideas flew through her mind, better by quickly. She started to lose any connection she had to Remnant. If she was to influence it, it would be better quickly...


Place Unknow

Date future Unknow

Unknown POV:

"Warden... The prisoners are fully accounted for." A figure in futuristic white armor with blue headlights lines that lightly shone announced.

"...And the liberated, Sentinel?" He wore the same white armor, but where the Sentinel looked like standard armor, the Wardens looked specialized, having their own character.

"Still accounting... Sir... The situation is worse than we thought..." Warden shook his head. Even with a helmet, Sentinel could guess the face of his superior, after all...

He had the same expression.

"I thought, I thought that after my stay in Hell plane, and missions in Horror universe cluster, I wouldn't ever see anything as bad, anything as disgusting, and yet..."

"I understand... Sir." Warden looked at Sentinel.

"Did the orders come? Where are the prisoners headed to?"

"Yes, Lady Album relayed the latest update. The prisoners are to be taken to the penal colony." Warden smiled. It was a bloodthirsty smile as he knew what happened to the penal colony inhabits.

The science, biological, and soul research sector never had enough experimental specimens, and baits were always welcomed when visiting the new Horror universe.

"Good... That is good." Warden looked at the faces of broken women and sometimes even men that looked like women, little boys, and girls that weren't even ten years old...

All who were bare or wore exposing clothing, all who shared the same types of eyes, the crazed craving, the pain and sadness, the hollowness, to utter brokenness...

No matter what race they were from, humans, elves, beastmen that looked like faunus, or many others...

All who looked like broken toys...

"Sentinel..." Sentinel looked at him.


"I truly, truly hate this Hentai, this Netorare cluster universe..." He couldn't continue to watch all these women and feminine boys that were being clothed by medical droids, as Sentinels and Wardens were forbidden to come close to them, as the last incident where the victims craved sex and cocks almost assaulted them...

"I... I do too... Sir..." Warden didn't know if ever these people could be saved, or if swift death would be much more merciful...

But if someone could help them, then it was them. The Solitas Kingdom stood strong, a light in the darkness.

This Human kingdom that made slaves of all those they conquered was. First, others would follow. Warden was willing to beg Commander to let him cleanse this world.

"After watching this, all I wish is to come back home and hug my wife, mother, and children..." Warden looked at another Warden who just came back, his armor from green blood, this world Orcs blood, orcs that liked to rape and take any females of any race...

"Yes..." He needed to make sure that his husband knew how much he loved him, and maybe a few nights together would erase this feeling of hopelessness. The cleansing could come later...


*Author note*

Hey guys, little late or not? Eh, you know the drill, I write as my muse commands me...

That said, I chose to finally, hopefully, become more active in a matter of my readers, so if you wish to speak to me, you can either comment or join my discord server, where I will post even images of things I write about, as with me reposting this fic on so many sites, would make it tedious to try to post the pictures on every site.

Once again, you can support me or not. I still hope you enjoy my fic!

My discord is: https://discord.gg/S7nbU8yR

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