1 prologue.

The moon was particularly beautiful this night, flaring it's rays of light onto the busy street below, their gentle touch grazing the occasional passerby.

Falling upon two women, hands interlocked and serene smiles on their features, walking resolutely, heels clacking against murky concrete, and sight set forward. They had not spoken, not much really since they had began their trek, but it was far from an awkward affair, in fact it was quite the opposite, a calming endeavor that guided them on their path, leading them on one of the wildest adventures they had undertaken, and that was saying truly saying something since this was Irene and Raven Adler we were speaking of.

The duo, known through the whispers and echoes of London's streets as Sherlock Holmes and his noble accomplice John Watson, had been through their fair share of...Excitement throughout their stay in the bustling city that seemed to never sleep. They have experienced plenty but this would definitely take the cake. It was a turning point, a great shift in the course of their lives, something that would impact them deeply and most importantly, bring about that which they, and more specifically Irene, had searched for, yearned for since the burden of what she was had made itself known.

Since she'd seen the first glimpse of what awaited.

Since the veil of time parted for her eyes, and her eyes alone.

This was it, this was hope and she was practically salivating at the mouth to taste it, to see it, to feel it.

Abruptly they stopped, feet halting before a large ornate gate, it was iron but painted a deep black, the surface decorated with all many of beautiful shapes that sprawled and curled about into a pretty array of roses, all coming together to swirl round a magnificent trident.

Ahead they could see a manor, magnificent in sight, imposing in presence, it exuded sheer opulence and luxury.

They were here, with a deep breath, Irene moved forward, a bit more hesitant Raven followed, still the two women said nothing to one another, merely met gaze with gaze, their glances all the communication they needed to have, easily conveying what they each felt. With courage whirling within, Destiny grabbed hold of the gate, lightly rapping once, twice against it's surface, her companion...wife, stared, brows furrowed slightly in question.

Paying her no mind the seer continued her movements, palm now flat against the structure's surface she glided it against the smooth base, walking to the gates urge where next to the striking marble wall by it's side, she pressed her hand against a small grey box.

Raven could nothing but watch the entire affair, taking in her wife's actions, she had a myriad of questions swirling within her mind, but choosing not to voice any, she simply watched.

Stared as an awkward bout of silent sheathed itself into the air.

Stared as her wife did not dare say a word.

A moment later, the quiet was gone, dispersed by an all to sudden click sound that pierced into the two women's wear. Moments later with a thud, the gate jostled and moved, open at the behest of an unseen force, it parted just enough to let the two women walk through.

Eyes wide, Raven turned to her wife. Smiling Irene took her hand and guided her forward.

They made it through the gate easily walking through the opened space which was gone within in an instant as the gate abruptly clicked shut, jostling Raven ever so slightly but having no effect on Irene, who remained unmoving, unbothered, as if she had expected it, which she probably had. "What was-"

"They call it an electric gate." The seer responded before her wife could even complete her question, ensuring that she continued to guide the woman forward, though there was plenty of time for all that was to unravel, she wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. "A what?" Brows furrowed in confusion Raven questioned, "What does that even mean, what is Electric and-"

"You will see it all in due time, your questions will be answered."

"But the-"

"I swear it." Slightly tightening her wife's hand in reassurance, the seer murmured, lips curling up slightly in a small smile. Sighing, resignation setting in, Raven returned it, and silent once more the women moved, until again, they stopped. This time in front of a door.

Raven was the one to knock this time, and much like the gate, the barrier opened seemingly on it's own. It was unsettling, everything about it was unnerving. At least to Raven it was but her wife did not seem to share the same sentiments, the woman instead finding it all quite intriguing, perhaps even amazing if the way her eyes lit up every time she saw these continuous bouts of unbelievable occurrences was any indication.

The mansion's interior though a breathtaking sight to see, paled greatly in comparison to it's interior, the room, lit up and beautiful, decorated with all manner of beyond expensive looking furniture was straight from a palace or a poor man's dream of luxury. Everything it held practically screamed wealth, even the air seemed much too expensive to breath.

"You know-" The two women froze, their eyes widening slightly as they swiftly turned, defenses at the rise and breaths caught in their throat.

Before them, right in front of the now shut door, where there had definitely been no one before, now stood a tall man. He was fair skinned, handsome to look at, a certain beauty that seemed, unnatural, he looked to have walked straight from a museum, a sculpture given life, breath. Something that else could be labelled unnatural about him where his eyes, they were odd, brown but with flecks of crimson and ember, hints of gold too. They were burning, they looked like pools of flame.

His lips curved into a smirk, arms folded to his chest and back leant heavily against the door, he tilted his head- "Breaking and entering would be labelled by most as a crime." -and continued his sentence, staring intently...intensely, at the two women in front of him.

They pursed their lips, the hairs at their necks rising at the sound of his voice, it was playful but unsettling all the same, there was just something so different, strange...wrong about the figure before them and they couldn't quite figure out what. "The constable would at the very least...Might send for him if I'm being honest." The man continued smirk growing ever so slightly on his features.

"The gate and the door, they opened when we knocked." Irene finally responded, swallowing what ever nerves had suddenly seeped into her body. "That to us seems to be an invitation to enter as any."

Mirth danced in those burning eyes, before the man found need to respond. "Perhaps..." He began slowly walking forward, hands behind his back. "They were malfunctioning, whose to say I wanted you to enter." Tapping his chin, he bathed for a moment in the silence that followed. "A rusty gate and door opening on their own...That is hardly any indicator that you should enter our...my home...No?" Though he rushed through his slip-up the two women caught it.

"We both know." Irene spoke straightening her back. "Those are far from a rusty, gate and door."

"I know not of what you speak." The man responded after a moment, appraising the woman for a brief moment. "Gates don't part on their own, I'm sure you very well know, an escort should have met you there, only of course after you've taken the initiative to send a letter informing us of your desire to visit. You should have waited for us to grant you permission to do so, yet...You didn't. And even worse, you waltzed right into our home with nary an ounce of shame...tsk, tsk, tsk. Your attire speaks of nobility yet...you display such uncouth behavior." He gestured to their pearls and beautiful silk dresses. He knew they had caught his slip up, that was quite obvious, that further need for pretense it would seem, he found none.

"Most gates do not open on their own." Raven finally deigned to speak, her back straightening as she glanced from the man to her wife, alarm bells flaring in her head. "But we both know..." Ocean blue meeting molten fire. "Yours are an exception."

The flames seemed rekindled, burning and swirling with evident spark within the man's eyes. He was fighting for composure, they could see it, the air seemed thicker, heavier than it had been before, it sat on their chest, oppressive, suffocating...burning.

"I figured you knew quite a bit." The man muttered taking another step forward, he rose a brow when the two women did not move back, seemingly unthreatened by his action, the sight widened his smirk into a smile. "After all most people would just wait by the gate perhaps futilely yell to get the attention of those within the walls but, you didn't..."

He took a step forward.

"You touched the intercom...Even pressed it's button as if knowing what it could do."

One more step.

"You knew the gate's name, knew what Electric is...means."

He laughed.

"Quite odd I'll have to admit since that word has not left the walls of this home and...That gate can only be found here, only the people who reside within this house know what it is, know how to use it."

His smile had lost all it's mirth and though it still stayed firm on it's face it was different, dark...sharp.

"I'm curious to learn how it's possible that you have any fraction of knowledge about it...And please have the courtesy to be quick...I wish to bury you before dinner."

Next chapter