
Adventuring With Wishes

Your average otaku has had it enough with the monotony of middle-class life. What does he do? He challenges Truck-kun! *While staring at the weird scene* Creator: So this is what the Author chose...oh well...time for my vacation...SEND IN TRUCK-KUN! I do not own any of the characters here except for MC! I am only writing for fun and messing up the plot lines(Literally) This is a multiverse Fanfic and I am just a new writer trying to fill the boredom in life COVER PHOTO IS NOT MINE! retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/644437027905891659/ By JenRos If you want it taken down please message me, thanks

ForgeCoffee · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Title: IDK

-5 Years Later-


"Time to wake up!"


"You're late for work, Papa!"

"Papa, are you awake yet?"

Alexander who was still asleep was being woken up by his daughters, sadly, they couldn't as he was never a morning person...even till now.

"How does Mama wake Papa up?", one of them thought out loud which made all of them think too.

After a few minutes of silence, Lokia gave up and just said, "Let's just use Star Fire on Papa!", she suggested as if it was the best idea.

"Papa will just get more comfortable though", Hana said casually to which the other three nodded.

"Let's just burn the bed?", one of them question thinking it was the best option to actually disturb their father.

"All in favor of burning the bed raises their hand", Jasmine said in her 'Princess' type tone of voice to which was similar to her past self.






Then without hesitation, they sent their own unique colored [Star Fire], towards the bed to which just disintegrated causing their Papa to fall on the floor with a thud.


Alexander slowly woke up and was confused as to why he was on the floor without a bed, but with ashes instead. Then he looked around him and saw his daughters with flaming hands with looks of smugness as if to say, 'We did it!'

"Please don't wake up any guest with that, they would literally disappear", he said in a sleepy voice as if ready to make the pile of ash as his next bed.

"Mama said it's time for breakfast and you're also late for work!", Eina said recalling what her Mamas just told her to tell her Papa.

'Sigh...why did I even decide to teach at UA', Alexander grumbly thought and decided to just wake up and have breakfast with the family.

"What time is it?", he asked as they took the elevator down while still half-asleep. "It's already 8:00 A.M!", they exclaimed excitedly.

Alexander just decided to call Nezu...



[Hello? How can I help you Morningstar-san?], the mouse, bear, or whatever hybrid it was asked in curiosity since this was one of the rare times Alexander called him.

"Sorry to say this but I'll resign teaching, for now, no one is interesting inside UA as of now, cheers!", Alexander said in a tone evident that he just woke up.


*Hangs Up*






His children just stared at him as if their Papa just solved a problem so easily, they started thinking maybe they shouldn't attend school too.

As if their Papa knew what they thinking, "No. You must go to school.", he said instantly destroying any future thoughts of staying at home to play with Kairo and Kara.

Kairo and Kara is the family pet that was gifted to girls on their first birthday by the Lionheart Family, the two white Tigers that had wings, they were now on the height of Alexander's hip.

After Alexander's sentence, the children just floated aimlessly as if someone stole their candy even though it was impossible. Their Papa looking at this scene gave in a little, "How about this, I'll drive you to school, eh?"

Though it seems the girls were already growing up and were somewhat immune to playing with their dad anymore as a 'reward'. Instead, they asked for something else,



(Finishing Breakfast)



"YAHOOOOOOO", the girls were screaming as they sky-dived out of a D77-TC Pelican piloted by Mr. Carter and his team, yes, Alexander decided to recreate the Noble Team and its entirety.

The girls were heading to the first day of their class with style, and what better way to do so by jumping out of a jet!?

When they neared their school's field, they immediately used bits of their star fire to propel themselves up so that they could slow down.

And when they touched down, an area of 10 meters of dust was blown away, this slight ruckus made the Principle come out to hurriedly check on who dares to cause such disturbance.

But when he saw the trademark features of the Morningstar family, he could only shut his mouth tight and just swallow whatever words he planned to shout.

Even though this was a prestigious school for those students with powerful backgrounds, in the eyes of the Morningstar those were nothing.

As the commotion died down the five girls headed to class, but someone caught their attention, it was Sayo Hado! They made friends with Sayo when the siblings stumbled across her running around in a park. Which was basically her building up stamina.

As the new group of six headed to class and at the same time this group made quite the stir within the Elementary School they were in, as they were the children of very important people.

Gilgamesh and Madara were homeschooled as they thought that they were too good for school since their studies were above the common norm, but of course, they wouldn't be able to top Alexander's children as he implanted knowledge until the University level education!

The only reason why Alexander wanted them to go to school was for them to socialize rather than play with the tigers and play pranks on the employees of their 'house'.

Heading inside the classroom the siblings were greeted with the sight of children flashing their quirks around while the teacher hasn't arrived yet.

As they walked inside their presence caught everyone's attention and the noise immediately dialed down, a lot, what replaced it was whispers of children.

Though this didn't last long as the teacher came in walking confidently as knew she would be able to teach without consequence, as Alexander has already talked to her that if any of his daughters bully anyone then she must tell Alexander immediately.

This small conversation assured the teacher that she would not need to fear any form of retribution as long as she does what a teacher does!

Though the teacher didn't really need to worry as the girls were disciplined by Rem and Ram, and even if Alexander spoils them often he still knows where to stop...maybe.

Anyway, the teacher has called everyone to introduce themselves, the six groups of friends didn't really give interest not until someone came up.

"Good Day! My n-name is Momo Yaoyorozu and my quirk is [Creation], and I like to read!", the little girl who was Momo introduced herself with a bit of nervousness and confidence at the end.

The girls were immediately interested in her quirk as she had the power to create, well except for Sayo, as she already knew Momo from the anime. What she was curious about was the Morningstars.

When it was the siblings' turn to introduce themselves they all stood up in unison and made their way to the front standing side by side, instead of following the tradition of 'one-by-one introduction, fu-ck the rules!

"I'm Eina Morningstar!"

"Jasmine Morningstar, hmph!"


"Lokia the Prankster Morningsar!"

"Hana Morningstar."

They all said one by one and the teacher was rather curious about their different way of introducing themselves to the class.

Eina had the playful character, Jasmine having that Princess vibe, Yin being a quiet child, Lokia being a possible prankster, and finally, Hana who was indifferent. Even though they were 'quintuplets' they all acted differently.

Finally, it was Sayo's turn but before the siblings could sit down and Sayo take their spot to introduce, one of the classmates bombarded them with questions instead, "Hey! What's your Quirk? Why do your hair and eyes sparkle?"

"We can turn into a Dragon!"

"We can use Star Fire"


"Strong bodies!"

"We are the Morningstars."

'What an intro!', thought the teacher after already commenting on their previous one. The students in the room were wowed by the amount of 'quirks' they have.

Finally, Sayo stood at the front and introduced herself, "Sayo Hado, I'm strong and I have an Elemental Quirk, nice to meet you." she said plainly and sat down next to the siblings and just began talking.


(After some boring hours for the children)


After school, the siblings went up to Momo and invited her to their house, Momo still being a kid mentally was shy, but once the 'ride' of the siblings appeared she immediately agreed as it pulled in her curiosity and interest.

The so-called ride of the siblings is a damn...Pelican from HALO...and out came Mr. Carter and the Noble Team about to escort their Young Misses, and when Jorge and Emile appeared in full armor it intimidated and scared some of the children there to tears.

Kat could only sigh at the two for being so forgetful that they were intimidating as their Young Misses were never even scared!

Though when Sayo saw this she had question marks appearing all over her face, 'What the fu-ck is this? Is the Covenant going to invade!?', she thought but still boarded.

Jorge being the big guy himself but was still a softie at heart, "Little Ones, do you need help carrying your bags?", he asked Momo and Sayo who could only stare at them but still handed in their bags.

Carter who was the leader of everything asked Jun if he spots anything suspicious while he was hiding within the school, "Surprisingly, none, only random villain fights from afar", he answered.

Yes, Noble Three or Jun has always been hiding somewhere within the school checking for anything sketchy as he is tasked as security for the girls.

"Let's go home shall we?", Carter asked the girls to which they immediately agreed not wanting to stay in school any further, while Noble Team only chuckled at the expressions their Little Misses were making.

As the group left and immediately went home, multiple pictures of them and the Pelican had been taken by curious teachers, parents, and even some patrolling Heroes.




Reaching home the girls immediately announced their presence, "MAAMAAAA, WE'RE HOME!", one of them shouted and readied another after a huff for air, "WE BROUGHT FRIENDS!".

Rem and Ram appeared to greet their daughters and welcomed them home after showering them with kisses.

"Who might you two cute children be?", Ram asked as she looked at the shellshocked Sayo and the calm Momo.

'REM AND RAM!? WTF is this family of anime?' were the thoughts swirling within Sayo, "G-good day, I'm Sayo Hado!", stuttering on her introduction.

Meanwhile, Momo gave her a calm and collected greeting after learning basic etiquette classes, "Hello, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu!", though deep inside she is nervous.

*Roar!* x2

Before Ram and Rem could say anything, roars could be heard as two playful tigers launched themselves at the siblings and shocking their guests.

"You have a Tiger!"


Sayo was happy at seeing the tigers as she too had a huge pet at home, Max, a dog who could increase his size!

Momo, however, was stunned in fear and immediately huddled behind Rem's legs, "Kairo, Kara! Go back upstairs you're scaring little Momo!", Rem ordered the tigers to which they could only drop their heads in sadness.

*roar...* x2

"It's okay now but you can play with them next time, they don't bite", Ram assured Momo at the fleeing tigers. To further comfort Momo she was given cookies and calmed down almost immediately.

"Where's Papa?", Jasmine asked in curiosity as usually, their Papa is the first to greet them, "He said he was going to bring back a sister for you, sigh...", Ram answered how Alexander is off causing trouble again.

When the siblings heard this they cheered in delight! More siblings the better!




As the children turned the TV on there were greeted with shocking Headlines!


"MAMA! PAPA FOUGHT SOMEONE AGAIN!", Lokia shouted at the top of her lungs making her Mamas run in curiosity.

"...", was all they could say.




