
The End of the Personalities

Written by Cpt_applesnapple (Posted with permission)

Dual stood in front of the entrance of the warehouse, staring up at it emotionlessly. His fist clenched, and he strode into the building slowly, wary of his surroundings. It was night, and nearly pitch black. His footsteps echoed throughout the abandoned structure, ringing in his ears and making his hair stand up on end. He slowly reached back and took out his bat, gripping it firmly as he walked. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him and struck him. The force of the blow sent him flying, slamming into a wall with a sickening crack. He let out a faint whimper and switched out with Leaf, who began to heal the body. The medic looked up, only to be blinded by the lights turning on. He covered his upper face with his arm, squinting, as a light chuckle came from the figure in front of him.

"Oh, you all actually came! What a welcome surprise!"

Leaf grit his teeth and finished healing the body, switching out with Dual once again. Dual stood, blinking a few times to see a pale girl dressed in black. He growled, gripping his bat once again


"Ah ah, it's Singularity now. And let me guess. This is Dual?"

"Damn right. What do you want with us?"

She giggled, hefting a replica of Dual's bat

"Oh, I just wanted to fulfill some...unfinished business with you all. Why don't you all show your faces? This would make everything so much more...delectable."

"No. You're fighting me one on one. I'm not going to have you hurt us anymore."

"Eh. Your choice."

She lunged forwards, raising the bat up. Dual charged as well, bringing his own weapon up to deflect the attack. At the last moment, Singularity dematerialized, choking Dual temporarily before appearing behind him and jabbing him hard with the bat. He arched his back and fell, grunting. His opponent then slammed her bat into his back, creating another cracking sound louder than before. He screamed and went limp, the pain shooting throughout his body. Singularity stood over him, smirking.

"Are you sure you want to do this solo, Dual?"

Dual clenched his teeth and recollected himself, summoning all of the personalities around him. Leaf immediately went to work, healing his leader while Void backed away from the situation. Singularity let out a high pitched laugh, flying up into the air.

"Oh, you poor poor idiots. You have no idea what you're facing against!"

She dematerialized once again, the black and red particles headed directly for Pup. He growled at it, biting, before yelping loudly in alarm. He shook his head, stumbling back. Suitor stepped forward quickly, kneeling down in front of him

"Hey. What's wrong?"

Pup soon stopped moving, staring straight ahead. Suitor moved forwards a bit more before suddenly getting bit in the throat. With a scream, he quickly rammed his knife upwards while his neck was being torn apart by Pup. All movements stopped, and Suitor was left with his neck already looking mutilated, and Pup with a knife in his chest. Another giggle could be heard, and the particles appeared once again, condensing into the shape of a man a bit farther away. He chuckled, Suitor's knife in hand

"Oh, did I forget to mention? The more people you have, the more people I can possess. Two for the price of one!"

He gestured to Pup and Suitor, both limp and bleeding. Leaf scrambled over to them, quickly checking both for a pulse while the others readied their weapons. Singularity tapped his chin, staring maliciously at the six.

"Eenie meenie miney moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. My lord satan chose the very next one and it is you!"

He pointed at Melon, and he quickly turned into a cloud once more. The others rushed at her, but she floated around Melon, choking him before entering his body.

Melon fell to the ground, writing around as he dropped his staff. The personalities stood around him, not wanting to hurt him, but soon, they would be forced to. Melon slowly stood up and picked up his staff, looking emotionless. He turned towards Inferno and raised his staff before swinging it down with an unexpected amount of force. Inferno quickly brought his swords up in an X, but Melon kicked at Inferno's stomach, causing the latter to stumble back. Melon lunged at Inferno, jumping up and slamming the staff down where Inferno's head was milliseconds before. In a panic, Inferno let go of one of his swords and shoved it against Melon's chest, lighting his hand and Melon on fire. Melon screamed and backed away, his chest smoking. Quickly, Inferno jumped up and slashed at Melon, his sword cleaving the personality in two. Melon's body slowly fell backwards, blood splattering on the warehouse floor and onto the others' shoes. Everyone stared in shock, Inferno the most, before Singularity left his body and reappeared in her female form.

"Huh. Didn't expect that to be so short. Oh well, guess I should have expected the weakest to die the soonest! Now...who to choose..."

Her eyes landed on Suitor, who was being healed by a tearful Leaf.

"Oh, he'll do nicely."

She was about to dematerialize, but Inferno quickly summoned more fire and began throwing it in every possible direction. Hit by several fireballs, she screamed, every part of her quickly catching on fire. She lunged forwards, unable to dematerialize, but quickly fell, burning to ashes. Inferno breathed a sigh of relief, before looking around and seeing the fire he had caused. Not thinking clearly, he screamed for the other personalities to run before picking up Suitor and sprinting out. The others all followed him, the fire consuming everything nearby. They had just made it out when the warehouse collapsed, the remains of Singularity inside. Sirens could be heard in the distance...

The personalities ignored that for the time being, just concentrating on catching their breath. Suitor groaned and opened his eyes, looking around weakly

"Where's...where's Pup? And Melon?"


Suitor paled

"What? But..we didn't feel anything!"

"Maybe it's because they weren't in our bodies..."

Suitor stares at them in confusion, pale. Slowly, it fully sinks in that they just lost two of their own, and he passes out. Dual sighs sadly, wiping his eyes before asking if everyone's okay. Before any of them can answer, police cars arrive, and the law enforcement steps out, aiming their guns at them

"Get on the ground! Now!"

Immediately, everyone dropped and raised their arms in the air. Everyone, that is, except Void. The police trained their guns on him and screamed for him to get down, but he just stared blankly at them. Then, he began reaching into his pockets, and his body was pumped full of lead. All of the personalities stared numbly at his body as the officers cuffed them and read their rights before stuffing them into the cruisers. Dual slowly recalled everyone into his body and passed out, the physical exertion of having everyone out for so long too much for him. The police soon arrived at the prison and were alarmed to find that most of their suspects had disappeared. They took Dual in and threw him in a small cell, locking it before going to find out who he was. Dual woke up at the feeling of force and began crying immediately over the loss of his three personalities. Melon, Pup, and Void. Some prisoners yelled at him to shut up, but he didn't listen, continuing to sob into his knees. A guard walked over to investigate what was occurring, but quickly left him be. After several hours, Dual calmed a bit and began planning an escape route. Inferno suggested just melting the bars, and Dual quietly agreed. Inferno took control and began melting through the bars. Once he made a large enough hole, he set fire to the building and ran...

Inferno ran as fast as his legs could carry him, knowing if he stopped, he would be doomed. He shoved past people on the sidewalk, taking random turns into alleys and running across streets. He had no concern about getting hit, knowing the drivers of the city were extremely cautious. Eventually, he made his way out of the city, gasping for breath as he stumbled to a stop and fell to the ground. Dual then took control, pushing himself off of the ground and looking around.

"Okay...now we have to just get as far away as possible.."

Suitor spoke up

"We should go back to Holly. She can resurrect the others."

"No. We aren't going back."

"What?! Why not?!"

"It...it just doesn't feel right! We aren't going back to her! Don't argue with me, Suitor!"

They all fell silent, and Dual sighed, beginning to walk away. He walked for days, getting to the countryside and stealing food from farmers. Several times he was caught, but he always managed to get away with the help of the others. At this point, Suitor was getting impatient, beginning to bug Dual endlessly about getting to Holly. Still he refused, not knowing why he did so. And so the cycle went on for months, the personalities eventually making it to a distant city they had never seen or heard of before. At this point, everyone had aged an entire year, and were much more quiet. Suitor, on the other hand, was more desperate to get to Holly, arguing with Dual constantly. Dual, in retaliation, refused to let Suitor take control. He instead let Inferno explore the city, and explore he did. He searched the city for the nearest bar and walked in, slumping down and ordering anything with alcohol in it. He paid with money they had stolen, and kept ordering. He sat for hours, until it was dark, and he was completely irrational. Slowly, he slipped off of his seat and walked out, not knowing which way he was going. He began walking, thinking he was going along the sidewalk, when suddenly a loud sound could be heard.

Inferno turned and squinted at the bright light, trying to see what it was, when it hit him. Literally. Inferno's body went flying, ten, twenty, thirty feet. He slammed to the ground, his body twisting and his bones snapping on the impact onto the asphalt. He slowly tumbled to a stop, laying still on the ground, bleeding and broken. Swiftly, Leaf grabbed control and began healing the body, staying in the same position. After a few moments, he stood up, looked around, and ran. He ran as fast as he could, hoping no one saw. Within him, everyone was in shock. Inferno, dead. It brought up the memories they had tried to forget, the ones of Pup, Void, and Melon. Four out of ten personalities. Dead. Leaf trembled as he ran, escaping from the city and out into the familiar countryside, once again going into hiding...

After about a week, Suitor began whimpering in their head. Although Dual told him to shut up, he continued to whimper, sounding pitiful. He started calling out at random moments, saying,

"Holly? Holly?"

as if he was in control of the body, and that she was nearby. Dual quickly got irritated and began trying to silence him, but Leaf stopped him. As a suggestion, he said they should let Suitor out for once, and maybe his possible madness was the result of being trapped. Dual grudgingly agreed, and at the next city, Suitor was allowed control. Suitor blinked and looked around, seemingly normal, before grabbing the nearest person and whipping out his knife.

"Where's Holly?! Tell me!"

He hissed at the man. People began screaming at the sight of the knife, and the man couldn't respond in fear. Without another word, Suitor slashed his knife across the man's neck, splattering blood across his clothes. He grabbed a running woman by the hair and yanked her towards him, screaming,


The woman merely screamed in response, and was quickly silenced when Suitor's knife was slammed into her skull. He began running around, grabbing random people and roaring at them to tell him where Holly is, only to spread their blood on the street and sidewalk. The police were quickly called, and within minutes had arrived. The officers trained their guns at him, yelling for him to get on the ground. All Suitor did was scream back, a scream of a broken person, and yell,


An officer shot a stun gun at him, and Suitor shrieked, stumbling back. Another shot, and another scream of pain, the knife clattering to the ground. Again and again, electricity was sent into his body, until he was incapacitated and numb from pain. The officers quickly detained him, forcing him into a car and locking it before driving off to the prison.

There, he was put into a mentally unstable part of the prison. Quickly recovering, Suitor began screaming, slamming his body against the bars and clawing at the walls, trying to get out to find Holly. The guards yelled at him to shut up, but he merely shrieked in response, causing an extremely large amount of noise. The guards were forced to deal with the noise before it was decided that the best place for him was to be in a mental asylum. They unlocked the door, and Suitor immediately sprung out, tearing at a man's face with his teeth. Quickly, they shot a tranquilizer into his body, and he fell limp. They transported him to the asylum, constantly making sure he was unconscious, before putting him in a room. There, they removed anything that could be used as a weapon or as a mean of suicide, before allowing him to wake up. Suitor sat up and looked around, beginning to shake.

"W-where am I? Where is Holly? What did you do to her? S-Senpai? Are you there?"

He stood up and began walking around the cell, scratching at the walls randomly. He banged on the door, crying out,

"Let me go! Let me see Holly!"

His cries were ignored, and his mental state began deteriorating more. Three times a day, he was given a bowl of soup and a spoon, but he refused to eat, taking only the spoon. His cries and screams could be heard throughout the entire wing of the asylum, and the owners discussed what to do with him. When they decided to move him to a different room, they opened the door to find Holly's name scratched into the walls and covered in blood. Suitor sat in the middle of the room, fingers dug into his arms and causing blood to flow freely. He no longer sensed they were there, in his own world. they cautiously put him in a straightjacket and led him to the new room. Once there, he began stumbling around inside, yelling for Holly.

The doctors began watching him, taking note of his behavior. Soon, he began bashing his head against the wall, screaming for Holly. Guards quickly came in and chained him to the floor, disabling his ability to move. This only made his desperation increase, and the only thing he began screaming was Holly's name. After a couple of weeks of that, and force feeding him, the doctors decided that the best option for him was to put him down. They took him out and led him to a room with a chair. They strapped him down to it, and a doctor approached Suitor with the poison in a syringe. Suddenly, a bit of rationality seemed to return to Suitor, and he began thrashing around, staring at the man in horror.


The doctor jabbed the needle into his arm and injected the poison, swiftly ending all movement in the room.

Afterwards, they put the body in a morgue and left it alone. Leaf, greatly upset, took control and managed to escape without detection. Once he had gotten far from where they were, he fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands. Dual took control at that, not wanting to possibly upset him more by talking. He stood up and began walking once again, falling into the cycle of infinitely running. Suddenly, the full realization of Suitor's death struck him, and he paled, knowing Holly was looking for them If she found out about his death, she would surely kill him in revenge. He fell, just as Leaf had, and curled up, pressing his hands against his head. Leaf quickly began consoling him, even if it was only half meaningful. Player, in the meantime, took control and stood up, rubbing his eyes. He decided he needed some form of stress relief, and began walking to the closest city. He walked for a few hours, before entering and heading towards an area he could rest. People around him felt horny, of course, but the feeling passed once he did. He got close to a bar and stood outside, leaning against the wall wearily. A young woman walked out of the bar, and Player!s eyes locked onto her. He approached her, grinning, and started flirting, only to see the woman whip out a pistol and fire at his gut. He doubled over and fell, holding his stomach in pain. Then, the gun fired again, and another piece of the soul shattered. Trep took over afterwards and ran, quickly getting out of the city without suspicion. He headed into a forest, deciding that living with humans was too dangerous. No one argued with him. He began searching around for life, and, upon seeing hardly any, he transformed into a deer and started living as one. It went on for several weeks, Trep living peacefully, when a group of hunters arrived. They spotted him, he tried to run, the explosion of a hunting rifle, and Trep fell dead.

And then there were three. Egg took control, thinking about everyone's death. His thoughts quickly shifted towards Inferno, and his need for justice began egging at him. He ran back to the city that the crash had occurred at, shaking with fury. It took him several days, and he refused to stop at all. Once there, he began searching endlessly, asking around, looking around, stalking - nothing. Then, one day, he spotted the very same truck that had struck Inferno long ago. His blood boiling, he quickly pursued the truck on foot, somehow keeping up with it. The truck came to a stop, and a young man stepped out, looking weary. Immediately, Egg grabbed his ax and attacked him, throwing the blade at the man's head. The man fell, the ax embedded in his head, when another, older man, spotted the scene. Pale, he whipped out a gun and pointed it at Egg's gut, firing. It hit Egg, and he doubled over in pain. The man fired once more, and Egg fell to the ground, dead. Quickly, the man fled the scene, and Leaf took control, absolutely horrified. Irrationally thinking, he began blaming himself for all of their deaths, not telling Dual. He ran away quickly, hating himself, not trusting himself, or even caring about himself. He stayed in control for weeks, not bothering to steal food. Although Dual pleaded with him, it was no use. He had lost the will to live. Day by day, he grew weaker and thinner, until one day, he stopped moving completely. He looked like a skeleton, skin pressed tightly against bone. Dual, the last personality alive, grew depressed, and slowly made it back to his home town. Weak, lonely, and starving, he climbed onto the railing of a bridge near his house. And there he stood, staring at the night sky as police, civilians, and his father arrived. He gave his speech quietly, not moving his gaze away from the horizon as the sun rose up slowly. With a final smile, he leaned forwards and fell towards the rushing waters down below. Towards his death.