
Inferno the Zoologist


Holly and Inferno got drunk on vodka and started acting strangely. Suitor had grabbed hold of Holly because she wanted to go and attack Player. She shifted from a human into a dragon and ran away towards Player.

This is what happens...

Suitor spotted Holly, as a dragon, and groaned before starting to jog after her.

Inferno quickly grabbed Suitor's ankle and pulled him to the ground. "WAH-What the hell?!" Suitor exclaimed in surprise.

Drunk Inferno shushed Suitor, "Look there." pointed at Holly, "We're looking at a veeeeeery rare species of lizard. They're endangered, and they're called the Floaty squiggles. Move slowly so we don't alarm it." He said as he began crawling forwards carefully. Suitor had nothing better to do so he followed Inferno, playing along.

Holly grabbed a hold of Player's leg. Player screeched and looked down in surprise, getting a massive flashback of when Holly used to attack him as a dragon before he was killed. She pulled Player over and started biting his leg. He snapped out of his moment and screamed.

"See? See that? The squiggle is hunting its prey. I think it's a..." Inferno squinted, "...turtle. Yes, it's hunting a turtle. This is a very loud turtle, though. Maybe it's a new species! I'll call it...squeaky shell!"

Suitor rolled his eyes "Sure...squeaky shell..."

Holly moved up, biting into Player's chest. Inferno spoke, "We watch as the squiggle attacks the squeaky's weak point. It seems to know what it's doing."

Player, in response to the bite, screamed and tried to tear Holly off.

"Woah! The squeaky has arms! Maybe its not a turtle at all, but rather a new type of octopus!" Inferno exclaimed, causing Suitor to snicker.

Holly moved up to his face and started chewing on Player's head.

"Oh my god! This isn't something I expected at all! The squiggly is going for the octopus' head! Hm...I should name the octopus, but I can't think of anything." Inferno puzzled.

"Maybe...screech wanker?" Suitor offered, just joking.

"YES! Screech wanker!" Inferno repeated, ecstatic.

"...I was just joking but ok."

Player screamed, flipping onto his stomach and rolling around to try and get Holly off but all this cause was for her to go to his back and snap his spinal cord so that he was paralised. This left him face on the ground and unable to move, his eyes darting around, terrified.

"Again, the squiggle amazes me by going for the wanker's back!" Inferno gasped, still drunk. Suitor nearly laughed out loud at this sentence.

Holly very calmly walked up Player's body, with a bit of a grin and threateningly placed her sharp teeth on the back of his neck. If Player could tremble, he would.

Inferno crawled closer, "It seems like the squiggle is playing with its food now. I wonder if this is a normal occurrence?"

Suitor continued playing the part with his troubled friend, "Maybe it is. Man, you're going to be so famous for discovering all these new species."

Holly quickly bit into Player's neck, tearing off a large chunk of his neck and cutting all the way through to decapitate him.

Inferno gasped, "Such a strong display of power! Clearly this isn't a lizard to be messed with. Maybe we shouldn't get any closer. We may aggravate it."

Suitor was staring at Holly, "...yeah. Not any closer."

She ate a small amount of Player's neck then clawed at his back, making a small, bloody indent and curling up inside it, falling asleep silently.

"Looks like it's fallen asleep. Now we can continue our research." he crawled closer and peered at Holly, poking her once, "Incredible. Such a small creature wielding so much strength! Of course, I would dissect it for research-"

Suitor cut him off with a low growl.

"-but it's endangered, so I won't. Curious creature, this is. Anyways, I must bring our findings back to base, how about you stay here and continue observing it? Yeah? Good." doesn't wait for an answer and instead stands up, tries to run, falls, and passes out.

Relieved that Inferno was finally out of the way, he reached underneath Holly and picked her up. He sat cross legged and placed her in his lap, beginning to pet her. He was at peace now, with a dragon, bloody corpse, and fiery man.