
Adventures With a Reincarnated Bush

Previously named I Died and Reincarnated as a Plant. The path of reincarnation is hard to predict. We follow John as he finds him self reincarnating as a plant. Soon he meets a bull that wants to eat him. This causes a chain reaction bringing many unique characters to John. What will happen to this poor plant on his path of cultivation?

Untolddead · Action
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95 Chs

Ernest's women problems

  In the morning, Laurel wakes up to the sun poking over the horizon. Its warm summer rays are like the warm touch of nature, welcoming a new day. She'd slept better than she has in years. Joe's warm, soft belly and heartbeat gave way to pretty dreams and happy memories. Now refreshed, Laurel stretches happily. "Good morning, guardian spirit. Thank you for letting me sleep next to you."

  "Moo," Joe nods.

  Laurel smiles sadly, "I'm sure my mom is upset."

  John bobs his branches and explains, "I informed your mother you were safe with us. Do you feel better now that you've had a night away?"

  Laurel nods while looking at the floor, "I feel refreshed. Perhaps our guardian spirit protected my dreams?"

  'Of course not! Joe doesn't have any magic power like that. The only special ability he has is a bottomless stomach' John thinks, but actually says, "Perhaps. Feel free to come whenever you want."

  "Alright, thanks," Laurel says as she leaves the hill.

  While everyone is preparing for the trip, Ernest manages to run into Anna accidentally. "I'm glad I got to meet you before we left."

  Anna looks at the scarred soldier with suspicion as she replies, "I'm just a mother. There shouldn't be any reason for you to seek me out."

  Ernest shakes his head and shows his hands at his side nonthreateningly, "I hear that you are the true leader of this village. So anyone would want an introduction."

  "That's ridiculous. If anyone is the leader, it's Gregory," Anna denies with a wave of her hand. Ernest, however, sees a glint in the woman's eyes.

  Ernest sighs in frustration, "I've talked to that man quite a few times already. He is a good man, but he deflects every time I ask anything and says he needs to call a meeting. I hear your support has pushed all our needs through. Even this exhibition is only underway, thanks to you, or so I hear. If you aren't the leader, I don't know who is!"

  "That's kind of you, but Gregory wasn't against this mining exhibition. In fact, I'm disappointed I'm missing the fun," Anna says while patting her belly. "My kid comes first."

  "Having children makes life different, I hear. I haven't had the pleasure myself. There may be some unfortunate bastards from my campaigning days," Ernest says while rubbing his facial scar.

  "You aren't too old yet. After the battle, you should look for a wife," Anna replies.

  Ernest laughs and shakes his head, "I expect that future is over. We've come here to die."

  Anna frowns and glares at the soldier, "you will win. I don't care if you die, but you better fight to win."

  Ernest steps back. 'her eyes gleam with the fire of insanity, or perhaps it's just her motherly instincts?' "Of course, we will do our best."

  "Yes, things are finally moving in the right direction, so it'll be quite stressful to start over again. Go get your weapons and turn away those who wish to take away our new homes," Anna states with a stern tone.

  "Yes, we will do as you say. Well, if I may take my leave," Ernest says with a bow.

  "Don't let me keep you. I wish you the best."

  "Thank you," Ernest replies while turning around and retreating from the mother as she strokes her stomach.

  As Ernest returns to the group preparing to leave, he scans the group before laying eyes on Laurel. He waves at the girl and walks over. "Laurel, there's someone I wanted you to meet before we leave," he states with a waning smile.

  Laurel nods with a smile. "Sure," she states. She then tilts her head and asks, "what's wrong? You look a bit off."

  Ernest touches the scar on his face and then speaks loudly, "nothing, nothing." He then puts his hand on Laurel's back and pushes her towards his men. "Hey, Isabela!"

  A woman towers over most of the men around her snaps her head towards the voice calling for her. Her bob hairsprings around her head as she shoves the men out of her way to walk over. As she nears, Laurel sucks in a breath. The muscular woman's left eye is dull, and a scar goes across her face down to her neck. Even though the girl can't see the scar continue, the lack of a right breast proves it continues.

  Isabela slaps Ernest on the shoulder, making him stumble a bit. She's about a head taller than the old veteran. "What do you need, old man," She jokes with a high-pitched laugh.

  Ernest rolls his shoulder and responds, "we signed up at the same time."

  Isabela snorts at her own joke before stating it, "that doesn't seem right. I would have remembered someone as ugly as you joining up with me. Perhaps I lost half my memories with half my vision?"

  Laurel looks at her with pity causing Isabela to laugh even louder. "Why are you making a face like that? It's a joke. You'll have a sad life if you can't laugh!"

  Ernest shakes his head, "If you expect a serious statement from her mouth, you'll be disappointed. She is the only woman in our troop."

  "Half a woman, ey?" The warrior woman asks with a smirk elbowing Ernest.

  Ernest makes a face of disgust. "I hate when you joke about that."

  "He's just embarrassed!" Isabela exclaims while pulling the man into a headlock.

  Ernest shoves the amazon off. "It's not a joke. I just got this scar, but you almost died! You were even joking as you coughed blood. It's not a memory I like to remember," He explains before getting back to business, "As I said, she's a joker, but she's the real deal when it comes to fighting. I want you to stick with her and learn what you can."

  Laurel nods enthusiastically, "I'll do my best!"

  "Alight, pipsqueak, come look at my kit. It's OK to joke with your mouth but not having the right stuff in your rucksack is no joking matter," Isabela extols while dragging Laurel along. "I hear that you all got jumped in the night. It's something that may happen from time to time. Always have a pack ready to go! A route without supplies is the worst. I'd rather be cut in half. I know I've experienced both!"

  Laurel looks back at Ernest for assurance, but he's already gone to talk to other men.

I'm going to update as much as I can. May continue to be sporadic until I get a new place to live. Thanks for reading!

I didn't originally intend for a second named character from the army. But I wanted to give Laurel a new mentor since Elanor hasn't been around. Also she is different from the powerful women we've seen so far giving a different dynamic. I'm a bit unsure about the Anna part but it's basically what I wanted. We'll see what everyone else thinks.

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