
Chapter 1

From somewhere in the depths of unconsciousness I could here a dripping noise. It echoes in my ears and draws up my sluggish mind. Why do I hear dripping? Where am I?

Slowly I peel apart my eyelids and see darkness. Darkness broken here and there by rainbow hued crystals jutting from the walls and ceiling. I stare at the rough rock walls and ceiling in confusion for several seconds. I have no clue where I am or how I got here.

Still not sure of what's going on I struggle into a sitting position. As soon as I get sitting up my body is racked with pain. It feels as though flames are raging through every inch of me, building up more and more until, as quickly as it started, the pain left. I sat there, my muscles trembling, afraid to move incase it triggered the pain again.

When several moments pass with no sign of another episode I start to relax. I try to focus my mind to figure out what's going on. First what do I know, what's my name? That ones easy, its Soren. Soren what? After a few seconds I realize I've got nothing. The memory must be missing.

Actually it's more like it was never there to begin with. As I realize this I frantically try to think of something else. Anything else. I dont know where I am. It looks like a dungeon or cave but I dont know anything else. I dont know where this place could be located or even anything about the world around me.

I know I am a young male around adulthood but not where I'm from or where I am or even who I am. All I know is my name, Soren. There are no memories before waking up here, yet I know how to speak and move. I know what sounds are and what hunger and thirst are. I seem to have a general understanding about being alive, but none of the finer details.

As long as i remain here i wont get any answers so i better get up and check myself out. Getting to my feet unsteadily I begin to pat myself down. I have shoulder length hair that shines a deep purple in the low light of the dungeon. I have a thin but muscular frame light and fast feeling with power just beneath the surface. Moving on, yep definitely a Male glad to see nothing has changed there. I'm dressed in a well fitting long sleeved jacket with small pockets down the sleeves over a tank top, and a pair of loose cargo pants with several large pockets. I'm wearing large heavy boots that come up to mid shin and have buckles on the sides. At my waist I have on a plain looking short sword. I have no idea how it got there or if I even know how to use it but I hope I dont find out the hard way. Looking around me I can see that the corridor I'm in continues on for about thirty feet before turning to the right, while in the other direction it goes on straight into the darkness. Deciding to try to find some other people I can get some info from I get ready to head toward the turn. As I start walking I suddenly hear the sound of foot steps approaching. Oh man people already what luck I think to myself.

"Hey excuse me!" I shout in a horse voice that sounds like it has not been used in forever. I can hear the footsteps speed up and increase my own speed as well, in a hurry to ask my questions and hopefully find out what the hell has happened to me. As I approach the turn I am stopped in my tracks. Zombies, Zombies were the footsteps I heard. They started to move faster when they heard me because they heard food not to help. Oh man I guess I have no choice but to see if i can use this sword.

Hey everyone. This is a story I wanted to write for a long time but never did. Because I suck at it. So please bare with me if you are interested in what happens. I cant promise it will be good or that i will even finish it but it's something I've been wanting to try and what better way then here to take a stab. let me know what you think about it. what you want to see happen. Or just shit talk me. it's what ever. and THANKS FOR READING.

Soren777creators' thoughts