
Adventures of the Hawk

This will be a wish fullfillment in DXD and my time writing so I will be trying my best to stay within canon but I'm not the best at things like that so if I go off of it I would be more than happy to hear your suggestions to make it better.

In this I plan to take Issei out of the story and give his sacred gear to our MC. I personally do not like Issei as a character. Our MC will be a mix between a Hawk Youkia and a Nine Tailed Fox Youkia. He will be reincarnated with five wishes with one of them being his race. I know that most authors will give there OC OP powers like Instant Mastery or Magic Creation. I do not want to do that because I believe that his race will make him strong enough with the boosted gear added. He will also have other powers on top of those. My MC will have a more naive and loving personality but slowly get better as the story goes on.