

Hello Everyone, This Is me STEVE JACKSON . For your kind information, i don't have any relations with Micheal Jackson. So this is my everyday life and Adventures.

Today, 8th Feb 2021. My day was a little weird or awkward i can say. I was pushed on a teacher by my besties Greg and Joey. I was like why... teacher scolded me af and we were at an exhibition so... everyone saw and laughed on me. after exhibition i was chasing greg and joey like tom and jerry.

As the buses dropped us by school we started walking on the streets and we saw a man walkìng

like he was drunk but his eyes were red and his hands were becoming plae blue colour and we stooped there so we could get a clear scenario but instead a lightning emerged through his hands striked me hard and i was thrown like 10 blocks away but as i hit the ground whoosh ! it was a dream.... or a vibe of the next day because i saw at my clock and time was 5:30 . I tried to sleep but couldn't. The thought of that lightning man was haunting me . so i woke up and helped myself with a coffee.

In the school i was physically in classroom but mentally in my vibe, again and again thought of that lightning man " will it really happen" " no,im just overthinking" god !! that scared shit outta me.

We went to the exhibition and it was going as my dream/ vibe . I was going to get pushed by greg and joey but i moved and realised that yes it was a vibe or a message or warning...

I was totally shocked and after i moved they both were looking at each other like how would i know about them pushing me. Before they ask i told them about my dream. I knew Greg won't believe in me and joey would say yes yes and then nothing but , they both bileved in me. in fact they told me don't worry we will be careful this time.

Exhibition was over. we were dropped at school and the as soon as the sreet where i was hit by lightning was coming near there was a ghostly sound.. like lightning before a thunder. We were slowly and steadily approaching the street. my heart beat was raising . we were on the street boom ! the lightning man (name given by greg to him) was there as hands started turning pale i jumped but was late ... the lightning striked me 10 blocks away as like my dream i saw from there that lightning man holding my friends with his long strecthed hands. I couldn't move i was feeling like tied with rope tightly. then that man thrown 'em away coming to me. I don't know why but some strange things were happening suddenly in my body like my veins were fired up burning , my brain's nervous system was shattered. but still i was alive... why,how so many questions ...

To Be continued...

this is my beginning plz support me

PogoTheGreatcreators' thoughts