
Chapter 6

The kids cheered, except Kell, so Kaima sends a mind message.

Kell walks to Myleka.

"You're  a Wolfkin, right?" asked Myleka.

"I am", said Kell.

In a flashback, Kaima has an eye patch, hair in a ponytail, wearing a warrior outfit; she's shooting exploding arrows at the snake cllan.

"Why betray your own kind?" asked The snake cllan leader.

"I have no kind, I just fight for the right team", replied Kaima.

"Then, thisss will be eassier than expected", said The snake cllan leader.

The leader has the head of a snake and a human-like body.

The leader tries to attack the wolf version of Kell, when Kaima stood in the way, risking her through the arm.

"Foolish girl, you only prevent the unevitable", said the snake leader.

The flashback ends.

"Alright, everybody, it's time for us to go", said Kaima.

The kids wave goodbye to the other children.

Back to the Earth dimension.

They land in Annabelle and Marvin's house.

"Kaima!" exclaimed Annabelle and Marvin, hugging her.

"I been so long", said Lily.

"True, i'm sorry", said Kaima.

"Lily, what are you doing here?" asked Samlina.

"Visiting a friend, what about you?" answered Lily, coldly.

Samlina puts her arm around Mina, and says "With a friend too".

Lily glares at Samlina.

Samlina smirks at Lily, and says "And we're going bowling".

"Why you..." said Lily, with anger.

Mina moves out of the way.

"Still have girls fighting over you, huh?" Kaima giggled.

"You giggling, you can hand over the presents you owe your children", said Mina.

Kaima snaps her fingers and makes the presents appear in front of Myaleka and Myleka.

"There's extra presents", Comiclover23 noticed.

"Mom, dad today was a crazy day", said Harmony.

"Really? Tell us all about it", said Annabelle, with a smile.

"I'll bring the food and drinks", said Marvin, entering the kitchen.

"Before that, I sense company", said Kaima.

A bunch of portals appear and three woman and five men come from it.

Each of them has symbols around them.

One woman was a giant gear  from a clock around her. She has the same hair as Charlie, wearing an outfit for an inventor. Her name is Starlight.

She is the mother of Charlie and Comiclover23.

Another woman has white spiky hair, wearing a white dress holding a glob/scepter.

She is Kell's mother named Light Aina, behind her right next to her  is two men with white hair, wearing winter soldier uniform.

The man on Aina's right is Kell's father, Dave jr.

The man on Aina's left is Dave Sr.

There's a woman has brown hair, wearing a cape, white shirt, blue skirt, white boots with stars with the form of a star system. Her name is Light Tina, she is mother of Percy and May.

Last, three men in blue, yellow, and red outfit. Their name is Harold, Dan, and Timmy. Their parents of Ka Mary.

Kaima with the parents have many laughs.

Moonshine sent a letter that lands in Kaima's hands.

"You have three dads?" asked Myaleka.

"I was born from magic clay", said Ka Mary.

"But, she has no power", said Harold.

"Which is the way, I like it", said Ka Mary.

"That's okay, so Ka Mary, you want to play ice hockey now?" asked Myaleka.

"Sure, but there's no ice", said Ka Mary.

Myleka blows on the grass turning it into ice.

"Awesome", said Comiclover23.

"Let's play", said Harmony, and throws hockey pucks and sticks.

"I'm surprised that i'm really meeting you", said Light Tina.

"I good to see you again, Starlight", said Kaima.

"Thanks for helping me find love", Starlight hugs Kaima.

"Anything for a fellow time traveler", Kaima smiled.

"Our children seem to already be getting", Timmy tells Kaima.

"True, and now they can go to the same school, thanks to this letter", said Light Aina, reading Kaima's letter.

"Good, I hated that racist school they were going to before", said Mina, eating sugar cookies.

Kaima laughs.

"I thought there was something off about that school", said Annabelle.

"Sorry, I signed Harmony for that school", Marvin apologized.

"It's okay, your heart was in the right place, so who wants to watch a movie", said Annabelle.

While the kids are outside, the parents are watching a movie inside.