
A Loud Climax

<p>It's dark here, there's a dim glow coming from something, I see little movements and feel little touches like from flowers, I look up and there's nothing for miles. It's not just a thing that glows, I think it maybe alive, it is alive. Before my eyes the huge form shifts to look like an elephant with many tails. <br/><br/>It's tails caress my legs, and slowly there's pressure on my trousers, it's like something is ripping through it, I turn to run and suddenly hear a zip sound and my pants disappear, I am left in my silk shirt and cotton briefs. I run as fast as my legs would go but strong tails grab me in a flash and my arms and legs are spread apart in an x cross motion I am unable to move, the more I do the harder these tails hold me.<br/><br/>Helpless I surrender as they rip away my cotton briefs and silk shirt, they linger around my abs and broad chest, it seems like they're feeling me out, testing my sensitivity, trying to decide my worth. I am naked as the day I was born and feeling vulnerable when in a flash they release me and I fall to the floor.<br/><br/>I lie here butt naked and scream as loud as I can, something hits me hard and silenced by the terrible shrieks I feel the cold damp sweat run down my back, I shiver from fear and as I am about to faint from the experience. Little by little a slow melody like a song comes from the life form and it slowly, gently begins to caress me. I feel slight touch at my ankles, it moves slowly to the sensitive spot behind my knee and creeps up with lush tenderness onto my inner thighs and I hear a wet licking sound coming from below my groin, one of the tails has a tongue like feeler which licks at my core.<br/><br/>Is this pleasure I feel in this dark endless pit? why do I feel a thrill? I ask myself. A cold fog licks up my spine and I feel more randy, my nerves begin to react as even countless tails touch delicate parts of me, my butt is lushly squeezed and spanked they rove all over my tender spots. I can't take this tormenting pleasure any more, I start to loose control as I moan and it triggers something in the beast. It presses in harder giving me more, I feel my moans drawing out the monster's dark desires, I feel it getting harder, all it's tails becoming more erect, growing more demanding, prying away my hands from preventing it access to my body. it goes on for a while and unable to stall my rising desires I allow myself to feel, to take pleasure, to experience.<br/><br/>I feel a jolt and suddenly jerk up and rub against a tail. It flicks my hardness again and again, slow then fast keeping a strange rhyme and it's better than anything I have felt, I breath in and the air is mixed with the scent of ambrosia, everything pushing me off to my peak and as I am about to reach euphoria it stops and hits me hard. <br/><br/>I gasp as the fear comes filling in and my pleasure is almost forgotten when the cruel beast exposes another. I am suddenly relived, I reach out to rouse the strange person but I feel a softness, a softness very familiar to me, it's a female moving in ecstasy, feeling pleasure and wonder as I had. Her moans rise and fall drawing out a primal need in me and I begin to have a longing to feel every part of her. My restraint breaks and I feel her out, inch by little inch.<br/><br/> I feel a damp lock of hair then smooth soft face with lush lips as my hands rove lower to her throat here I feather her with kissed and she moves more and more as her pleasure grows. I feel lower to her sweet gentle flesh on her chest, she has full and her hard knots that drives me mad as I force one in my mouth and give it a hard suck, I drink her like a man dying of thirst and forget myself as I bite her supple flesh, she lets out a hard moan louder and louder, I am lost. <br/><br/>Grabbing hard at her thighs my hands dig into her buttery skin and I try to pry open her legs to unveil her creamy wetness but something stops me, something is already inside her. I try to pull back but something grabs my hardness holding my butt in place and I feel even better than the fulfilment I would have gotten from her as it captures my member within a hot wet, slippery tight sheath.<br/><br/>It sucks me in even as I ride slowly, it pulls harder and harder I begin to ride faster and it rides me back, I reach out and feel a tail around my hardness, the same tail that was inside her but, it wasn't a tail, it was something more. <br/><br/>The beast was pleasuring us and taking it's pleasure, and suddenly I was aware of its vibrations and heard it's moans, it's....so beautiful it's the sound of a hundred people moaning softly at the same time, this thing, this monster felt and gave pleasure and I wondered at my fear of it. <br/><br/>Ahhh.... it sucks harder and I forget my wonderings, I can't bear it anymore, I hear a loud moan and realize it's me the sucking is soft and creamy but hard and fast, I ride it thinking if I stop I would die. I hear her scream as she lifts both legs and it boosts my urges to the edge and both of us moan and scream as we reach the tip of our eclipse. All is silent for just a millisecond and we eclipse hard in a throat rending howl.<br/><br/>The ecstasy drains me as I feel weak and begin falling towards the ground unconscious. Just before I pass out, I see a human-like face smile and feel it caress me once more this time like a mother. And I knew only then what I had been missing, what we all had been missing.</p>