
| The Sister with a change in Heart

Arc 1 | A Detectives End

Phase 1 | The 13th Star Etched In History


In the Astrea Mansion

"Blood Veil: Life-force Manipulation!"

Ko possessed a twisted ability. One that deviates from the gods' natural order. Tainted in an unknown darkness of red. Ko's ability allowed her to drain the life force from her victims and bend it to her will. Though she has only used this once. With Daphne's divine swiftness, she dashed through the room, closing the distance between her and Ko. But as Daphne approached at high speeds, Ko unleashed her malevolent power, and the once-zooming thief felt the suffocating grip of darkness. Her movement halted, her flesh began to wither, and her eyes turned bloodshot as if she were being drained of life. Howling in pain, Daphne struggled to maintain her strength. Ko's sisters, Ro and Yo, tried to reason with their elder sister, pleading for her to stop this madness. No matter how loud their words were, no matter what they said or did, it was all useless. Ko was too lost in her thirst for power and revenge, and the darkness within her was too overwhelming to resist.

As Daphne stood on the verge of death, a glimmer of hope emerged from the depths of the forest. Luna, a powerful mage skilled in the art of ice manipulation, had been on a separate quest to eradicate the sinister cindertaurs that plagued the forest. Hearing of the crisis, she hurried back to aid her friends.

What she didn't know was what happened while she was away. For the entirety of this episode, Luna thought it was over the moment she severed the head of the last cindertaur, who failed to gnaw her demise.

Everyone thought they were protecting Ko from danger. She is the danger. More terrifying than an army of cindertaurs. That's how petrifying her ability was.

"To be snowed under" With her icy energy, Luna fired a freezing bolt at Ko, breaking the trance that held her captive. The chill of the ice spread through Ko's body, weakening her grip on Daphne.

As the darkness receded, Daphne collapsed to her knees, gasping for breath. Luna rushed to her side, using her healing powers to restore the life force that had been drained from her. "No" Ko was still adamant about pursuing her objective to kill Tsubasa, Daphne, and Luna.

"No no no no no NO!" Her demonic power was cut off by Luna's interference, and she could no longer muster the strength to use it again. Grabbing the dagger by her side, she tried to puncture Tsubasa's throat with it. But Luna used her aptitude to sheathe the weapon in her ice and dismantle it into fragments, rendering it useless. Ko's desperate attempt to kill Tsubasa was thwarted by Luna's quick thinking and ice manipulation.

Tsubasa, though she remained unconscious like she was in a dream, was unharmed. Luna, with a stern but compassionate gaze, looked at Ko, who was now in tears of failure and frustration. Luna stepped forward, her voice gentle yet firm. "Ko, there is still a chance for redemption," she said. "Your path doesn't have to be one of darkness and destruction. This is all a big misunderstanding; we weren't the ones who sent the cindertaurs, and we would never put any of your sisters in harm's way.

But that power of yours is dangerous! We can help you find a way to control and understand your power." Ko looked up, her tear-streaked face revealing the torment within her soul. "You don't understand; we've been through so much," she whispered.

"The darkness, the thirst for power—it's overwhelming. I don't know if I can control it."Daphne, who had regained some of her strength with Luna's healing, approached Ko cautiously.

She, too, had felt the sinister pull of Ko's power and could sense the turmoil raging inside her. "Ko, we can't change the past, but we can shape our future," Daphne said with empathy.

"You don't have to face this alone. We can support you and guide you towards a better path." Offering her hand, Daphne reached out to Ko. She was still shedding tears.

But accepted Daphne's gesture and apologized greatly. She let go of Tsubasa and placed her gently toward Luna. Ro and Yo, Ko's sisters, also approached their sibling, standing by her side in unity.

"Ko, we love you, and we believe in your potential to do good; these people have done nothing but protect us. Think about it for a second," Yo said, her voice full of emotion.

Who has also been crying the entire time? Ro nodded in agreement. "Remember our bond as sisters," she said softly.

"We can face this together, and we'll find a way to help you overcome the darkness." Ko struggled to contain her emotions; she remembered how Luna healed her in the first place and how much fun they were having before the cindertaurs attacks.

She made a mistake. How could these people even think of such a thing? It was an absurd and paranoid way of thinking. The demonic power she possesses sends whispers in her ears, telling her lies. That she could never keep her sisters safe.

Ko's biggest mistake was listening to this demon and succumbing to its wishes. She feels torn between her desire for redemption and her fear of the darkness consuming her.

She had felt isolated and misunderstood for so long, but now, in the presence of her sisters and friends, she felt a glimmer of hope. Luna extended her hand toward Ko. "Let us help you," she said, her eyes showing genuine concern and compassion.

"We will face the challenges together, and you won't have to bear this burden alone." Ko hesitated for a moment before finally reaching out to clasp Luna's hand. The warmth of friendship and understanding washed over her, and a sense of relief began to replace the overwhelming darkness.

Wielding that kind of power exacted a heavy toll in some shape or form upon its user. For Ko, it could be seen as an emotional catalyst that amplifies her emotions. This is what Luna was insinuating.

That these aren't Ko's real feelings but an unjustly altered one derived from the demonic curse she has. From that moment on, a new journey began for Ko. With the support of her sisters and the friendship of Daphne and Luna. It was not an easy path, as the darkness still lurked within her, but Ko was determined to overcome it and find balance.

"Maybe Theresia or even Malica Van Astrea would know a thing or two about this unorthodox power?"

As time passed, Ko and her sisters commented on working things out together as siblings. Standing tall, holding back their tears, they sincerely announce their newfound trust in the three guests. The bond between Ko, Daphne, Luna, Ro, and Yo grew stronger, forming an unbreakable alliance of trust and understanding.

Midnight ~

Tsubasa's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself gasping for breath, her heart pounding in her chest. As she tried to collect her thoughts, she could feel the weight of fear and exhaustion bearing down on her.

It was as if she had just escaped from a nightmare that had taken a toll on her physically and emotionally. She muttered incoherent words, the name "Matriarch Carina" slipping from her lips, along with the troubling mention of Daphne not being safe.

The room was filled with astonished faces as her friends and companions gathered around her, concern etched on their features. Tsubasa was known for her bravery and calm demeanor, so seeing her in such a terrified state was both shocking and disconcerting for everyone.

Luna stepped forward with caring eyes. She put a comforting hand on Tsubasa's and softly whispered, "It's alright, Tsubasa. I'm here for you. You're safe now." Luna's presence seemed to have a soothing effect, and Tsubasa's trembling began to subside slightly.

"Hey, don't forget about us too!" Daphne swiftly joined in and tugged us together in each other's arms, grinning at the victory we achieved during this hellish time.

As time passed, Tsubasa's fear began to recede, and she struggled to recall the details of the disturbing dream. But the memory eluded her, slipping away like grains of sand through her fingers.

It was frustrating, but at the same time, she was relieved that the source of her terror remained unknown. Their adventure had been a challenging one, battling against the fearsome cindertaurs, formidable creatures that had tested the group's mettle at every turn.

The exhaustion was evident on all their faces, and they decided that they needed to rest right away. So they found a safe spot in the main room and made themselves comfortable for a well-deserved rest. Ko and her sisters quickly patched up the broken wall with their dexterous arts and crafts skills, using any slim debris and even a cindertaur corpse to blockade it together.

Throughout the night, Luna remained close to Tsubasa, keeping watch over her as the others slumbered. The warmth of friendship and the sense of security provided by her companions helped Tsubasa find some semblance of peace.

Luna's calming presence acted as a balm for her frayed nerves, allowing her to drift into a more peaceful sleep. As dawn broke, Tsubasa woke up feeling much better.

The night's events seemed like a distant memory, and the dream that had haunted her earlier was now gone, like a fleeting shadow in the light of day. Her friends gathered around her, curious about how she was feeling.

Tsubasa smiled faintly, feeling a little sheepish about her earlier reaction. "I'm sorry for worrying you all," she said. "I can't remember much of the dream now. It must have been just a product of fatigue and stress."

Her friends were understanding, assuring her that such things happened to everyone. They laughed and joked about the cindertaurs, recounting their thrilling escapades.

The lighthearted banter lifted their spirits, and they decided to take the day off to relax and recover fully from their recent trials. In the company of her friends, Tsubasa felt safe and cared for, and the fear that had gripped her earlier melted away completely.

They spent the day resting, telling stories, and cherishing each other's company. And as the sun set on their camp, their laughter filled the air, a testament to the unbreakable bond that held them together. Little did they know that more adventures awaited them on the horizon, but for now, they found comfort in the warmth of friendship, knowing that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other to lean on. And so, beneath the starlit sky, they thundered, and they slept peacefully, ready to embrace whatever the future had in store for them.