
Adventures of an Android

Dying once is too boring. So our protagonist does it twice! Delvin Mayes lost his life in a revolution and and a cataclysm, so the 3rd time has to really be something else... Join Del as he ends up on a familiar blue planet whilst trying to find answers in a struggle spanning through galaxies and generals, moons and monarchs, deceptions and daggers, cloaks and courts. Joins us the Adventures of the Android

Knowo · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Earlier when Delvin was writing in his Journal, the system informed him he could 'Loot' certain things.

In that particular scenario, Delvin had just passed a small patch of tear-shaped plants known as Lumitear which could be looted once he reached a higher tiered ranking of the Collect Herb skill.

Del made a map marker for the small speck of Lumitears and wrote down some questions about the loot function.

"Let's see how it works, if I remember correctly." Del said as he placed his hand just above the monster's fur. He stiffened his fingers and called out. "Loot!"

A wave of murky green particles entered the palm of his hand followed by a few short notifications.

[You have received 1x Poison sac(C)]

[You have received 1x Plague's eye(C)]

[You have received 28 Credits]

"Hmm, the corpse is still here. Maybe the system only loots certain parts of it, making sure people working as butchers and tanners will still have a place in the new world. But this is only an assumption, I'll need more monster corpses to prove this meaning more fights." Delvin thanked whomever god was watching on the system's function of replenishing resources upon levelling up.

"Looks like I can't even put the corpse in my inventory." Del tried calling out 'Inventory' but it did nothing. "It seems moving monster corpses from the battlefields into towns and settlements will also be a sought-after profession." Delvin was writing all of his thoughts down.

<Poison Sac> (Common)

-Alchemy material

This small sac is filled with potent venom which induces hallucinations and paralysis on its victims. All beings above Tier 0 are immune to its effects making this particular venom a laughing stock among its peers.


The plague's eye carried a similar description, the only difference being it was classified as both an alchemy material and a 'ritual material'. This classification warranted further inquiry, but then again so did many things already written in Del's journal.

"These Credits are most likely a form of currency." Delvin wondered before he suddenly slapped himself in the face. "No! This isn't important right now, I need to start moving again and find some kind of high ground or clearing to orientate myself accurately; the wave will soon hit and those safe zones won't find themselves."

By a turn of luck, after only running for 10 minutes Del had found an exit from in the forest in the form of an enormous steppe filled with knee-high pink grass, its surface dotted with lilac and peach-coloured hills of varying sizes.

The slow, almost rhythmic moving of the grass field mesmerized Delvin for a brief moment; his attention fully taken by the dance of wind and pink grassland.

Far beyond the sea of pink Delvin some protruding shapes. Large rectangular structures twisted and turned around monstrously-sized pink roots, their surface filled with debris and rubble of a once glorious city.

"It'll take me a full day at the least to reach the outskirts of the city and even if I do reach it the terraforming changes had most likely shifted the entirety of the Earth's tectonic landscape making navigation useless." Del's plan of locating a base or settlement of some kind was quickly discarded. "I'll have to rely on a plan B then."

Looking around the edges of the grassland, Delvin noticed the Blossomwood forest curved around the periphery of the city, encompassing it completely. "The city could end up having multiple safe zones but getting through the open fields of grass doesn't seem safe."

"Yup, plan B it is." Delvin said as he entered the grass field while calling to his journal to write down the freshly-hatched plan.

11. Plan for surviving – Version B

Reach first hill and camp there when wave hits; afterwards check map for any signals or indications of safe zones(then same of your surroundings)

-Locate safe zone>Move to zone(kill if necessary)

-Don't locate safe zone>Move closer to city whilst looking for zones


Test out for more skills(Read section 8 of Journal for more info…)

Find monsters and KILL THEM

-Find monsters>Experiment with 'Loot' function

-No monsters> Experiment with skills I already have (What is up with Neo skill, examine spear skills)

P.S. Mana skills need a separate category(No info, Weakened Core debuff, no Meri assistance)


Levels levels levels(Get more levels)

-Level 10 is a threshold (What happens? How much exp needed to reach)

-What are classes?(professions, designations or even official titles??)

More data required.


Delvin started climbing the closest hill which was had a plethora of colourful trees filled with weird looking fruit. "I'll have to try some of those after the wave hits."


Delvin reached the lonely hilltop which provided him with a great view of the ever-spreading pink meadow. He sat down on the grass, soft flowers caressing his fingers as he looked on, waiting for the moment of reckoning

"Okay. Let's see what you have in stor-" Del was interrupted by a sound he would never forget; an almost primordial sound coming from somewhere under the surface.




Delvin felt as if the very foundations of the planet were shifting and cracking under the pressure. The pink grassland's gentle dance disrupted by a once-in-a lifetime event.

As the earth quaked and rumbled, strange energies ripple through the land, causing mystical distortions and ruptures in reality. From these crack a tsunami of energy surges forward saturating everything in its path with its otherworldly force.

Mountains were destroyed and reborn in moments as their spires reached skywards, rivers surged and overflowed, their waters brimming with a shimmering light.

In some places, the earth split open revealing endless caves and tunnels while occult energy flowed from the wave into the rocks and minerals of the Earth.

Across the world strange creatures emerge from their hidden lairs and forgotten abodes, nourished and created by the raw power of Mana.

Many of the Earth's former life-forms experience changes both physical and mental. The previously mistreated and exploited animal and plant life was now being forcibly evolved into creatures of myth and legend.

Delvin could see the pink meadow expanding as the pink blades of grass absorbed the Blossomwood itself until Del found himself some 10 km from the forest's border. Behind the destroyed city Del could see a mountain forming. Its jagged terrain littered with small trees and sharp exclaves.

After 5 minutes that shaking stopped, the wave of mana dissappeared and Delvin could fully focus on the changes that occurred.

The air was thick with a smell of wildflowers and azalea tulips. In the background, the now-colossal mountain towered over the destroyed city, its small trees growing to sizes similar to some of the city's buildings while its surface seemed to be alive with an otherworldly energy. Crossing the grassland seemed a more difficult undertaking now as hills and small bodies of water appeared, their surfaces glittering in a golden light.

"I have to locate a safe zone as soon as possible. I should avoid any combat until I find one. After one is located, then the slaughter of the plague hoppers shall commence." Delvin said and started moving down the hill while calling his Map tab.

"Whew, only 15 minutes on foot to reach the closes safe zone." The map had several green markers that upon inspecting revealed themselves to be 'Safe zones'. Delvin started moving towards the one closest to him while focusing his attention on any potential movement or disturbance.

"My Stamina can theoretically support this speed indefinitely, but the build-up of fatigue would leave me drained in case of any encounters; I should pace myself better." Del said as he slowed down and moved with greater safety.

The safe zone was actually a cave located on slightly elevated ground near a small creek which Delvin thought was convenient. "Water will be easy to access at least." Del said as he jumped over the creek and stood in front of the safe zone.

"There's no markings or indications that this is a safe zone, is there some kind of masking magic involved to keep intruders out?" Delvin wondered as he took out his spear. "Just to be sure I'll also apply the poison."

Del retrieved the poison sac from his inventory, a small and fleshy purple-coloured pouch of venom. He pierced the top of it with his spear, soaking it in venom.

He put the sac back and moved into the zone while holding his spear in a defensive manner.

As soon as his entire body entered the cave a sound was heard from his system.

[Congratulations! You have found a Safe zone(miniscule)!]

[This safe zone can accommodate one living being. Its effects mask the inhabitants presence from any outsiders and provide the inhabitant with increased regenerative capabilities; stay in the safe zone for longer than 30 minutes to gain further effects]

[Should someone else locate this safe zone via the 'Map' function, the inhabitant will be noticed; if a monster or wild beast find its way too close to the safe zone it will detect your presence and the safe zone's masking function will be disabled for 30 minutes]

Delvin observed the cave; a 15 m long indent on the hill's surface which would act as his residence for the time being. The air in the cave was surprisingly fresh, most likely due to the cave's proximity to fresh water. The walls were of a rough-hewn stone, with patches of moss and lichen growing in the crack and crevices.

Delvin walked to the far end of the cave to sit down and ponder on some things when a notification took his immediate attention.

[Congratulations! Due to the being one the first 10 Earthlings to discover a safe zone you have been rewarded by the system.]

[You have received items, 2-levels worth of Essence and an 'Achievement']

[Please check your system logs for closer inspection of rewards]

Delvin's jaw nearly hit the ground when read through these glorious notifications.


Some information regarding the system and Del's future plans will be written in the form of his own "Journal". I think this will add a degree of personalization of Delvin.

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