
Adventures of a Samurai in Search of Mastery of the Sword

In a world with prehistoric beings, but in a fantastic medieval setting, a samurai seeks the peak of sword martial arts. New adventures and martial arts. New romances. New Powers Chs: 2-4 week After Chapter 4 they lengthen.

Jocarex · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Entering the Hestarin Forest

'Aaaaahh, this trail over the ruins is quite strenuous, but it will serve as training to strengthen my muscles and increase my level, although normally I would prefer to carry more weight like rocks in the backpack, now I cannot do it, since this mountain is too steep and An imbalance could cost me dearly, not to mention that I might even die'.

Now that he is on his way to the city of Dorwen, he thought that the best way to train and get there faster was through this cliff that was presented to him.

Anyway, at this point I did not want to return, since I had a mission to carry out.

'I still think I'm lacking exercise, but I hope I can get better missions in the Dorwen City Guild'.

He had no idea what was approaching him and what would await him at the top of the cliff.

Showing its sharp fangs, its 3 long claws on its 4 legs, its scaly skin surrounding a black beastly body and a black scorpion tail, he saw 3 Rushdogs waiting for him on top.

'How unlucky, I didn't think I would bump into ONLY 3 Rushdogs so I won't be able to hone my skills any further'.

He drew his sword at breathtaking speed using the lethal whirlwind technique, which is one of the first learned of Flion's art and killed them in an instant, bringing with him a beautiful bloody crimson blast.

The previous *combat*, if the unilateral massacre caused by his sword technique can be called that, messed up his beloved white-on-black hakama (a type of Japanese samurai kimono).

His beloved katana which he called Hylfa, was a beautiful sword with a black body and silver edge, a black handle with a gold oriental dragon pattern along it, and a completely black scabbard.

Before leaving the place, he made sure to collect some parts of the exiles that he could sell to the merchants.

"Tch, in this place there should be more exiles, well for now I will continue my way towards the city entering the Hestarin forest".

Although he was lucky not to meet members of another clan, who are much stronger than the bandits who attack from time to time to steal the belongings of merchants, attacked him by surprise before reaching the forest, he was frustrated by their lack of practice with the Hylfa sword. Anyway, he managed to assassinate other Rushdogs that appeared on his way.

'Well, I must thank him for not having had so many problems, being ungrateful is an offense to the celestials, in any case, I hope that in the forest there is more action than here'.

This sword fanatic always thought about training, training and training, but thanks to that he managed to reach the breaking point between the beginning and experienced level of the art of Flion.