
Adventures of a Samurai in Search of Mastery of the Sword

In a world with prehistoric beings, but in a fantastic medieval setting, a samurai seeks the peak of sword martial arts. New adventures and martial arts. New romances. New Powers Chs: 2-4 week After Chapter 4 they lengthen.

Jocarex · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Decisions and lost in the maze

'I will have to choose between these four doors to advance, but I wonder: which is the correct one or will there be some correct one?' Getrar wondered with deep doubt.

These patterns on the walls may have clues as to which path to follow, but they may also be part of the enchantament of these walls, as I understand them, they must be written with letters or patterns, so it is very likely.

Another important thing is that I can't identify these letters, and I've seen quite a few books and none of them have that type of writing. Could it be some kind of tomb from an unknown ancient dynasty? Getrar thought enthusiastically.

If I were with a magician, I could clear my doubt, tsk tsk tsk, thought Getrar with disappointment.

Now that Getrar had to choose a path, he was undecided, he approached and analyzed these four, they were all the same, in the four paths there were skeletons, but in one there was a much smaller quantity, and the smell of blood that was felt was not unbearable.

'This path on the left seems less dangerous, but it is also possible to find more skeletons in the deep part of the people who could not escape' Getrar thought.

I will enter this path towards the uncertain, no matter what happens, I must know what is inside, I hope to find a lucky opportunity, maybe some alchemical pill or some powerful martial art, hahaha, I just have to be careful and make the right decisions.

'Now, yes, I have to think about how to mark the way to avoid getting lost, since if I can't get out, it won't do any good to find a treasure'. Getrar thought.

Getrar made the decision to mark the path with bones placing them in the shape of an arrow to see where he had come from, he could not think of anything else, he had nothing at hand that could help him at this time.

Although he did not want to use the corpses, as it is like a disrespect for the dead, he had no other choice, he also mentally calmed himself thinking that these individuals were grave robbers anyway.

'Well, I have already collected a large number of bones to mark the way, and if for some reason they are not enough, I will have to search more directly' Getrar thought.

Getrar moved forward resolutely, found skeletons all the time, black dried blood was seen on the floor and splashes on the walls, this was clearly noticed thanks to the magic stones that were embedded in the walls, just like in the previous room.

'What a horrible sight, what happened in this place? I will definitely have to be on guard, nothing good will come out if I relax in an unknown and scary place like this'. Getrar thought deeply

As Getrar walked, he felt a breeze on his neck, he looked back and saw nothing, absolutely nothing, he did not think it was his imagination, so he looked around, but nothing.

He kept walking but occasionally looking back, he still had in mind what happened a while ago.

Occasionally there were turns in the road, but for now he had not had to choose between more than one road.

After a long time he stopped finding corpses, there was only blood, all kinds of things went through his head, each one worse than the other, this place was the underworld on world.

Suddenly, a shadow attacked, it seemed a kind of semi-human but completely black, it had red eyes and also its mouth, which was blood red, its mouth dripped something between crimson and black, of course, it was the blood of the skeleton.

When he attacked that shadow, he cut it in half, but to his surprise they turned into two equal shadows, he immediately realized the imminent danger he faced.

The next problem was that these enemies were covering his exit, it is as if they were urging him to continue, that is to say, that later on the danger would be even greater and there would really be no escape.

Getrar only stepped back a few inches when he heard a crack crack crack, turned his head and saw a semi-human shadow eating some bones that were on the ground.

Fortunately, the enemy did not sense his presence as he ate the bones that sounded very loud as they crunched in his mouth.

Getrar did not know what kind of beings these were, whether they were exiles or some kind of unknown beast.

Getrar stopped his steps not to alert the beast behind him, since he thought that if he was surrounded it would be his end.

Getrar did not know what to do, tried to see if there was another way out, looked to his left and to his right, while the shadows were heading dangerously towards him.

Actually, Getrar was very lucky, as he found a kind of hole that could fit if he leaned over, he quickly ducked and the shadows lost track.

When this happened, Getrar realized that these shadows did not have much intelligence and perhaps if he found them again he could devise some way to get rid of them.

But despite having come out of that problem, another one immediately arose, Getrar did not know where he was, that is, he was completely lost in this dangerous and endless maze.

'Shit, shit, I'm totally screwed now, if I can't find a way out quickly, I'll stay here and die being killed by those shadows or by hunger or thirst'. Getrar panicked.

'I have to relax, if I despair I will not be able to think clearly, and I will be really screwed, I have to look and listen carefully to be able to join someone, since I was not the only one who entered'. Getrar relaxed mentally as much as he could.

'Come to think of it, I also have enough food and water to survive, something less to worry about' Getrar sighed with a slight smile on his face.

'But even so being lost is not a minor problem, well, I will leave and with the bones that I have in my backpack I will mark the path that I will follow now, it is time to deal with the problem'. He decided firmly and resolutely in his mind.