
Adventures of a Psycho

This fanfiction is about a psychopath who gets sent to the Vampire Diaries world after getting hit by Truck-kun. Just a warning before you read there is a trigger warning because this story will contain blood, gore, sex, and possibly even rape so if your sensitive to that just don't read it it's that simple. I wouldn't say I'm the best writer I'm still learning and this is my first time writing on this sight so please be gentle in the comments. This will also be AU and it could possibly become a crossover series.

Stevemeh · TV
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5 Chs


Chapter 5

"Hello Father!" I say with a broad smile blocking my father's sword from cutting another one of my minion's heads off.

"Eric!" Mikael growls out before making me doge a horizontal slash going straight for my head quickly following up with a fury of slashes that cause me to retreat with no time for rest. Slashing my blade towards my father's chest he leans back getting out of its range before taking advantage of my overreach knocking me to the ground with a fierce punch to the face leveling his sword to my face. 

"Yield boy!" Feeling a small smile come to my face at the absurdity of the situation I drop my sword and stare up at my father whose face is filled with fury.

"What happens now father?" I question as he pints the tip of his blade into my throat piercing the skin drawing blood.

"You left, you left your family with no goodbyes…" He growls through gritted teeth anger plastered on his face.

"I was not given a choice!" I shout, interrupting my father before he can continue slapping the blade away.

"Explain." He says curtly pointing the blade back at my throat.

"Niklaus, the night I left Nicklaus threatened my life saying that if I was not gone by morning then he would kill me."

"LIES, WHY WOULD HE THREATEN YOU?!" He shouts out as I try to find any way to escape my hand going behind my back to my hunting knife as I prepaid to escape if father truly does try to end my life.

"Because I know what he is!" I hiss out moving my head away from his sword staring at a dumbfounded Mikael. "I said I was going to tell everyone about the abomination he is and he threatened to kill me saying that a stake from the White Oak would kill me and I don't take risks father." 

"So you left your family to save yourself?" The rage on Mikael's face seems to grow exponentially as he moves the tip of his blade goes deeper into my neck as I curse myself on the inside should've having known that Mikael would hate that excuse but I'm trying to think up lies on the fly and when a sword is on your throat it becomes difficult.

"No I came back but when I did everything was burned down, the house, the tree, there was nothing left what happened father?" Mikael's face seems to grow even more enraged but he removes his blade from my neck extending a hand to me which I gratefully accept.

"Come boy there is much I have to fill you in on." Being helped by Mikael I quickly send my surviving minions away who went back to completing the compulsion to not stop working until the boat is complete.

Leading Mikael back to the village I take him back to my home and pour wine for both of us and allow Mikael to begin explaining what happened after I left. Overall nothing changed from what I remember from the show Niklaus had killed someone unable to control his bloodlust triggering the werewolf curse killing Esther just as planned which oddly made me sad. I had tried not to make attachments with her or Henrik knowing they would die but she was my mother she fed me, cared for me and housed me which was more than my original mother ever did so I'll make sure to repay him for her suffering. Mikael still killed Klaus's real father and my siblings fled. The only thing that was different was the search that was held for Tatia and me.

"Tell me Eric will you join me in helping to reunite our family once again and get rid of that fiend?" He spits out making me smile slightly before quickly regaining my composure.

"No, father it is not my fight, and as tough for me to admit Niklaus will kill me if we ever were to fight so I will not throw my life away and I will not kill my siblings," I say while silently hoping that this will be the last of our conversation.

"I see then I have no need for staying here longer. Your siblings have fled and I will not rest until I have removed that fiend from existence, I hope that if it does come down to you choosing between him or me you make the right decision because there will be consequences if you don't…" He says while standing from table walking to the doorway looking back at me with a side glance before speeding off leaving me alone in the quiet house the crackle of the fire the only sound to fill the void, lifting my cup of wine I take a deep sniff admiring the sweetness before taking a small sip setting the cup back on the table. Closing my eyes for a short second before flipping the table letting out a scream filled anger and pure rage. I'm weak, who the fuck am I kidding there's absolutely no possible way I can conquer this world as I am now the white oak stake won't do shit if I can't fucking hit my target with it and even if I were to kill Niklaus what the fuck am I going to do with Mikael!

"Damn it! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I shout, kicking the debris of the broken table. "Why did I grab only one fucking stake!?" I shout while beginning to laugh at the situation sitting down in the shards of splintered wood. I grew cocky, I should've never let the girl live to continue the doppelgangers bloodline all it is is a continued threat to me. At first, I thought it would be fun to see Elena in person but all she is is a liability to me… the whole bloodline is. Standing from the debris I brush off the dust on my clothes taking a deep breath to calm myself down and walk to the healer's house ignoring some of the looks that the villagers send me more than likely because of the screams they heard I come to the healers door flinging it open already having been invited in. 

"Hello Lord Eric what can I do for you?" The old healer asks following my compulsion to recognize me as her lord and to take care of Tatia.

"Nothing now leave me be!" I growl out while working my way through the house eventually getting to the sleeping Tatia who's grown thin and pale in her comatose state looking more like a skeleton than the beautiful woman she once was confirming one of my experiments that you can't just live off of vampire blood. Walking over to her side I bite my wrist drawing blood forcing open her mouth dripping the blood into her mouth before the wound heals as I reach down quickly snapping her neck breathing a sigh of relief. 

"That's one loose end finished now we just have to tie up two more." I've been living this life foolishly taking steps to try and keep part of the future that I knew alive even when I knew that my very existence was against nature and just taking a single step could alter the future but you want to know what I say to the future? FUCK THE FUTURE I'M GOING TO MAKE THE FUTURE MY BITCH! Destiny says that I'll forever be beneath Nicklaus with his status as the strongest creature but I will not be outdone by him! His werewolf side is sealed and I will make sure that it stays that way wiping out every doppelganger if it's the last thing I do! Niklaus may become the strongest creature but I will become the strongest monster doing whatever it takes to gain power!

Leaving the room I face the old woman and immediately initiate compulsion. "I am leaving and you will continue your duty to take care of Tatia if she wakes up you will offer her your blood and explain to her that she must stay here or else I will kill her and her daughter, is that clear?" I ask still finding value in having Tatia alive if not to only taunt my siblings.

"Yes that is clear lord Eric." She says with a slight head nod before walking away going back to tending to Tatia.

Leaving the healers cottage I speed to my minions. I tell them to continue to build the ship but to stop before the sun can rise. As much as I want to leave this place it would be pointless if I killed those loyal to me even if the loyalty didn't come by normal means. 

Speeding away from the village I begin the long run to go back to where it all began... home.


Looking around the village where we grew up in, it's the exact opposite of how I remember it. The once beautiful landscape looks more like a graveyard. The once mighty white oak tree is burned to the ground and two of the cabins are burned to the ground, our former home and the home of one of the werewolf villagers who I believe was Ansel. 

Walking down the dirt path I passed many cabins of the villagers who stayed and survived the wrath of Mikael. Most of the villagers were already up doing morning chores but once they caught sight of me they were all quick to go back inside still afraid of what my family had become, but none of them matter right now I came here for a reason. 

Walking up to Tatia's cabin I give two knocks on the door listening closely as I hear the soft steps of a child and the heavier steps of an adult as I wait to finish what I should've done the night I turned. 

It has been far too long! I've been working on a new fan fiction and this one has kinda fallen through the cracks but I've returned. Hope you enhoy the new chapter. Sorry it is shorter than usual but I will try to update this one more frequently.

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