
Adventures of a normal human

In a era where anything is possible and everyone is now not human anymore, there is one being who for some reason is still human. This is his tale of how he survives and has to deal with this new and deadly environment. In what is later know as his "adventures" Or better said as the "Adventures of a normal human" (Hope you enjoy, leave comments, correct me where I have mistakes and give me ideas, if you have really good ones!) But most of all thanks for reading!!!

TheViking5500 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Path of uncertainty

"There will always be times where you do not know how to continue, and you will be lost and confused. In those times rather than staying where you are and despair, take a step forward and don't look back."

In an unknown time and location:

"Wow! That was close! Valena almost got me," panted Rogen while looking at his surroundings. "Well, there's no point in thinking about that now. What's more important is to find out where I am."

Location: Planet (Hyperion), City of the Celestials

Time: Unknown Era: Unknown

"So, what you're saying is that all our work, that blood gruelling work, pouring our energy into that rock, has been wasted!?" screamed Grojo, a celestial. His very rough and aggressive appearance always made those around him cower in fear. He had mahogany brown hair and a scruffy long brown beard. His clothing style was like that of barbarians. It was made from leather and was very loose. The only difference was the leather he wore was not from simple animal skin.

"Now-now Grojo. There's no point in getting angry! What we must do is find that little troublemaker, Rogen. He cannot have gotten too far. Then we can find out what he did," spoke a soothing voice, Peron. Also, a celestial. He had smooth silk-like blond hair and had a very delicate but handsome appearance. His clothing represented this, as he wore a golden silk robe that gave the impression that it was the most precious robe to have existed.

"Hmmm... I agree. As much as I want to rage at this moment, I know we must find Rogen immediately. If not, we might never find out how he managed to stop our plans. Additionally, we need to find out if he had any help," crackled an aged voice, Aforn. An old, ancient celestial. And though the voice sounded old, no one would dare to think nor mention this. For the voice came from one of the leading celestials in the discussion. He had a large amount of power and wisdom. He wore plain clothing, like that of peasants in the Middle Ages. His hair was black with patches of grey. He always strived to look very calm and mature.

"Agreed! Then let us go! The longer we take, the longer it means to have no control over that place," answered one of the celestials, his voice echoing in the huge space, which was filled with thousands upon thousands of the same beings.

All the celestials agreed and took off trying to find Rogen.

"Rogen, you better hope I find you before anyone else, if not, I hope you have prepared yourself. Because they are all coming for you!" mumbled Valena as she quickly flew into space following all of the other celestials.

Location: Unending primal forest

Time: Year 11 of the era of Change Era: Era of Change

Steven was sprinting through the forest while trying to figure out a solution to his problem. The fat dragon and ferocious moose were getting closer and closer. His legs were cramping up and he was running out of time and space. Wait! Why am I running away from the river thought Steven? "I bet that obese lizard definitely won't be able to swim and that moose might lose its interest in me and go after the juicy lizard!" shouted Steven aloud while laughing.

He continued to run with newfound strength, now having a plan to deal with the two oversized predators. As Steven was laughing and running to the direction of the river, the fat dragon roared with anger. As it felt that the puny bug had somehow mocked its valiant figure. Its tongue darted out missing Steven again but nearly tripping him in his pursue to get away. The fat dragon started becoming faster and faster, until one would not be able to believe that such a fat creature could move so fast.

"Damn it! Stay away, you obese lizard! And you too you stupid Moose!" jibbed Steven at the two creatures as he jumped into the river and started swimming to the other side.

"Meeeee!!!!" roared the moose angrily while looking into the river. Steven's assumptions were correct, the beast could not swim in the deep and wide river. "Hehe...now that you can't get me, let's see what you guys are going to do now," jeered Steven as he continued to swim. The result was as expected, the moose and fat dragon started attacking each other with their massive bodies and sharp fangs and claws, completely forgetting about Steven.

"Phew! Glad that worked! But what now? There does not seem to be an end to this river and by the feel of it, the current will only get stronger as time passes. Should I continue in the direction I'm going now, or should I swim in the other direction?" contemplated Steven, as he didn't want to make a wrong decision that could cost him time and energy. He had no food, no shelter and who knew what other beasts were in this forest? He did not want to have to deal with other oversized and ferocious beasts wanting to eat him. "Well, I'll just continue. Let's hope I don't regret this later!" stated Steven with a sigh as he continued to swim in the same direction.

In a dark cave somewhere in the unending primal forest:

"Is what you said true Flaven?" asked a very weak voice.

"Yes, ancestor without a doubt! Barion and I both smelt the scent and confirmed it was the same one we have stored in the vaults!" declared Flaven with a confident voice.

"Ancestors, we assure you, that this scent is the same one!" confirmed Barion in a very respectful tone.

"Hmmm... good! Then gather the young and strong warriors and track him down. Don't do anything yet, just make sure nothing happens to him," commanded the weak voice with a sigh. "We don't want him disappearing again."

"Yes ancestor!" said Flaven and Barion with proud smiles, feeling as if this were the moment, they could finally have a say in the tribe.

"Additionally, I don't care how long it takes to find him, but do not lose him, no matter what it takes!" commanded the weak voice with a solemn tone.

"You can count on us ancestors!" replied Flaven and Barion, as they puffed their chests out and slowly walked out of the cave.

"Sigh! Who would have thought he would appear again," said another voice in the cave.

"Only time will tell if he is the one, we are looking for," whispered the weak voice.

The cave became silent once more.